"What chance?" Tang Sancheng seemed to be in the water just now, and he was about to sink, but now he heard Bai Yi's words, he grabbed the straw again.

Bai Yi was a little embarrassed, and it was hard to say these words: "Check the death records, the age may be closer, and there is still a possibility of finding it."

Tang Sancheng stopped talking, and the other people standing nearby looked at other places unnaturally. If you check the death records, the age is more recent. Death, although counting from the age, Xie Qizhen is at least over 90 years old this year, if she passed away, it would be reasonable, plus she was born in troubled times and experienced several catastrophes...

"Tang Sancheng." Bai Yi's voice became heavy: "From the beginning, you have to expect this kind of result."

"Okay, as long as we can find out the final truth." Tang Sancheng gritted his teeth and said.

"Well, there should be an answer in the next few days." Bai Yi said: "Just wait patiently in the next few days and don't think too much. In this way, go out and walk more when you are free."

"Okay." Tang San became powerless.

Lei Zi came over with malicious intentions: "Tang Sancheng, I still have some medicine left over from the last time I took it, do you want it? You can bring it for you, and help you pour the water, okay?"

"Go aside." Tang Sancheng said angrily.

"Hey." Lei Zi gloated and said, "You also have today."

"Don't make trouble with him." Fu Yu couldn't see it anymore, and it was strange to say that Lei Zi dared to quarrel with Xiao Ning, but facing Fu Yu who was as gentle as water, he couldn't say a word, and obediently walked aside , It really is one thing down one thing.

Tang Sancheng finally got at ease, and was depressed, ran to his room to sleep soundly, last night he didn't sleep well, until Xiao Ning came up to ask him to have dinner, he was forced to wake up, Xiao Ning said worriedly: " Tang Sancheng, are you okay?"

"It's okay, what's the matter if you can eat and drink?" Tang Sancheng yawned: "It's just that I didn't sleep well last night."

"Uncomfortable?" Xiao Ning dragged Tang Sancheng's hand to go downstairs while asking a question, Tang Sancheng was a little shy: "Don't let others see it."

"They've gotten used to it." Xiao Ning had just pulled Tang Sancheng down when he saw chaos below, Fu Yu fell to the ground, Bai Yi was hurriedly pulling him up, Xiao Shan was pouring hot water, Lei Zi and Qi Xie But he didn't know where to start, and stood on the side helplessly.

Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning rushed over, seeing Bai Yi's face was pale, and the sweat beads on Fu Yu's face dripped on the ground, and immediately merged with the dust, Tang Sancheng whispered: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, sister Fu Yu suddenly fell down." Xiao Shan said.

Thinking of Fu Yu's actions last night, Tang Sancheng had a bad feeling. Could it be related to last night?Bai Yi had already hugged Fu Yu to the bed, looking at Fu Yu's pale face, Bai Yi's face became more and more serious, he looked at Tang Sancheng: "What did you find last night?"

You know, Tang Sancheng muttered in his heart, with your keenness, how could you not have noticed that Fu Yu was weird? Tang Sancheng and Qixie explained the recent and last night's events in detail, and Bai Yi said: "It seems that Fu Yu Her ancestors were at fault, the situation began to change after she heard about the mountain people, now it seems that this is a bit like possessing."

"Isn't it descended from the gods?" Tang Sancheng couldn't understand this situation.

"After Fu Yu was descended from the gods, he would never suffer as much as he does now. I'm afraid it's not as simple as being descended from the gods." Bai Yi took the hot towel Xiao Ning handed over and put it on Fu Yu: "I'm afraid your guess is correct. Now It is indeed the ancestors who caused trouble, I am worried that if this continues for a long time, it will harm Fu Yu's body, unfortunately, we cannot talk to the ancestors to find out her intentions."

"She probably wants to ask Sancheng's father for clarification." Qi Xie said: "Since ancient times, it has been fatal for women to be stubborn."

"She is dead, but she used her body to cast the final Gu. This situation is somewhat similar. The body is destroyed, but the primordial spirit is still there." Tang Sancheng said: "She is regarded as an ancestor, so she must be capable. , Now Yuanshen is following Fu Yu's body, using Fu Yu's body to achieve a certain purpose. Last night, that fragrance... must have some purpose, but why did it take so long to implement it? , She just stands in the yard every night, looking up at the sky...no, at the moon."

"Moonlight is the medium?" Qi Xie had an idea: "We didn't see any Gu worms last night, only a short-lived strange fragrance."

"That's right." Tang Sancheng said: "At least she needs to collect media first, and then do yesterday's Gu. When Fu Yu wakes up, we will ask her."

Fu Yu suddenly breathed hard, Xiao Ning was a little scared: "What should I do, send me to the hospital."

"Is this something that can be solved in the field of medicine?" Lei Zi reprimanded: "Tang Sancheng, don't just stand here and think of a way."

"I, this place is like a mountain, what can I do?" Tang Sancheng was also helpless.

Fu Yu suddenly opened his eyes: "I'm fine, I'm fine... I'll just rest for a while."

Fu Yu's rest lasted for more than half an hour before he stopped sweating. Xiao Ning took the towel from her forehead and immediately handed the water to Fu Yu's hand. Fu Yu glanced at her gratefully: "Thank you .”

"What happened just now, Fu Yu?" Bai Yi asked.

"I heard what you said just now. You are right. It is indeed the ancestor," Fu Yu said, "However, the ancestor didn't mean to hurt me. He just borrowed my body to find someone. What I put down through my body is the human-seeking Gu."

"Human-hunting Gu?" Tang Sancheng said: "There is no entity, we only smell the fragrance."

"This kind of Gu has been lost for a long time." Fu Yu said: "I don't know the key to it, but I know that it must be difficult to implement. After using this kind of Gu, it will definitely affect me, but it will not hurt me. When it comes to my body, the ancestor is not a treacherous person, you can rest assured."

"She wants to use the human-seeking Gu to find the mountain man?" Tang Sancheng said: "Then if you find it, will you know?"

"I don't know, this is the first time I have experienced this human-seeking Gu, so I don't know how it will behave." Fu Yu said: "I can only adapt to the situation."

Three days later, the human-seeking Gu worked again. Fu Yu began to have some hallucinations. At first, they were just blurred shadows, which could not be seen clearly. Fu Yu would also experience dizziness. Slowly, the scene in front of him became Be clear, Fu Yu has already adapted to this situation. Whenever the phantom appears, she will concentrate on understanding the details so that she can figure out where the place is. The phantom appears more and more frequently until it finally freezes in one place , there is a large bamboo forest in that place, and now it is the time when the leaves are sprouting. It is a piece of brocade green, which is very pleasing, and there is a house made of bamboo next to the bamboo forest, which looks very quiet, and the sound of the nearby river is flowing. Fu Yu heard it as if, this is the so-called immersive scene.

It's a pity that Bai Yi doesn't know where to look for these pictures alone. Bamboo forests, streams, houses, these three less obvious features are too few.

Fu Yu started to paint. When she was in the cliff coffin, to pass the time, she would burn the front end of the wood to black, and then began to paint on the ground. It must have been a long time, and her realistic skills have become stronger and stronger. She slowly Slowly drew the scene he saw, and when Bai Yi was free, he took the painting and studied it. During the day, everyone divided into groups to find this place, or asked people if there was a similar place. , there is no clue at all, and the person-seeking Gu did not have a new attack on Fu Yu, and the clues left to them were just like this.

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