Ren Zhiyuan understood that his father must have troubled Teacher Qizhen. After all, she is a female teacher, and his recent performance is not good. His father must have come to blame Teacher Qizhen. Ren Zhiyuan felt very guilty: "I'm sorry."

Xie Qi was stunned for a moment, smiled and shook his head: "Don't say I'm sorry, I'm the one who's sorry for you, because I can't do my duty to you, because I'm leaving."

Ren Zhiyuan was very wronged, and his heart was full of resentment towards his father. It must be because of him. If he hadn’t come to trouble Teacher Qizhen, how could she have left? The school must have put pressure on Teacher Qizhen. Qizhen looked at Ren Zhiyuan face: "That's great."

"What?" Ren Zhiyuan didn't hear clearly.

Xie Qi really didn't answer, she just looked down at the azaleas, and after a while, she saw Ren Zhiyuan still standing there, looking a little strange: "Why haven't you left yet?"

"You didn't let me go." Ren Zhiyuan said softly, his feet were subconsciously circling on the ground.

"You go." Qi Zhen said: "I want to stay here for a while."

Ren Zhiyuan had no choice but to leave. He walked a few meters away and looked back at Xie Qizhen. He suddenly had a feeling that this was the last time he saw her. Xie Qizhen squatted on the ground, looking down at the azaleas in full bloom. He looked very happy. At that time, Ren Zhiyuan didn't know what home was, but this kind of hazy emotion told him that such a teacher really nice.

Xiao Ning kept swallowing her saliva while listening, her nose was sore, this kind of emotion was too contagious, Xiao Ning had to make herself more focused: "Old Mr. Ren, what happened next?"

Later, in fact, the interval was not so long. The next day, Teacher Qizhen did not come again. The strange thing is that no one mentioned her. She was like a fairy from the sky. She floated here and then left. Everyone His life is as usual, but in Ren Zhiyuan's heart, there is always such a concern. He thought that he would never see her again, but five years later, he saw her again, although five years made her more mature. Some, but the unique temperament has not changed.

She was still standing in the rain, standing by the lake, with her head raised, and she stretched out her hand to catch the falling rain, but this round of rain was not a drizzle, but a torrential rain, and her hair and body had been completely covered. Wet, Ren Zhiyuan recognized her at the first distance. At this time, Ren Zhiyuan has graduated from school and is a young man in his prime. He rushed over with the umbrella in his hand: "The rain is so heavy, find a place Hide away!"

Xie Qizhen turned around, she looked at Ren Zhiyuan very strangely, it's no wonder that they didn't spend much time together at the beginning, and in the past five years, Ren Zhiyuan has grown from a teenager to a young man, and his facial features are much tougher than before. At least, the corners of her mouth curled up, she was still so beautiful: "Thank you."

"Are you unhappy?" Ren Zhiyuan was a little disappointed because she didn't remember herself, but she was also a little happy in her heart. The reunion of the two was completely unexpected.

Xie Qizhen's next words made Ren Zhiyuan feel like thunder, she smiled lightly: "It's just because I miss it, it's raining, my child doesn't know what's going on, is there someone to hold an umbrella for him..."

child!Although he knew that this would happen sooner or later, but now that he heard her speak out personally, Ren Zhiyuan was still full of disappointment. His previous dream was shattered like glass. He forced out a smile: "Do you have a child?"

Xie Qizhen stopped talking, her smile was a bit sad, she smiled at Ren Zhiyuan, walked into the rain silently, she suddenly turned her head: "Yes, she is five years old today."

Watching her disappear into the rain, Ren Zhiyuan's legs felt a little weak. The 86-year-old Ren Zhiyuan had tears in his eyes: "I was thinking, why didn't I chase her at that time? She was so lonely and helpless at that time... ..."

But Xiao Ning was very excited in his heart. Calculated from the time, it was true that he was conceived in [-] and gave birth in [-], and judging from Xie Qizhen's words, she and the child were not together. Xiao Ning and Lei Zi looked at each other. Zifa asked, "And then, did you see her again?"

"No, never again. The last time I saw her was in the county." Ren Zhiyuan said: "After that, I joined the army and started a rough life, but I can't let go of this matter. What is it? People made her so sad, she must be very sad to lose her baby."

Lei Zi read out the ballad in Tang Sancheng's memory: "This ballad?"

"This... I taught her this." Ren Zhiyuan said excitedly: "Few people know about it now. At that time, I was bored in class and wrote it on paper. When she found out, she was very interested and asked What kind of song is this for me, she is not a local, so she doesn’t know this song, when I was young, my mother often read it, so I remember it very clearly.”

I see!The cause and effect are so coincidental, but, Xie Qi really disappeared suddenly, and separated from Tang Sancheng, what happened in the middle?At that time Xiao Ning had already firmly believed that Xie Qi was really Tang Sancheng's mother.

After finishing the lecture, Bai Yi poured cold water on them: "But there is no actual evidence to prove that Xie Qi is really Tang Sancheng's mother. What if it's just a coincidence?"

Xiao Ning's enthusiasm was poured down, she said: "But I have an intuition that this kind of coincidence is unusual, that real woman named Xie Qi must be related to Tang Sancheng, the song is suitable, and the age of the child is also suitable. ah."

In fact, Bai Yi was just afraid that Tang Sancheng would be more hopeful and more disappointed, so he said this on purpose, Bai Yi said: "Actually, it's not difficult to continue the investigation. If I know the name, I can ask a friend to help me to check the previous population information of Beijing. , it may be a bit difficult, after all these years, it takes a little effort."

"Really? That would be great." Tang Sancheng was very excited: "When?"

"Tang Sancheng." Bai Yi's face turned serious: "Don't you look at what time it is, it's evening now, give me a little time, can you?"

"Okay, okay." Tang Sancheng felt that he was too impatient: "I'm sorry."

Lei Zi patted himself on the head suddenly: "By the way, there is one more thing. Mr. Ren has seen the appearance of that man. We asked him to describe it. Although it has been too long, because of the angle The reason is that he didn't see the facial features clearly, but his feeling is similar to that of other people who have seen the mountain people, and they all have the same feeling. At that time, it was also because of this that we identified the relationship between Xie Qizhen and Tang Sancheng."

"Yes, yes." No wonder I always felt that something was missing just now, it turned out to be this!Xiao Ning added: "By the way, there is one more thing. Although Ren Zhiyuan never met Xie Qizhen later, but because he did not give up, he also inquired about her everywhere. I heard that she moved to another place and started to study medicine. It's a pity. Later, due to various reasons, he did not find her in the end."

"Educated medical care?" Bai Yi was thoughtful: "It seems that there is another clue that we can investigate."

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