On the other hand, the contacts released by Bai Yi have been looking for information about Xie Qizhen, but when Bai Yi and the others were in a state of anxiety, good news came. It turned out that one Xie Qizhen had died in the War of Resistance Against Japan. She protected a high-ranking general and was honored after the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is precisely because of this that her information has been passed down, otherwise she would have completely disappeared in the torrent of history together with thousands of people in that era.

"Xie Qizhen, the date of death is December 1938, 12," Tang Sancheng read the text on the document word by word.

"According to the data, she was indeed engaged in medical care work on the front line before her death. This is consistent with what Ren Zhiyuan said, and it is also consistent in terms of age." Qixie glanced at Tang Sancheng: "This It is possible that the two people are the same person, but unfortunately, there are no photos left."

Holding the page, Tang Sancheng had mixed feelings in his heart. On the one hand, he was glad to have found Xie Qizhen's information, and on the other hand, he was also saddened by the news of her death. Now it's just one step. Find Shan Yeren and question him Is Xie Qi really her biological mother?

Fu Yu also came over, she looked at the piece of paper, and took it to her hand. As soon as the thin page symbolizing Xie Qizhen's life fell into Fu Yu's hand, Fu Yu's feeling came again, She felt that her body was being pulled by an invisible force, and the place that force was going to take her was a bottomless vortex. She had the idea of ​​fear, and before she lost consciousness, she stretched out to Bai Yi weakly. Going out: "Bai Yi..."

Bai Yi's arm stretched out, hugging the fluffy Fu Yu. With the previous experience, Bai Yi had to calm down a lot. He carried Fu Yu to rest, and sat by the bed until Fu Yu woke up. As soon as Fu Yu woke up, she sat up suddenly, and she looked at Bai Yi: "I see the way, Bai Yi, we are going to find the person our ancestors were looking for."

"What do you mean?"

"I..." Fu Yu immediately sat down by the bed and began to put on his shoes: "I can take you there, you just follow me, hurry up!"

Hurry up, I don't know how fast this is going to be, but Fu Yu suddenly became very proficient in Beijing's routes. Under her guidance, Bai Yi's car quickly drove out of Beijing city and headed west. Bai Yi frowned slightly. It was a completely undeveloped mountain. There was no driveway in it, and he had to walk in. He came out in a hurry and didn't prepare anything. This time he was going to suffer a lot.

Sure enough, the trail inside made them muster up their spirits, and climbed the rock wall on the right hand side towards the direction designated by Fu Yu. Yayu Xiaoshan, with his light body, pulled everyone away four or five meters at once, causing Tang Sancheng to keep asking her to wait.

Only Fu Yu knew that it wasn't that she was in a hurry, but that she couldn't control her body at the moment, and there was a voice in her head that was urging her to move forward quickly and reach the place she was going. Fu Yu rolled under his feet and slid into the abyss on the left. Bai Yi was so anxious to see this, but he couldn't keep up with her footsteps, so he could only tell Xiao Shan loudly, asking him to take care of Fu Yu.

Xiao Shan protected Fu Yu and ran forward until he crossed the Yangchang mountain road, and the view ahead widened. At this time, the sun was just about to rise to the south, and the spring sun was not strong, but it was very warm, and it shone warmly. In the bamboo forest, everything appears to be full of vitality, it is the bamboo forest!Tang Sancheng became excited, he couldn't wait to catch up, he asked Fu Yu: "Is it here?"

"That's right, there's always been a voice leading me the way." Fu Yu himself felt astonished: "Let's go, we're going down to that bamboo forest now."

Lei Zi chased after him, with a helpless expression on his face: "Unexpectedly, there will be a time when I have such poor physical strength."

"Stop talking nonsense, follow Fu Yu." Tang Sancheng was in a bad mood, and immediately yelled at Lei Zi, Lei Zi patted his chest, didn't care, just smiled wryly at Xiao Ning.

