Now Tang Sancheng couldn't sleep more and more. Fu Yu always stood in the yard in the middle of the night in a daze, thoughtful, which made him a little concerned, but now adding this real woman named Xie Qi made him completely insomnia. For a while it was Leizi who wanted to take medicine to stabilize his mind, so is it his turn now?

It's late at night, and Fu Yu is standing in the yard again, how many times is this the first time?Now Fu Yu is in the same room as Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning didn't notice it, maybe he just came back from traveling in other places, he was too tired, Tang Sancheng was used to Fu Yu's movements, and was about to lie down again, but saw Fu Yu Yu walked over to the door, why?Going out today?Before, it was just standing around in the yard, Tang Sancheng didn't know what to do now?Do you want to follow?It's too late, Fu Yu is already opening the door...

Tang Sancheng walked downstairs, not daring to make too much noise, and followed Fu Yu, when Fu Yu walked, his footsteps were very soft, so soft that it was almost inaudible, Tang Sancheng didn't even dare to breathe too loudly, for fear of disturbing the people in front of him. Fu Yu, Fu Yu's movements are not like sleepwalking. People in sleepwalking will move very stiffly, but Fu Yu's movements are very free, and she is walking towards the suburbs?Could it be that she plans to go to the countryside to watch the sunrise in the middle of the night?

Just when Tang Sancheng was thinking wildly, a hand behind him was on Tang Sancheng's shoulder, Tang Sancheng was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out, and for some reason he thought of Yasha, his hair immediately stood on end, but he heard Qixie's voice Voice: "Don't come out alone."

It's Qixie, Tang Sancheng patted his chest: "You scared me to death."

"Let's go, or we won't be able to keep up." Qi Xie saw that Fu Yu had turned the corner in front of him, and was about to disappear in the dark night. The two chased after him, but Fu Yu went far away.

Qixie thought Tang Sancheng's footsteps were too heavy, so he simply carried Tang Sancheng on his shoulders. Qixie's skill was profound, and his footsteps were extremely light. The distance between him and Fu Yu was getting closer and closer, but Fu Yu didn't seem to notice it at all. .

The three came to the outskirts of the city, Fu Yu finally stopped, Qi Xie put Tang Sancheng down, and the two hid behind the bushes to watch Fu Yu's movements.

I saw Fu Yu took out a box, it was a Gu box!Is she going to cast a spell?Both of them were a little nervous, Fu Yu took out the Gu box, but no Gu worm crawled out of it, but Tang Sancheng heard a little movement, a very crisp sound, but the sound was very small, not like the sound of a branch breaking, Tang Sancheng I also smelled a little fragrance, but it was only a momentary thing, and it disappeared immediately...

This process was very short, after Fu Yu completed these few simple actions, he closed the box, turned around and left, almost confronting Tang Sancheng and Qixie, but luckily Qixie pulled Tang Sancheng, and the two hid deeper Then they watched Fu Yu walk out from the bushes where they were hiding, and then returned to the avenue, heading home.

Qixie and Tang Sancheng stopped following, but walked to the place where Fu Yu was standing just now, the two searched the ground for a long time but found nothing, Tang Sancheng said: "Come here in the middle of the night, it won't be Just open the box and take a look, unfortunately, we didn't see clearly just now, did any Gu worms come out?"

"No." Qi Xie said affirmatively, "But I smelled a little fragrance, which came quickly and dissipated quickly. I don't know if it has something to do with that box."

"You smell it too?" Tang Sancheng said: "I always feel that Fu Yu was descended by God just now."

"Could it be said that if it wasn't in the cliff coffin, it could also be descended by the gods. Fu Yu's ancestors also came out with Fu Yu?" Qi Xie also felt a rare feeling of numbness all over: "What does she want?"

"Are you referring to Fu Yu, or Fu Yu's ancestor?" Tang Sancheng stopped Qi Xie with a single sentence.

Qi Xie sighed: "Your father really provoked a lot of people."

"Don't talk nonsense." Tang Sancheng said: "We don't know the relationship between the two of them now."

Qi Xie shook his head: "Let's go back first. Fu Yu is not right. I don't know if Bai Yi has noticed it. With his delicate level, it is impossible not to notice it. Alas, Fu Yu has a special status. We are afraid if we talk too much." He is caring."

"That's not it." Tang Sancheng also frowned tightly: "Forget it, let's keep one eye open and one eye closed. Although Fu Yu is strange now, he didn't do anything against us."

"Okay, let's go back." Qixie said: "After tossing around for a long time, the sky is almost dawn."

The two walked back, it wasn't dawn, Tang Sancheng was so hungry that he groaned, he took Qixie to have breakfast first, and bought some back after that, just when he went in, he happened to bump into Fu Yu standing in the yard, Seeing the two come back, he immediately smiled gently: "Why do you get up so early?"

"We..." Tang Sancheng was speechless for a while, looking at Fu Yu's appearance, he didn't know where he went or what he did last night, he scratched his head: "I'm hungry, so grab Qixie out."

"In the future, I will get up earlier and buy it for you in advance." Fu Yu smiled innocently.

" need..." Tang Sancheng hastily declined.

Bai Yi came out: "That's right, don't be so polite, we're used to being free, but if you're like this, they might not be used to it, Fu Yu... I'm going out soon, if you have anything, ask Xiao Ning, she will take care of you."

"I see, Xiao Ning explained to me yesterday." Fu Yu smiled, with a gentle face.

Bai Yi walked up to Tang Sancheng, and patted Tang Sancheng's chest meaningfully: "Don't get up so early when you have nothing to do, although it is said that lazy people have to fly first."

Tang Sancheng felt that there was something in Bai Yi's words, so he couldn't say anything in front of Fu Yu, so he just vaguely agreed, and said that he would bring breakfast to Xiao Ning and the others, so he immediately left, and at the same time, he turned his head and took a peek at Fu Yu, she should I really don't know, otherwise, this acting is too good, Tang Sancheng went to find Xiao Ning, saw Xiao Ning staring at the mud on the ground in a daze, even Tang Sancheng didn't know when he came in: "Xiao Ning, are you watching what?"

"Ah." Xiao Ning came to his senses, with a worried expression on his face, then closed the door, pointed to the mud on the ground and said, "It's strange, there wasn't any before going to bed yesterday, why did you come together today, there is mud in this room gone?"

Tang Sancheng couldn't talk about what happened last night: "What's so strange, there is mud in the yard."

"I won't talk to you anymore." Xiao Ning teased Tang Sancheng.

This mud must have been brought in by Fu Yu last night. After all, Xiao Ning slept so hard that he didn't even know that Fu Yu went out.

Xiao Ning had already forgotten about the mud, and ran out to have breakfast, and after that, he and Fu Yu talked about some girls' secrets, while Lei Zi and Xiao Shan were laughing and arguing there, everything was quite peaceful, probably only Tang Sancheng He was anxious and looking forward, knowing that even if Bai Yi went to investigate today, it would not be possible to get results immediately, but he just couldn't control his heart of anticipation.

Tang Sancheng didn't know who Bai Yi was looking for, but with Bai Yi's experience here for so many years, he knew a lot of people from all walks of life, and he wouldn't be disappointed if he thought about it. When Tang Sancheng stood at the entrance of the living room and waited for him, so before he asked questions, he replied consciously: "I have found all the people who should be found, but too much time has passed, and the previous files have been destroyed long ago."

Seeing Tang Sancheng's disappointment, Bai Yi coughed: "However, there is one last chance."

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