Tang Sancheng and the others had sorted it out before, so when they talked about it, it went very smoothly. The more Xuan Jing heard it, his brows became more and more wrinkled. He looked at the black air emerging from his hand, and faintly worried for Tang Sancheng. Wake up, they met a difficult opponent, this opponent has no conflict with them for the time being, it doesn't matter at the moment, but God knows what will happen in the future, if there is any entanglement, Tang Sancheng and the others probably won't be able to deal with it at all.

"I'm afraid the person who manipulates the Golden Eagle Order is not simple." Xuan Jing said, "This reminds me of a person, but he confuses me. Speaking of it, he is somewhat similar to Qingluan. Before Qingluan died, he used Lifelong practice to preserve one's own soul, the existence of this soul itself is equivalent to eternal life, of course, it must meet certain conditions, but she has no body after all, so she can only rely on the gods to descend to the body of witches like Fu Yu, Reaching your own goals, the guy I met was in the same situation."

"Only the soul is there, but there is no body?" Tang Sancheng immediately understood.

"That's right." Xuan Jing said: "I just felt that something was wrong with him in the crowd, but when I wanted to find out, he had disappeared."

"The corpse refiner we met, someone has seen him before, and said he has tattoos on his face, which should be the kind of tattoos on ancient prisoners, yes, like Lin Chong!" Tang Sancheng finished speaking, seeing Xuan A subtle expression appeared on the mirror's face, and he was a little confused: "What's the matter, isn't it this person?"

"The person I saw looked completely different from what you know. His face, not to mention any tattoos, was very white and elegant, but at that time I felt a strange aura swimming in him." Xuan Jing frowned: "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"Unless he can freely choose the body he wants." Xuan Jing said: "Even Qingluan can't do this, she can only be attached to her descendants, other people are absolutely impossible, [-]% , this person is terrible."

Tang Sancheng's back was covered in cold sweat: "This man is very concerned about Genghis Khan's tomb, does he know that the things in the tomb are what he needs?"

"It's entirely possible, but the truth is, you can only ask him." Xuan Jing said: "The friend you are with, please let him not be careless, don't think that all the people in the Golden Eagle Order organization are dead, so you can sit back and relax. "

Tang Sancheng hesitated for a moment, thinking of the third child beside Xie Fangfei: "It's not right that they are all dead, in fact, there is one left..."

After listening to Tang Sancheng's words, Xuan Jing pondered for a long time: "This is called the third child, you keep it in your heart, I don't know the inside story, so it's hard to say anything, there is nothing wrong with being more careful."

"Understood." Tang Sancheng didn't know why Xuan Jing had reservations about the third child, but he agreed, it's always good to be more careful.

While the two were talking, Bian Yezhou suddenly accelerated, Xuan Jing glanced at Tang Sancheng: "Completely hold your breath, how long can you last?"

"A quarter of an hour." Tang Sancheng said.

"Not bad, enough." Xuan Jing said: "When I tell you to hold your breath, immediately hold your breath completely. No matter what happens, don't resume breathing."

Tang Sancheng nodded his head, the sea of ​​mercury flowing slowly under his feet has now fluctuated, the flat leaf boat seems to have ushered in a storm, Tang Sancheng's body has already shaken, the sound of "boom boom" coming from the front Much like... much like a waterfall!

No wonder it sounds so familiar. When I was trapped in the ice room in the ancient Kunlun, I heard the roar of the waterfall. Now I heard it again, which still made Tang San feel lingering. Mercury Sea, now it is Mercury Falls, here Who can come in?I am afraid that no one will be able to enter this underground palace in the future...

Tang Sancheng was still thinking wildly, Xuan Jing's voice came to his ears like a muffled thunder: "Hold your breath!"

Tang Sancheng immediately held his breath, just after he finished holding his breath, Bian Yezhou had already flown out, the two of them were completely separated from Bian Yezhou, Tang Sancheng held his breath, but tried to keep his eyes open, he found that he and Xuan Jing were not separated, It seems that the two are still under the protection of the air wall, they flew out very fast, and after Bian Yezhou separated from them, he already knew where to throw it. Tang Sancheng looked around and saw these extremely huge Tang Sancheng saw that the square stone was engraved with patterns, but he didn't have time to see it clearly, and his body was already falling rapidly. Suddenly, Tang Sancheng Sancheng's body stopped...

He tilted his head and saw Xuan Jing's hands facing down. He was using his vitality to control the air flow, so as to control the decline of the two of them. This point, Tang Sancheng sighed, and he waited a few hundred more Years, may not have reached this level, worthy of being Guiguzi's master disciple.

The sound of the Mercury Waterfall disappeared, it was still roaring in the ears just now, but now it completely disappeared. At this moment, Tang Sancheng felt his feet hit the ground, he immediately opened his mouth, let go of his nose, and was about to Taking a deep breath, Xuan Jing covered his mouth and nose, Tang Sancheng saw Xuan Jing shook his head, Tang Sancheng understood, and immediately continued to hold his breath.

As soon as Tang Sancheng raised his head, he couldn't help being surprised, this place is so high that it is completely bright, but there is no shadow of any brazier, could it be because of... Ye Mingzhu?

Now you can see the patterns on the square stones. They are finely carved dragons. The shapes of the dragons on each square stone are slightly different. If you look at them together, they are dragons flying freely. Years later, Tang Sancheng realized that the above principle is a bit like animation production, every subtle movement is drawn, and when it is drawn out coherently, you can see that the dragon is moving, but each of them Subtle movements are engraved on the ashlar. If they are active, they will be dragons swimming in the air. They will live with Qin Ling and live forever.

Seeing Tang Sancheng looking around all the time, Xuan Jing couldn't help saying in his heart, if the things here make you unable to move your eyes, can you still get it after entering?He dragged Tang Sancheng forward, this place is very vast, every stone under his feet is smooth, Tang Sancheng glanced at his feet, he felt like jade, it's a pity that Bai Yi was not there, otherwise he would have seen it at a glance What is the texture of this.

After walking for more than 1000 meters, the two came to a high and sealed wall. The carvings on it were strangely shaped, and people couldn't see them clearly. They didn't know what was carved on them. Both of them were holding their breath and couldn't speak. Tang Sancheng saw Xuanjing's hands groping on it, and then pressed down vigorously with both hands, constantly changing directions, after tossing for a while, a door opened in the middle of the high wall, Xuanjing dragged Tang Sancheng in, As soon as he entered, the back door closed with only a very soft sound, Xuan Jing patted Tang Sancheng on the shoulder: "It's ok."

It's only a quarter of an hour, this is completely breathless, Tang Sancheng has long been wishing to die, once he heard that it was all right, he immediately opened his mouth and nose and took a deep breath, only smelling the aroma of his nose: " It smells so good!"

"This place is paved with fragrant jade, of course it smells good." Xuan Jing said disapprovingly.

"Fragrant stone, I heard from Bai Yi that this is a kind of jade, even if it is a small fragrant stone, you can still smell its fragrance after walking a hundred steps." Tang Sancheng said.

"That's right, those square stones outside just now are also fragrant stones, but you can't smell it because you hold your breath completely. The door here is also made of fragrant stones, but if you go further, it's something else. There are You see good things." Xuan Jing has been here countless times in the past few thousand years, and he has long been familiar with the strange things. No matter how valuable he sees, he just feels as ordinary as the dirt on the ground.

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