The princess of Dawan Kingdom saw that the man smiled extremely gently without any offensive gestures, she felt relieved, and felt that she was being abrupt, so she quickly thanked him: "I'm sorry, someone is chasing me, so..."

"I saw it." Xuan Jing said, "However, where are you going?"

Princess Dawan was stunned for a moment. Where could she go? This is not her own country, and she is not familiar with the place of life. She thought that the day after tomorrow would be her wedding day, and she almost lost all hope. She couldn't help but shed two lines of tears. Tears rolled down, but each one seemed to fall into Xuan Jing's heart. How could such a woman be so distressing?Xuan Jing said, "You are not Han."

"I'm from Dawan, and my name is Lanling." Princess Lanling was very anxious. The person in front of her looked like a general who came down from the sky and came to rescue her: "I was originally sent here for marriage, but..."

"You don't need to go any further." Xuan Jing interrupted Princess Lanling, and said something to the groom, who raised his whip and headed for the place Xuan Jing said.

After listening, Tang Sancheng only felt very ironic. Some words should not be said too early. For example, he once told the witch Qingluan that he would not stay for any woman in this life, but how could he have expected that there would be Princess Lanling the emergence of?

Xuan Jing brought Princess Lanling to his secret residence, where the two spent a very pleasant time together. They didn't care about the outside situation at all. They didn't know, because Princess Lanling's escape had made Dawan Kingdom There was hostility between the two dynasties of the Western Han Dynasty, and the Dawan Kingdom had to send another daughter of the prince to replace Princess Lanling. Looking for the trace of Princess Lanling.

Xuanjing and Lanling didn't know about these situations, maybe they didn't want to think about these disturbing things, but the reality made them unable to escape after all, Xuanjing was alone, but Princess Lanling belonged to her family and her hometown after all. An Wei finally couldn't hold back, and wanted to go out to find out, but unexpectedly, it was this exploration that caused her to be killed!

As soon as the two went out, they knew that the situation outside was already changing. Xuan Jing wanted to take the princess away for the sake of the princess' safety, but he didn't expect that the Han soldiers were chasing him so fiercely. The two were discovered when they had time to hide. , a passing carriage took the two of them away, but it was Wei Zijun who rescued them!

Hearing this, Tang Sancheng knew something was wrong, a woman's jealousy is terrible, Wei Zijun would rescue her, naturally because she has feelings for Xuan Jing, but this time, there is a blue girl next to Xuan Jing. Princess Ling, if you see the deep affection between the two, how can you bear it?

The following things can be imagined. Sure enough, Wei Zijun hated Princess Lanling to the bone, and finally secretly murdered Princess Lanling with a glass of poisoned wine. Tang Sancheng gasped, he was doing it for Wei Zijun When I was shocked by jealousy and hatred, I also found that when Xuan Jing was talking about this period of time, but was a little understated, maybe he was thinking about his own feelings, listening to women other than his father and mother. My heart is always uncomfortable.

Tang Sancheng could think of the following things, and heard Xuan Jing sigh: "She still died because of me. I saved her for a while, but killed her forever. Before she died, she still looked at me with a smile, but I don’t know that this will make my heart hurt even more. In order to preserve her body, I specially made a mobile tomb, and trained a blind snake to guard the tomb, preventing others from entering. The most special thing is..."

"The corpse-flavored konjac inside!" Tang Sancheng said again: "By the way, there is also that life-sized floating image in the smooth mirror-like tomb passage! The one who hides his face, who is that?"

"Of course it was me. I couldn't stay with her for a long time before she was alive. I had to engrave myself on it to accompany her instead of me. She died because of me. I had no face to see her, so I had to hide my face. As for the corpse-flavored konjac, It took me a while to find it. Corpse-scented konjac is a weird flower that grows on dead bodies in coffins made of Kunlun Shenmu. It can confuse people's minds and produce hallucinations. This devil's flower, with its bewitching The color and the strange fragrance create traps made of illusions one after another, luring people to death, but most importantly, the corpse-scented konjac can keep the corpse from melting, and it will add a light fragrance to the corpse. "

Tang Sancheng has experienced the magic of the corpse-scented konjac for a long time, and it is indeed extraordinary, especially the light fragrance, which makes people want to stop. Xuan Jing said: "The pair of concentric rings were originally the betrothal gift she gave me. This should have been her dowry. She escaped from marriage and gave it to me. Once she died, my heart died too, so I buried her things together..."

Tang Sancheng touched his nose, those funerals are now in the hands of who knows.

"After setting up the mobile tomb, you will know the next thing. Wei Zijun killed a life because of love and hatred. I will definitely make her pay the price. Her husband was originally a civil servant in the court. He is the uncle of a favored concubine in the palace, and also a relative of the royal family, but this person is very afraid of death and wants to become a flying immortal, so I just took this opportunity to get close to him and gain his trust."

"But Wei Zijun murdered the princess of Dawan Kingdom. This is a serious crime. Did the emperor of Han Dynasty and the king of Dawan Kingdom just let her go?" Tang Sancheng shook his head and sighed, "A life is so worthless." ?”

"What you don't know is that the situation was extraordinary at that time, and the matter of marriage has been resolved. Although the king of Dawan Kingdom was heartbroken by the death of his daughter, he didn't know the inside story, and he didn't want to make enemies with the Han Dynasty. As for the emperor of the Han Dynasty, when he came You want to take care of your own people, as the saying goes, you don’t look at the face of the monk, you look at the face of the Buddha, and Princess Lanling brushed the face of the emperor..." Xuan Jing said bitterly: "This matter is actually nothing. , but this also gave me a good opportunity to avenge Lan Ling with my own hands."

For a moment just now, Tang Sancheng was a little surprised by Xuanjing's fierce and hateful expression, and thought of Guiguzi's evaluation of Xuanjing. His father is indeed an elusive person, and it is true that he values ​​love and righteousness, but when it comes to aliens, The strike was ruthless, accurate, and fierce, without showing any sympathy. Take this Wei Zijun as an example, his death was too tragic, and he was kept in the dark until his death.

"The Han official was obsessed with ascension, and Wei Zijun also believed it by the way. I took the opportunity to tell her that I was willing to ascend with her, and let her secretly build that tomb, which is the tomb of the eight trigrams you mentioned, but I did it separately. I made some hands and feet, and secretly built a passage there, leading directly to the mobile tomb where Lanling is located, and then tricked Wei Zijun to go there. I told her to enter the prepared dark cell and take a pill, as long as the ceremony is completed , you can ascend, and after she lies down, I will hand over the elixir to her hand, and while her eyes are still open, I will quickly cut off her head!"

Tang Sancheng couldn't help shivering. When Wei Zijun still opened his eyes, he started. Even if Wei Zijun did something that people hate, but this way of death is too tragic. The most cruel thing is , he actually turned Wei Zijun's head into a cocoon! !No wonder Wei Zijun couldn't rest in peace.

Tang Sancheng suddenly thought of the three pills in the tomb of the Ming Dynasty: "You also made a little noise in the Ming Dynasty, didn't you?"

"Ming Dynasty..." Xuan Jing said, "Oh, so you are referring to the tomb under the well."

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