"In that month, I tried the greatest happiness in the past thousands of years, until that day, maybe God didn't want to see us indulge in happiness all the time, lest we will be difficult to leave in the future, and it will be more painful. On the day when you were full moon, I took you to the coffin of Emperor Qin. The relationship between me and Emperor Qin was a little delicate. I deceived him and took away his eternal life. He punished me to guard the mausoleum for him. Before I died, I didn’t hate me so much. I also had some sympathy for him. I carried you to the front of his coffin and opened the coffin lid. I wanted him to see you, but you kicked the coffin lid with your feet. , the coffin lid is specially made, with very sharp edges. Whenever I open the coffin, I must use magic to protect my body, but you are only a baby, and the world does not know. When you kick it, blood will flow out. The same blood, I had a bad feeling at that time."

What Tang Sancheng heard was the key point—as expected of the first emperor, the coffin lids are different from ordinary people’s. It took him a long time to come back to his senses, but he saw Xuan Jing looking at him helplessly, and he touched his head: "Why? gone?"

"You're distracted." Xuan Jing said: "Ordinary people should be curious about what's going on after hearing this. What are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering what the lid of Emperor Qin's coffin looks like." Tang Sancheng said truthfully.

"It's easy to say, I'll let you see it with your own eyes in the future." Xuan Jing said straightforwardly: "I just talked about the important point, but you can't listen to it. Your abandonment is related to this matter. Why, don't you want to hear it? Is it gone?"

"Of course I want to hear it!!" Tang Sancheng said excitedly: "It's just that I knew that my blood is the same as yours, so what you just said is not very attractive."

"Your mother naturally knew this too. She was very sad when she found out. She thought that the child she gave birth to was just an ordinary child who would live, grow old, get sick and die like a normal person, but it turned out to be the same as me... She seemed to have changed overnight. One person, you just ignored me, at this moment, you suddenly fell into a state of suspended animation."

"A state of suspended animation?" Tang Sancheng asked suspiciously: "At that time I was only over a month old, why did I fall into suspended animation?"

"I don't know, maybe you are too young to adapt to the environment in Qinling. The mercury lake and sea inside release poisonous gas every day. If you are not careful, you will inhale your nose and mouth. It may also be because of me and your mother. I have tried all kinds of methods, but I can't wake you up, but there is still a thread in your pulse. At that time, your mother thought you were dead, but felt relieved. A woman like this has to improve a lot, but I am not reconciled, you are my only child, I can't leave you alone, I think of the Penglai Wonderland." Xuan Jing said: "I will take you to the Penglai Wonderland, where the sky is filled with Really angry, maybe you still have a chance."

"But mother doesn't allow it?" Tang Sancheng understood a little bit. When Ren Zhiyuan saw his mother for the second time, his mother missed him in the rain. Her love for him was not like his father's, but belonged to another kind of love. Deeper and more remarkable, she just hoped that her life would be better.

"That's right, she doesn't allow it, but you are still alive. We had a big fight in Qin Ling, and she left in anger. At that time, because your life was hanging by a thread, and there was a choice between two sides, I decided that it was important to save you first, and then go Find her, get back together with her, I took you into the Penglai Wonderland, put you in a baby coffin, buried in the place where the true energy was the heaviest, and buried you for seven to 49 days before digging you out again, Your vitality has indeed recovered."

It turned out that the back view he saw in Penglai was real, not his own imagination. He thought of the two rabbits there: "I have been to Penglai, and there are two rabbits with three-petal mouths inside. They seem to recognize each other. I was the same, and they were still leading the way for me.”

"Of course, when you were there, these two rabbits were always by your side. They will remember the smell on your body, even after all these years, they will recognize you." Xuan Jing said: "After you wake up, I I found that you have some changes, where the more angry you are, your eyes will look there, and you are extra sensitive to the anger in Feng Shui, this is a real talent."

That's how it was. No wonder I could feel things that other children couldn't see since I was a child. It turned out to be Penglai's blessing. Of course, genetics should also account for part of the reason.

"Since I recovered at that time, why didn't you go to my mother right away?" Tang Sancheng asked anxiously.

"How could I not look for it?" Xuan Jing said: "I went to find her, but she was very determined and didn't want to see me at all. Of course I could take her away by force, but this would lose our original intention. I can't beg her, I am very angry, she knows you have come back to life, and wants to go back to raise you alone, how could I agree to her?"

"But..." Tang San couldn't understand, both wanted to support him, how could he be thrown in the cemetery in the end?

"I just want you to grow up like an ordinary child. When I threw you in the cemetery, I have been researching in a nearby village for a week. The old couple is the most suitable candidate. It turns out that my vision There's nothing wrong with that, the old man treats you like his own son, and you had a very happy childhood, if Bai Yi hadn't been killed out of nowhere...everything would go according to my plan."

Tang Sancheng asked him: "Then what was your original plan?"

"Let you have the happiest and worry-free life in your life, and then... I will show up again and tell you the truth, and the father and son will be reunited." Xuan Jing said: "You have lived such a period of time, and you have no regrets in your life. It's a pity , Bai Yi appeared, allowing you to step into the world of inversion, which is a technical job."

"But I like it." Tang Sancheng blurted out: "I like it, I am very happy with them. You said that Bai Yi disrupted your overall plan, but I like the current life."

"It's so good." Xuan Jing laughed suddenly, and at the same time put his hand behind his back, that hand was emitting black air again, it seems... the situation is getting worse and worse.

"What's wrong with you?" Tang Sancheng noticed Xuan Jing's movement: "Are your hands uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, I accidentally burned the fish when I was grilling just now." Xuan Jing immediately changed the subject: "The Qiqiao Linglong lock was an accident, something that was beyond my expectation. Someone broke into my temporary residence by mistake, and most of them thought it was The ancient tomb is gone, take the box away, it contains only some things from when you were born."

"Well, the one who took away the Qiqiao Linglong lock was Xiao Ning's father, he was a captain who touched gold." Tang Sancheng said.

"I have already figured out all these things." Xuan Jing said: "I have spent 20 years begging your mother, but unfortunately... I didn't impress her. I knew she was stubborn, but I didn't expect to be so stubborn. She insisted. I think I should tell her the truth earlier, so that you won’t suffer like me, she hurt you, and I hurt you.”

"My mother died on the battlefield." Tang Sancheng said: "Her name is Xie Qizhen."

"It was I who asked Ren Zhiyuan to contact Xiao Ning." Xuan Jing said, "Sancheng, I have something to tell you."


"I'm dying." Xuan Jing took out his right hand, and on that hand, the black smoke became thicker and thicker...

Tang Sancheng was taken aback, the black air emanated from his right hand, and it also emanated from the bones: "What's going on?"

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