"It's just that I walked around the palace with nothing to do. The emperor reminded me of Emperor Qin, but he is much more stupid than Emperor Qin, but he is not lacking in cuteness. Even Changsheng has to take it with him. The two concubines I like the most are actually true temperaments." Xuan Jing said: "There is only this one longevity medicine in the world, how can I develop three more? But I randomly found some things that are good for prolonging life. Together, it’s just to fool him, but designing the tomb for him gives me a sense of accomplishment.”

"I've been to that tomb before." Tang Sancheng sighed: "We suffered a lot back then, and people died in it. The man-eating tree inside?"

"I specially found it and put it inside, how about it?"

"Nearly killed me." Tang Sancheng said bitterly: "It's playing tricks everywhere, if you make a wrong move, you will die!"

"God knows you will break in there." Xuan Jing said.

"Who asked you to keep a special notebook?" Tang Sancheng said: "That notebook fell into our hands by accident, and we will be interested in it."

"It would be a pity if such a wonderful work could not be known." Xuan Jing's reason made Tang Sancheng dumbfounded: "Besides, didn't you come out safely?"

It was too easy to say, at that time his life was hanging by a thread many times, but...he was quite handsome, Tang Sancheng's mind turned, and there was something about Gu Kunlun behind it: "But how did you know that we want to Going to the ancient Kunlun to find Qiwu? And after that, you also gave me the Ye Mingzhu."

"I've been to the cliff coffin before." Tang Sancheng was taken aback by Xuan Jing's words: "Although Qingluan died, she used her soul to make the last effort. Use the method of divine descent to descend on the descendants, so as to improve the knowledge and skill of the descendants, and prevent the evil corpse from getting out of the cliff coffin. When she descends from the gods, she can also know what happened to the descended person , so Qingluan is also very clear about the matter of Bai Yi and Fu Yu, she herself is a passionate person, so she will naturally feel emotional."

"When I went to see her, Fu Yu didn't know about it. With Fu Yu's cultivation, it's not easy to notice me, unless I show myself. In fact, that was the second time I went to see Qingluan. The first time The second time I had an appointment with her, when she was guarding the cliff coffin in person, this time... I just remembered for a moment that when I first met her, she had already told me her plan, thinking that her primordial spirit was still in the cliff coffin , I wanted to see if she was good or bad, but I didn’t expect to know from her that someone was looking for the Seven Objects, and I didn’t expect that you were among them.” Xuan Jing said: “I don’t do many things, just push Zhou, I know, just to give you some clues."

"You and Di Jun have known each other for a long time, so you know that he has what we need." Tang Sancheng said: "It happens that someone detoxifies the corpse and needs the same things as us, so you tell us through them, but at that time we We have already decided to go to Gu Kunlun to try our luck, and it was you who made us more sure that Gu Kunlun is the right destination, so Di Jun knew that we were going a long time ago, and he hurriedly urged us to leave, but it was just a favor of you?"

"It's only half. He was originally the leader of the tribe. He is open-minded and kind. It's not that he has the heart to see you in prison, and it's dangerous there. If you can't get out of trouble, he should help, but you are also very capable. .” Xuan Jing said.

Tang Sancheng touched his forehead. At that time, Xiao Ning and Xiao Ning were trapped in an ice coffin, and their lives were hanging by a thread. Now that he said it out of his mouth, it seemed so light. Also, to him, it might not count What, he is someone who can come and go to the ancient Kunlun.

Tang Sancheng suddenly thought of two questions, and he asked almost without hesitation: "The second time you met Qingluan, you were talking to her who was descended from the gods. At that time, she didn't know about you and your child, so I thought you still cared about her, if you don't go, maybe there will be nothing later, you..."

Xuan Jing just glanced at Tang Sancheng, and looked at Tang Sancheng with sharp eyes, his heart was bristling. Tang Sancheng's words clearly meant that he made Qingluan despair and sad, so he chose to destroy all souls. At this time, Tang Sancheng did not I don't know that Qingluan fulfilled Bai Yi and Fu Yu before the Yuanshen disappeared. Tang Sancheng felt a little timid when Xuan Jing looked at him. He touched his nose, not knowing what to say.

"She only has the primordial spirit left, and it is impossible to survive in the world with only one primordial spirit, she must have a body to attach to." Xuan Jing said: "When she has no body, she is no different from a wandering soul, and she is still a ghost. Without any aggressive wandering spirits, there is no difference between her and me, to a certain extent, she is more pitiful, although it is a pity, I think her current choice is actually the best result."

You are either too rational or a cold-blooded animal, Tang Sancheng said in his heart, just after he finished his psychological testimonials, Xuan Jing looked over, startled Tang Sancheng, thinking that what he said would be known by him, His appearance suddenly changed.

Xuan Jing said: "You may think that I am too cold-blooded and have no human feelings for a woman who admires you, but I have seen the sadness and helplessness of Di Jun, and the loneliness of a general who pretends to be free and easy. During the years of loneliness, there may have been a short period of joy, but after the joy, it was nothing but the emptiness of being alone, if there was no Emperor Jun and the generals, I might not be able to sustain it long ago."

"If they didn't have you and each other, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to survive long ago." Tang Sancheng said: "But if you are not old, will you not die? Bai Yi and I have never tried whether we would die if we were seriously injured. , or will heal itself...we dare not, we are worried..."

"Didn't you realize that after you get injured, you heal faster than ordinary people?" Xuan Jing said, "I don't know much about Bai Yi's situation. You have obtained eternal life, but if you are hit hard, whether you will die or not is unknown, but you..."

"How am I?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"You are the child of me and a woman of ordinary blood. I'm not sure if it's the same as mine." Xuan Jing seemed to avoid this question intentionally. When he was hesitating whether to tell Tang Sancheng the truth, he heard Tang Sancheng Asked: "So when did you know that I was your child? Why did you abandon me?"

This question is what Tang Sancheng wants to know the most. He has been patient and patient. After hearing so many antecedents, Tang Sancheng couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to know why, what would happen to him if he hadn't been taken care of by his adoptive father? Sample?If he hadn't met Bai Yi, what would his life be like?All these are given by the person in front of him, there are too many questions, Tang Sancheng can't wait to know the answer.

"You finally asked." Xuan Jing's hand began to emit black air again. Seeing the black air, Xuan Jing became more determined: "I met your mother here. She was still a student at the time, and her family background She is very superior, she is a daughter of a thousand gold, there is a temple nearby, she followed her mother up the mountain to offer incense, when she came down the mountain, she met a bandit, the mother and daughter ran away with their servants, but she got separated from her mother, and Rolled down, half of one life was lost at that time..."

Tang Sancheng's heart twitched, his mother actually had such an important experience, her life was hanging by a thread... Wait, why does this situation sound familiar?That's right, didn't the Lanling princess also meet him when she was being hunted down?So mother is following the old path of Princess Lanling?

Tang Sancheng's heart sank, his mother was gentle, from Ren Zhiyuan's mouth, he knew that his mother was so charming and elegant, why did such a mother attract his attention?Is it just because the mother has a side like Princess Lanling?

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