"It deserves it." But what he got in exchange was only the two gloating words of Xiao Ning.

The bamboo forest is right in front of you, Tang Sancheng looked at the bamboo forest, it is indeed a beautiful place, Fengshui is also good, surrounded by sand and water, there is no way to go down the mountain to reach the bamboo forest, Qixie stretched out his body to look, there is a The rope made of green vines was hung there, Qixie pulled it, but it was quite strong, just to embarrass the two girls, Qixie first pulled the green vine down, the green vine was very smooth, and hung his hands on it It didn't feel stabbing at all, Qixie's feet were about to fall to the ground, when Tang Sancheng yelled: "Be careful!"

Qixie looked down, suddenly there was fog under his feet, a vast expanse of whiteness, and looking at other places, it was brightly lit, only the area under his feet, the fog was so heavy that Qixie couldn't see his feet clearly at all, for a while , he didn't know whether he should jump down, Tang Sancheng heard the rustling sound again, and muttered to himself: "Is there anything else?"

Seeing that Qixieka couldn't get up or down there, the others were a little anxious, and several pairs of eyes looked at Tang Sancheng: "What should I do?"

"I don't know, let me try." Tang Sancheng said: "This fog is an illusion created by magic. If you want to know what's below, you have to drive away the fog. I'll try it with the God of Antu."

Tang Sancheng was about to cast a spell, but suddenly hesitated, he is also a master of Taoism, he will definitely notice when he casts a spell, will he still be able to see his people after going on like this?Tang Sancheng was still hesitating, but Bai Yi's expression changed slightly: "Oh no, the movement below is getting louder and louder, it sounds like the sound of waves rushing over!!"

But no, even if it's not Tang Sancheng, everyone else has heard that sound. It's the sound of huge waves crashing on the rocks. Qixie, who is still hanging on the green vines, feels that the fog under his feet has instantly turned into a big black hole , there was a strong suction pulling his body, Qixie was shocked, and immediately climbed up...

Tang Sancheng bent down to pull Qixie's hand, Qixie's palm was full of sweat, Qixie who was usually calm was also frightened to this point, it can be seen how amazing the illusion just now was, Tang Sancheng was sure it was an illusion, This is a mountainous area, where did the waves come from, but the sound just now seemed like a huge wave was about to hit, destroying everyone in it, and it immediately made people feel a sense of crisis.

Qixie climbed up, stared at his palm for a while, and said helplessly: "It was really dangerous just now, I felt that I was going to be pulled in the middle of the waves, and the huge waves rushed towards me... and The suction force generated by the huge vortex will soon pull me into the bottom of the sea."

"Unbelievable." Bai Yi said: "We just saw white mist, Tang Sancheng, what about you?"

"You don't have cultivation, so you may not feel it. Qixie and I feel the same way. It's very dangerous there, you can't directly break into it. This is the line of defense he set up. We have to break through this line of defense before we can enter his domain. Tang Sancheng looked at the bamboo forest meaningfully: "But this also shows that the person-seeking Gu of ancestor Fu Yu succeeded, and he must be below now, not far from us."

Fu Yu's breath became short of breath, Xiao Ning worried: "What's wrong?"

"Maybe it's because of being too close." Fu Yu's face was pale, and she put her hand on her throat: "I feel a force in my body oppressing me, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

It's the ghost of the ancestors again!Bai Yi urged Tang Sancheng: "Hurry up and think of a way!"

"Never mind, since he's inside, I'll see you this time if you don't want to!" Tang Sancheng put his hands under his chest: "Yuan Shi'an Town, tell all spirits. The true official of Yuedu, the land is only spirit. Left She right Ji, Don't be alarmed. Return to the righteous way, clarify internally and externally. Set up positions for all parties and guard the altar. The Supreme Being is ordered to hunt down evil spirits. Protect the Dharma God King and protect the chanting. Convert to the Dao, Yuan Henry Zhen!"

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