"But, there was clearly a mercury waterfall just now, why did the mercury waterfall disappear when we fell down?" Tang Sancheng's biggest doubt was still this, normally speaking, he should have come down with them.

"The Sea of ​​Mercury is actually a circulatory system." Xuan Jing has lived for thousands of years, and modern physics knowledge is no problem: "Its flow is also due to this circulatory system. When we came down, did you see A square slot?"

Tang Sancheng felt a little embarrassed, scratched his head: "The descent was too fast, I really didn't see it."

"When the Mercury Waterfall falls halfway, it will be led to other places according to the pre-designed track, and then return to the Mercury Sea. This is a very remarkable circulation system. The reason why so much effort has been spent on the mouth of the underground palace is naturally. In order to prevent theft, firstly, mercury is extremely poisonous, even if you can break into it, you will definitely die. I know what kind of gas masks are available now. Firstly, there is no gas mask that can filter [-]%. There is Mercury Waterfall waiting, it is hundreds of meters high, it is conceivable to fall, you said prepare the rope? The rope is unreliable, it is simply powerless, there is only one word of death."

Xuan Jing's words made Tang Sancheng shudder all over. Compared with the last fake mausoleum, this place is completely at the highest level. The grandeur of the Mercury Sea and the Fragrant Stone Floating Dragon are enough to make the world speechless.

"where is this place?"

"Yinbing Alley." Xuan Jing said, "This is the road we must walk to get to the real underground palace."

"Isn't this the Qinling Underground Palace?"

"This is just the entrance, and it's still early from the underground palace," Xuan Jing said suddenly, "I used to bring your mother in like this before. Ordinary people would cry with joy when they came here, but she was just shocked, but she was able to concentrate. Control yourself, and never thought of taking anything here, there are very few ordinary women who can do this."

Isn't it because of this that you are so devoted to my old lady?

Yinbing Alley, Tang Sancheng heard Bai Yi mention it, it is said that this place is a bit weird, Xuan Jing glanced at Tang Sancheng, and suddenly pulled Tang Sancheng back a step: "We have to wait a little longer."

As soon as his words fell, Tang Sancheng heard a burst of howling ghosts and howling wolves, the sound was shrill, like the sound made by a person being tortured, these voices were male and female, old and young, Tang San could only hear the chills Standing up, he blocked his ears with his fingers, but he couldn't stop these voices from entering his ears, his heart was fluttering, he just wanted to escape from this place quickly, just as Tang Sancheng's heart was fluttering , when he was in a state of confusion, Xuan Jing yelled: "Steady your mind!!"

Tang Sancheng understood it, and immediately recited the meditation mantra in his heart, so that his mood immediately calmed down a lot, and listening to those miserable voices, he would be disturbed much less.

The sound lasted for more than ten minutes, and finally the sound became smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely. Tang Sancheng seemed to have collapsed. The sweat on his back rolled down like a faucet, and the beads of sweat on his head rolled into his eyes. , Tang Sancheng wiped it with his hand, after wiping it, he wanted to speak, only to find that his throat was extremely dry: "What's going on?"

"Yin Bingxiang, that's what it means. We don't have much time to go, let's go quickly, otherwise, a new round will start again." As soon as Xuan Jing finished speaking, Tang Sancheng immediately chased after him.

"Have you ever heard of Yin soldiers borrowing their way?" Xuan Jing asked.

"I've heard that after the Tangshan Earthquake, Yin soldiers borrowed roads, and there was a lot of trouble back then." Tang Sancheng said: "What does this have to do with Yin soldiers alley?"

In fact, not only in Tangshan, but also in many places, there have been incidents of ghost soldiers borrowing roads. Although the locations are different, the general situation is the same. There are shadows and voices, and there are many sayings among the people. For example, Yin soldiers refer to ghosts and ghost generals who come to arrest souls from the underworld. Many people will die after many catastrophes happen. Often in these places, many ghosts gather together and are reluctant to leave.At this time, the underworld will send out the sharp weapon of the underworld, the ghost army, to arrest the soul.In fact, from ancient times to the present, after plagues occurred in some places and many people died, they had the opportunity to meet the legendary Yin soldiers as an excuse.

"It's actually the same reason." Xuan Jing said: "If you were more careful just now, you should have seen some shadows floating here and there, which are the so-called shadow soldiers. Look at the walls on both sides, and the shadows outside. Is there any difference compared to?"

"The color is different. The wall here is vermilion, which is much darker than the outside." Tang Sancheng said shyly: "As for the texture, I don't quite know."

"There is a substance in this wall that can record the previous sound," Xuan Jing said: "I also thought it was done by magic, but it turned out that magic can't do this at all. The wall contains a kind of magnetic material, somewhat similar to today's tape recorders."

"I understand." Tang Sancheng said: "But how could Emperor Qin use such an advanced technology? It's incredible."

"The number of talented people around Qin Huang is beyond count. Among these people, my senior brother Xu Fu is regarded as the top, but there are still some powerful people, which makes my senior brother sigh. When Qin Huang was alive, , and began to prepare for his own affairs, in case he could not find the elixir, he still had to go to the ground. This person was domineering all his life, and after his death, his own underground palace also went through many twists and turns. I don’t want to go, actually I didn’t want to know at first, but the life in the palace is too boring, so I just took a look, I didn’t expect that Qin Huang’s people are really capable, and they actually made such a great thing. s things."

This Alley of Yin Soldiers is very long, and after walking for a long time, there is still no end in sight, Tang Sancheng suddenly thought of a question: "Who are those voices?"

"Naturally, there is a reason for it. Although it is to record sounds, after all, those sounds must have existed in reality, so what you heard just now, and the parts you haven't seen, have all existed in reality. They are real. Yes." Xuan Jing's complexion did not change at all, but Tang Sancheng only felt nauseated in his heart, and his whole body was uncomfortable, how many people did it take to make those voices just now?They are too pitiful, they gave their lives alive just to create this Alley of Yin Soldiers. "

"Throughout the ages, there are many truths to follow." Xuan Jing said coldly: "Right now, under your and my feet, the blood of these people still remains. Even if it is washed with water, the reality of their death cannot be washed away."

Tang Sancheng understands, and their death is not a simple death, it must be a painful death, only in this way can there be such a miserable cry that can make people insane, why can people regard other people's lives as worthless?This question is not something Tang Sancheng can figure out, he is just immersed in this inexplicable sadness and horror and cannot extricate himself, he doesn't even know how his feet step out.

Walking in this alley of death, Tang Sancheng only felt that every step was heavy, and when it was almost at the end, he was pulled by Xuan Jing to walk quickly: "Hurry up, the next wave is about to start."

"How long have we been walking?" Tang Sancheng felt that he hadn't walked for a long time.

"It's been more than half an hour." Tang Sancheng was taken aback by Xuan Jing's words, and after walking for more than half an hour, he still hasn't walked out of this Yinbing Alley, "There are still 5 minutes, and the next round will start , These sounds can use human eardrums to cause damage, and in severe cases, they can cause ordinary people to lose control of their minds, that is, if you have cultivation, otherwise, your ears would have been damaged long ago.”

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