Strange Tomb [Recommended by the Great God]

Chapter 582 Mermaid Cream Lamp

"No wonder you have had no worries about food for so many years." Tang Sancheng muttered.

Xuan Jing said: "I am alone, eating alone, the whole family does not have to worry, just take a small thing here, it is enough for me for a few years, besides, if you have nothing to do, you can go to the general for a while, no matter what, you can do it." The one who survived was you, who ate hard food and suffered a lot."

"I enjoy it, it doesn't matter." Tang Sancheng said: "By the way, this soul-killing sword is really like its name, can it destroy souls?"

"I've never heard of it." Xuan Jing said: "However, since it is refined from red gold from ancient times, it has somewhat unusual effects. Anyway, keep it by your side, and it can be regarded as a sharp weapon. It’s an antique, but Daofeng can cut through Jinggang.”

"I see." Tang Sancheng loved that sword very much, and he didn't intend to sell it, and planned to keep it by his side.

After leaving the burial room, Xuan Jing still closed the door of the tomb, and led Tang Sancheng towards the tomb passage in the east, Tang Sancheng said strangely: "The underground is not wet, which is different from the situation in the false tomb."

"Naturally, it's always bright here, and nothing you imagined will appear at all." It seems that Xuan Jing already knew what Tang Sancheng was thinking of: "As for the pool in the false mausoleum, I specially arranged it."

It's really boring, Tang Sancheng said in his heart, and Xuan Jing continued: "The false mausoleum was originally made for people who are fighting against each other, and it will be stolen sooner or later. In order to create an illusion for people, there are many things in it They are all done more realistically, so that those who fight against each other will think that this is the real Qin Ling."

"Gu poison inside?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"It has nothing to do with Miss Qingluan. She is not the only witch around Emperor Qin. Using Gu poison to prevent theft is the best way." Xuan Jing said: "A greedy person will always die."

"..." Tang Sancheng was speechless, they were fighting for their own livelihood and their own goals, if this happened, would he deserve it if he died?

There are various traps in the east and west tomb passages. Xuan Jing wanted to show Tang Sancheng the power of the hidden bows and crossbows on a whim. He asked Tang Sancheng to stand in a safe place, and he activated the traps himself. The arrows shot out at the same time, Xuan Jing threw out a stone, and the stone was immediately smashed to pieces by the powerful crossbow arrows!

If it was a human being... Tang Sancheng didn't dare to think about it, not to mention becoming a blood sieve, he was afraid that his body would be broken into several pieces, but there is one advantage, that is, he died quickly enough.

"How many crossbows are hidden here?" After Tang Sancheng asked, he saw Xuan Jing's eyes looked up, down, left, and right. Tang Sancheng was surprised: "There are all directions?"

"That's right, if you take a wrong step, there will be arrows coming from different directions, and there are almost no dead ends." Xuan Jing said: "The organs here are denser than those in the West Tomb Road. After all, this tomb road leads to Emperor Qin. In the tomb, you have to follow in my footsteps, if you take a wrong step, there is no way to avoid it, no matter where you dodge, the mechanism will be activated."

Tang Sancheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "I see."

Tang Sancheng followed Xuanjing cautiously, not daring to be ambiguous in a single step, the route Xuanjing walked was not a straight line, slowly, Tang Sancheng discovered the law, this is a broken line, if the person who is about to march When the routes are connected, countless corresponding triangles will be formed. It seems that certain rules were followed when the organs were laid at the beginning. Tang Sancheng grasped the rules, and it was much easier when walking. The heart also returned to the stomach.

Tang Sancheng was extremely excited when he finally came to Emperor Qin's tomb. He didn't care to see the First Emperor. What excited him was that his mother was still lying inside!

Xuan Jing has already opened the door of the tomb, and the door has not been completely pushed open. Tang Sancheng couldn't wait to look inside. He wanted to find his mother, but the first thing he saw was a huge dragon-shaped coffin. There are four lights in the four corners of the door, which are flickering.

"These four lamps also have their origins." Xuan Jing said: "The principle is somewhat similar to the eternal lamp, but I heard that the ointment in the lamp is extracted from the mermaid in the East China Sea."

"East Sea Mermaid?" Tang Sancheng was taken aback: "Is there really an East Sea Mermaid in the world?"

"There can be yakshas in the world, but why can't there be mermaids in the East China Sea?" Xuan Jing asked rhetorically.

Yasha!Tang Sancheng immediately remembered that the last time when he went to Penglai Fairyland at the time of the red moon, there was a rumor in the local area that there would be yakshas haunting him. There were footsteps coming out, but in the end I didn't see Yasha with my own eyes.

"Then you have seen Yasha?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"Of course I have, and I have fought against each other." Xuan Jing said: "Yasha is just a kind of human being who lives in the sea. The surviving area is very limited, and they can only move around Penglai. However, they cannot enter Penglai. If you encounter them, you don’t need to worry. They can turn into ordinary people. With your cultivation, just pay more attention. Then you can see their flaws." Xuan Jing found that Tang Sancheng didn't concentrate on listening to his speech, knew what he was thinking, and stopped talking about other things: "Come on, I met your mother."

Tang Sancheng followed Xuan Jing to Qin Huang's coffin, Tang Sancheng asked doubtfully, "The one lying inside?"

"It's your mother." Xuan Jing said.

"But, isn't this the coffin of Emperor Qin?" Tang Sancheng was stunned suddenly, father, father wouldn't really do this, would he?

Seeing Tang Sancheng's astonished expression, Xuan Jing said: "Is there anything I dare not do, the one lying inside is your mother now."

"What about Emperor Qin?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"I'll take you to see him some other day." Xuan Jing said, "I found another good place for him, don't worry, he still keeps his original appearance, but just stayed in a different place."

Before Tang Sancheng could react from this reality, Xuan Jing was already preparing to open the coffin lid. The coffin lid was indeed as Xuan Jing said at the beginning, the edges around it were very sharp, and the coffin had a total of six floors, Qin Dynasty fashion six , The number is based on the six records, the talisman, the crown are all six inches, and the public opinion is six feet to go out and ride six horses. Anyway, they are all related to the six. The coffin lid was carefully removed by Xuan Jing. There are six reliefs inlaid with black marble on the walls around the coffin. Xuan Jing told Tang Sancheng that because Emperor Qin liked black, he used black as the base inside. Originally, he wanted to change it to Xie Qizhen's favorite color of azaleas. , It's a pity that the coffin was built too tightly, it was difficult to start, so we had to let it go.

The lid of the coffin was completely opened, and as soon as it was opened, there was light shining inside. Tang Sancheng stretched his head over, and saw a woman in a white dress lying inside. Wei Luan, there is a rhododendron flower on her head, her eyes are closed tightly, but her eyelashes are very long, her lips are still rosy, even her cheeks are still flushed, Tang Sancheng only felt a gust of air flow from her chest There were still some fine lines at the corners of her eyes, Tang Sancheng couldn't speak, he could only reach out to touch Xie Qizhen's eyebrows and eyes: "Mother, I'm here to see you, I'm Sancheng , is your son."

Tears fell on Xie Qizhen's face, as if Xie Qizhen was also crying, Xuan Jing turned around and closed her eyes silently.

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