This full tomb room is actually full of gold, silver, pearls and jade. You must know that this tomb room is as big as four football fields!In the most central place, there are eight gold and silver carriages. The decorations of the carriages and horses are all made of gold, silver and copper. The rest of the funerals are piled up around these eight carriages. A lot, how much, Tang Sancheng couldn't count it clearly, these things flashed in Tang Sancheng's eyes, he sighed, actually felt that he had encountered the biggest problem, what should he take?With so many precious stones, he thought of what Lei Zi said, if you want to get them, you should take the lightest and most valuable ones, and he thought of Xiao Ning...

That's right, as soon as Tang Sancheng raised his head, he saw seven night pearls above his head, they were arranged together on the top according to the trajectory of the Big Dipper, illuminating the tomb, Tang Sancheng swallowed, Xiao Ning can I got my wish, Ye Mingzhu!These are the night pearls that Xiao Ning misses day and night, Tang Sancheng pointed to them: "Can this one be taken away too?"

"I'm making the decision for Emperor Qin, and I'll give it to you." Xuan Jing said, "However, it's too troublesome to take the top one, and we can't fly. There are many Ye Mingzhus below, so you can find them yourself. You can take as much as you want."

Tang Sancheng felt like a thief breaking into an empty door, while the owner was taking a shower in the bathroom. After all, Qin Huang was lying on the other side, which felt a little weird, but once he walked into the funeral objects, Tang Sancheng Tang Sancheng forgot about Emperor Qin in an instant with these funeral objects shining with all kinds of youth. He just concentrated on looking for the luminous pearl, because the relationship between the seven luminous pearls on the top covered the brilliance of the luminous pearls on the ground , Tang Sancheng took a lot of effort to take out two, he had already made up his mind, one for Xiao Ning, and one for Fu Yu.

Seeing Tang Sancheng's careful selection, Xuan Jing knew that the child's personality was like his mother's, not greedy, ordinary people would be crazy to learn these things, if they just found a sack and pretended to be violent, Xuan Jing sighed , he raised his hand, he hadn’t looked at it for so long, now the black air on both hands began to permeate upwards, his arms were about to be hidden, time... the time that used to feel so slow, why did it suddenly Where is the speed running Zhi coming?

Xuan Jing looked at Tang Sancheng who was still thinking about what to take away, and said in his heart: "Your training is enough for so many years, and you have a group of reliable partners by your side, even if I am not around, you will be able to pass smoothly It's just a pity that I can no longer be by your side, and I will reach out to help you when you are in trouble..."

Tang Sancheng didn't take much in the end, mainly because when he came, he didn't even bring his luggage, even if he wanted to take it, he couldn't find any tools to put it in. Seeing this, Xuan Jing shook his head: "You are too light, etc."

Xuan Jing stepped onto the carriage in the middle, and tore off a bag from it. This bag was very eye-catching because it was woven with gold and silver double threads. Under the radiance of the night light, the bag was still reflective. Tang Sancheng hesitated. This bag It's too eye-catching, but there's nothing else, Tang Sancheng put the chosen artifact into it, the bag was still very empty: "It's strange, this bag looks so small, why is it still so empty?"

"Fill it until it's full." Xuan Jing laughed.

Tang Sancheng saw that the bag was only one-third full, so he was naturally not polite, he chose some more to put in, there was still room, and he filled it several times before it was almost filled, Xuan Jing tied it for him: "This In addition to the gold and silver thread, the bag also has a material that can be pulled up, so it looks small, but it is very useful. Everything here should not be underestimated, even a part of the carriage, it is easy to take it out. It’s enough for ordinary people to use for a lifetime, of course, if you can’t do it anymore, your life is still long, you still need to get more.”

Tang Sancheng's hand stopped, he felt a little sad, is he taking care of his future life?Tang Sancheng wiped his face: "Even if I don't have these, I can do it. I didn't spend the ones I got before, I saved them all."

"It's okay to have more." Xuan Jing said.

Tang Sancheng only agreed in a muffled voice: "I see."

After working in it for quite a while, Tang Sancheng was about to leave, when he suddenly caught a sword, and for some unknown reason, he immediately walked towards it: "What kind of sword is this?"

Strange to say, as soon as Tang Sancheng's hand touched the sword, the sword made a roaring sound, Xuan Jing was a little surprised: "Take it and have a look."

Tang Sancheng smiled: "This sword is light and light."

He picked it up without much effort, and pulled it out. Tang Sancheng felt that the sword was made for himself, and the feeling in his hand was really good. Looking at Xuanjing's face: "What's the matter, Can't this sword be taken away?"

"Do you know what kind of sword this is?" Xuan Jing answered irrelevantly.

"Of course I don't know. I've seen quite a few swords. There are quite a few in Bai Yi's store, but most of them are fake, and it doesn't feel like it is in my hand." Tang Sancheng really likes it very much. : "Father, can this sword be taken away?"

This is the first time Tang Sancheng called Xuan Jing his father, Xuan Jing and Tang Sancheng were stunned at the same time, the two looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed, after a long time, Xuan Jing said: "I heard that this sword has spiritual energy, It will choose its own master, since it has chosen you, you can naturally take it away."

"What kind of sword is this?"

"The Eight Swords of Yue." Xuan Jing said: "This sword was cast during the Warring States Period. It was used by the King of Yue. It is a famous ancient sword. Fire, it is said that in ancient times, when the Yellow Emperor defeated Chiyou, he dug for hundreds of feet at the foot of Kunlun Mountain. The water was not dug, but sparks were seen splashing from below. This is how the red gold was obtained. The king of Yue ordered the craftsmen to play swords, and what they got was the eight swords of Yue. There are eight swords in total, covering the sun, cutting off the water, turning the soul, hanging the sword, startling the salamander, destroying the soul, quenching evil, and true strength. The other seven swords are unknown. Where did you go? The one in your hand was specially presented by Emperor Qin after he unified the six kingdoms. Unfortunately, Emperor Qin himself could not pull out this sword. The arsenal ignored it, and after he died, he was thrown into the funerary objects, anyway, it was also something that was touched by the emperor during his lifetime."

"Then what's the name of this one in my hand?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"Mie Hun!" Xuan Jing said: "This Mie Hun sword is yours, do you want to see anything else?"

"It's gone." Tang Sancheng said honestly, he patted the gold and silver bag: "It's enough to have these, I want to see..."

Xuan Jing waved his hand: "I see, let's go there now."

When the two came out of this burial room, Tang Sancheng asked: "I heard that Emperor Qin's burial is very large. Is it just this one?"

"We are only in the main tomb now. There are still many other tombs. I will show you the most important place first. When it's over, there is still some time. I can take you to other places to have a look. You can be buried here It is either very rare, or something that Emperor Qin loved very much during his lifetime, as for other side tombs, there are countless treasures inside." Xuan Jing said.

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