"This is the price for giving birth to you." Xuan Jing said: "Didn't you ask me, if we are not old, can we not die? We will die, and when we give birth to our own children, we will die..."

"When did you find out?" Tang Sancheng was a little shocked, he never thought that the way to end life is to bring another life into this world.

"The day I sent you away, it started to show up." Xuan Jing said: "It took longer and longer for the wound to heal, and I always felt that something was wrong in my body. Until recently, there was black air from my hands. The time is when I... leave you forever."

"Why did this happen?" Tang Sancheng had just received the news of his mother's death, but now that Xuan Jing had passed away soon, his mood fell to the bottom immediately.

"This is the price of swallowing the elixir of immortality. You can't have your own children, or you will die. There is really nothing perfect in the world." Xuan Jing sighed, seeing Tang Sancheng's head buried down, he Stride over: "The reason why I let you come in here is because of Qingluan, and also because I'm afraid that I will run out of time with you, and we can't go on like this. At least there must be a memory that belongs to us. Your mother is a Hero, in my last days, let her not belittle me, I have a gift for you."

"What is it?" Tang Sancheng's nose was always sore, he raised his head and asked, forcing back tears.

"After knowing that you are fighting, I also went to many ancient tombs, and I drew pictures of the most worthwhile tombs." Xuan Jing walked to the bamboo cabinet on the side, and took out a stack of manuscripts : "You put these away, they will be enough for you to pass the time for a while in the future."

"Thank you." As soon as Tang Sancheng held the stack of manuscripts, Xuan Jing patted him on the shoulder vigorously: "There is another gift, you want to go back to Qin Ling with me, only you."

"Okay." It's already this time, what else can't you promise? "When are we leaving?"

"Now." Xuan Jing said: "At this time, I only need to be with you two."

Tang Sancheng hesitated a little: "But, Bai Yi and the others..."

"Stay with me, they will feel at ease." Xuan Jing stretched out his left hand, and now even his left hand began to emit black smoke, and the black smoke swirled in front of Tang Sancheng's eyes, disturbing Tang Sancheng's heart: "How much more is there?" time?"

"Let's go when black smoke is coming out of my whole body. Time is really running out." Xuan Jing took Tang Sancheng out, walked out of the bamboo house, there was still a breeze blowing on his face, Tang Sancheng was a little confused: "Where are we going? ?”

"Come with me." Xuan Jing said.

Tang Sancheng followed Xuanjing to the lake, and there was a small boat parked by the lake, and the boat sailed towards the other side of the lake, this is not the way when he came in, although Tang Sancheng was puzzled, he thought that Xuanjing would not come in for no reason. Coming here, sure enough, as soon as the boat leaned against the lake, Tang Sancheng was surprised by the flat road in front of him: "Blinding method?"

"That's right, what you came in was the entrance, but this is the exit." Xuan Jing said, "I won't say much about blindfolds. You all know that this avenue is a newly built road leading to the city. It affected my exclusive site, so I used a small method, fortunately, I just passed by, ordinary people pass by here, what they see is only high rock walls, in fact, they are by the lake."

Gao Ming, it takes a lot of skill to make blindfolds effective for a long time, he is really powerful!

"Let's go, we don't have much time. Unfortunately, the general is not here. If he is here, we will save a lot of trouble by borrowing his wings." Xuan Jing said.

Tang Sancheng had an idea: "We don't have the wings of the Zombie King, but we can go there by plane, but...we need a certificate to fly..."

"Do you think I don't have one?" Tang Sancheng was taken aback by Xuan Jing's words, and the kid looked down on himself too much: "Let's go, we don't have the wings of the Zombie King, but we can borrow other wings, after all, time valuable."

When the plane they took landed, Tang Sancheng was still thinking about the name on Xuanjing's certificate——Xie Xuanzhen, his mother's surname, and a word in his mother's name. As expected, the most unforgettable thing for him was his mother, which made Tang Sancheng feel sad. Very comforting, Tang Sancheng has been to the false mausoleum often and is very familiar with it. What he is curious about is how Xuan Jing will get in. Could it be that he relied on the robbery hole laid by Guan Ye?

Facts have proved that Tang Sancheng's thoughts are too superficial. Remember that creek with a boulder on its head?Xuan Jing pulled Tang Sancheng directly into the water, and walked towards the boulder. The water flow seemed to be calm, but it was only when he stood in that he realized how fast the water was. As the clues approached, Xuan Jing put one hand on the boulder and closed his eyes tightly. Tang Sancheng only felt that there was a strong wind coming, and together with the turbulence under his feet, he was about to lose his footing, and his eyes were blurred. , his body seemed to be riding an elevator, and he slid down quickly. In desperation, he reached out and grabbed the clothes of Xuan Jing beside him, and immediately a hand reached out and grabbed his wrist, holding it so tightly. This made Tang Sancheng relax.

The blur in front of my eyes finally stopped, "It's ok." Xuan Jing's voice sounded.

Tang Sancheng opened his eyes, and found that he was already in the darkness, wait, there is an air wall in front of him!This is an air wall built with vitality, there was the sound of objects being shot out at high speed, and immediately, everything became brighter, like daytime, the sudden light made Tang Sancheng unable to open his eyes, he closed them , and then slowly opened it, and his face was as frightened as a blank sheet of paper! !

At this time, he and Xuan Jing were standing on a small boat. The boat was very narrow and could only accommodate three people at most, and they couldn't stand side by side. !

He had long heard that Qin Lingli was made of mercury, and seeing it with his own eyes, he was shocked. At this time, the boat was floating on the sea of ​​mercury, and the edge of the sea of ​​mercury was completely invisible. Tang Sancheng took a sharp breath. It stands to reason that mercury is highly toxic, and inhalation of large amounts can lead to death, but this mercury can protect buried corpses and burial objects from decay for a long time, and at the same time it can prevent theft.

"This Sea of ​​Mercury is in line with the distribution of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Before the death of the Emperor Qin, he went to Bohai Bay in person and drew the Sea of ​​Mercury into his underground palace. This is the entrance of the Qin Mausoleum's underground palace. What are you doing now? All I saw was a chestnut in the Cangshan Mountain, and now we are going to enter the Yinbing Alley."

"Now you use vitality to set up an air wall to separate us from mercury?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"Naturally," Xuan Jing said confidently: "In the whole world, there are probably only three people who can do this, and after us, no one can do it, which means that there will be no one at all." Come in here again."

"Three people? Apart from you, I'm afraid there are only Di Jun and the generals. Di Jun is trapped in the ancient Kunlun, and the rest are only the generals." Tang Sancheng said.

Xuan Jing was silent for a long time, before saying: "We will be the last to enter Qin Ling, from now on, no one will enter it again."

"What do you mean?" Tang Sancheng was stunned: "Qin Mausoleum is the dream of many people, just like the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan."

At this time, the flat leaf boat was still gliding on the Mercury Sea, the speed was very slow, Xuan Jing listened to Tang Sancheng's hearing that Genghis Khan was attached to the tomb: "Are you also thinking about it?"

"It's not me, it's just that I was involved inadvertently. The matter was caused by the Golden Eagle Order and Xiling Lishi." It seems that Xuan Jing didn't know the cause and effect of this matter. Tell Xuan Jing the ins and outs of these things.

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