After Tang Sancheng finished reciting the mantra of Antu God, the mist below began to surge, as if he was blocked by external force, Tang Sancheng seemed a little struggling, but the idea in his heart was very firm, that is, to see him with his own eyes, and ask Clearly!Tang Sancheng's thoughts flustered for a moment, the mist that had already dissipated gathered together again, Tang Sancheng didn't dare to be distracted any more, and quickly gathered his energy to concentrate...

The fog finally became thinner and thinner, revealing the situation below. There is a big pool below. The water in the pool is very calm, like a mirror. He let out a deep breath, did the sound of the huge waves just now come from here?In his heart, he was glad that he jumped down without impulsiveness and left a way out for himself. He felt that there must be an abyss beneath this calmness, a bottomless abyss.

If you want to fall to the open space by the pool, you have to use the green vines to drive your body to shake, and then fall down smoothly. This takes into account the tolerance of this green vine. Now there are seven people in total, and it can withstand the pressure of seven people going down one by one. weight?Lei Zi glanced at Xiao Ning: "Otherwise, if we stay here, we can have someone to take care of us outside?"

Xiao Ning nodded, she said: "Let Xiao Shan go down together, his body is light and flexible, and his skills are also good."

After some discussion, there were still five people going down. Since Xiaoshan was light, he was the first one to go down. He landed lightly on the edge of the pool. Just as his feet landed, his feet went limp, and he sank with a scream. , Qixie saw that the situation was not good, but he didn't have time to go down and pull the hill, so he watched the hill disappear into the ground, as if stuck in a crack in the ground, and then the ground quickly recovered!

"Oops!" Tang Sancheng punched the rock wall: "Why is there such a thing!"

"Xiao Shan won't?" Xiao Ning asked worriedly.

"No." Tang Sancheng said: "This is not the scope of the spell, it should be the mechanism set up below. It seems that the scope is wider. I'll go down and try the water."

"Let me do it." As soon as Qixie finished speaking, he went down. With the lesson from Xiaoshan just now, Qixie landed farther this time, and he always paid attention to his feet. As soon as he landed, Qixie felt the soles of his feet Sinking down, the ground is like an evil spirit that can devour everything, opening its mouth wide to devour itself, Qixie's body turned upside down, with one hand on the ground, his body went backwards, and when he landed again, his feet were hard It felt like Qixie breathed a sigh of relief. He still missed the hill he had just fallen from. He searched and groped nearby, and he saw two pieces of gossip-shaped floating iron. Qixie forcefully separated the two. The area opened a big mouth, and the hill below was lost in the darkness. Suddenly, there was light, and he jumped up impatiently. When he saw Qixie, he rushed over like a child.

Qixie supported Xiaoshan: "It's all right."

"It's okay. When I fell, the bottom was soft, and I didn't hurt at all." Xiaoshan opened his arms and let Qixie look at his body. Qixie saw that Xiaoshan was fine, so he was relieved. Waiting: "Okay, we are here to meet you."

Tang Sancheng came down first, Bai Yi came down with Fu Yu, and finally landed by himself. Although Xiao Ning and Lei Zi looked worried, they stayed there for the first time, Lei Zi asked Xiao Ning: " Why, you really don't want to go in and have a look, that's your future husband."

"Think about it." Xiao Ning said: "But I'm worried that he won't see Tang Sancheng, if he leaves here, we can fire a shot in time to remind Sancheng them."

"It turned out to be for Tang Sancheng." Lei Zi said with emotion: "It's okay, they don't feel at ease when you are here alone, and they should feel at ease when I am with you."

"You have a bit of a conscience." Xiao Ning looked at the figures of the five people hidden in the bamboo forest, and said in a low voice: "I hope this time Tang Sancheng can make his wish come true."

Tang Sancheng and the other four people walked into the bamboo forest, they felt refreshed, a gust of wind blew past, tickling people's faces, Xiao Shan said: "It's so comfortable."

"The place where you choose to live is of course comfortable." Tang Sancheng pulled the hill: "We are only standing on the edge of the auspicious acupoint, and have not yet reached the center of the auspicious acupoint. When we get there, we will feel more refreshed. "

There was the sound of birds singing in the bamboo grove. Fu Yu liked it very much and looked very relaxed, but this relaxation did not last long. Yu is no longer Fu Yu, but another person.

Fu Yu raised his eyes and glanced at Bai Yi, then walked forward silently, she was walking in the direction where the bamboo house was located, her footsteps were in a hurry, Tang Sancheng followed behind, Fu Yu suddenly stopped, and looked back at Tang Sancheng , his eyes were so sharp that Tang Sancheng's heart felt numb, he walked over, the distance between the two was less than one meter, Fu Yu finally said nothing, turned and walked forward, Tang Sancheng let go Tone, the way she looked at her just now really regarded herself as the enemy who destroyed the family.

Qixie walked over and said: "Let's go, she is not Fu Yu now, I think she hates your mother, you just suffered joint hatred."

"It doesn't matter anymore, my mother is fine, she is fine, we are all poor people." After Tang Sancheng finished speaking, he immediately chased after him. At this moment, his mood was as urgent as "Fu Yu".

The bamboo house was right in front of him, Fu Yu stood there and suddenly stopped moving, Tang Sancheng saw a tall figure standing in front of the bamboo house, at this moment, his heart went on strike, Qixie also saw it, and pushed Tang Sancheng : "What are you waiting for, it's rare that he doesn't run away, why don't you hurry over?"

But Fu Yu was one step faster than Tang Sancheng, standing in front of that tall figure first, Tang Sancheng went over, saw the man's appearance clearly, and was startled in his heart, he was only three points similar to himself, it seemed that he looked like Mother died, but... After all, blood is thicker than water, and the moment their eyes met, that unique feeling permeated between them.

"You're here." Shan Yeren's face is very masculine, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, under the high bridge of the nose. After speaking three words, his lips are tightly pursed. He is very handsome. People saw his face clearly, and today they took a closer look, and realized that if the world knew that there was such a handsome man, where would there be Pan An behind him?But he didn't do anything, standing here quietly, but he couldn't help attracting the eyes of others. No wonder he left a deep impression on people when he appeared several times. As for those people who don't remember his face, he probably did it on purpose. for that.

I don't know if he is referring to "Fu Yu" or Tang Sancheng when he is talking about you. The mountain man glanced at Fu Yu: "Qingluan, your soul has passed away. I know that you used your soul to protect you before you died." Cliff coffin, guard those evil corpses, come out rashly now, do you know it is dangerous? Your only remaining soul will be wiped out in ashes."

"Thank you Qingluan, but Qingluan still has something to ask." Fu Yu's voice was very sad: "You said back then that you would not stay for any woman, so why did you give birth to someone? Are all the words false?"

The mountain man said nothing, just looked at the direction the sun was moving: "Your time is running out."

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