Tang Sancheng kept staring at Xie Qizhen's face. It turned out that his eyebrows and eyes were so similar to his mother's. The skin on her face was no longer smooth, and the fine lines on her brows already showed her age. In such a cruel place on the battlefield, she must be He must have suffered a lot, Tang Sancheng caressed his mother's face, and suddenly found that her cheeks were slightly protruding, he was immediately taken aback: "Could it be Ye Mingzhu?"

"It's the Sui Hou Pearl." Xuan Jing said: "This is Qin Huang's favorite night pearl. Although I'm sorry for him, I changed it. Qin Huang is holding a more ordinary one now."

Tang Sancheng was speechless for a while, but his mother used the best luminous pearl in the world, which is pretty good, but unfortunately, his mother couldn't open his eyes to see himself, although it was a pity, Tang Sancheng felt satisfied and was about to leave, when suddenly Seeing that Xie Qi really made a move and directly grabbed his finger, Tang Sancheng was surprised but delighted: "Father, look!"

Xuan Jing smiled bitterly, and stepped forward to push Xie Qizhen's finger away: "This is a common occurrence, but people cannot be resurrected after death, so don't give yourself too much hope."

So it turned out, Tang Sancheng watched disappointedly as Xuan Jing put the coffin lid back on, and his mother's face was gradually covered up...

"Did you remember your mother's face just now?" Xuan Jing asked.

"Remember, I remember every point clearly." Tang Sancheng said with certainty.

"That's good." Xuan Jing patted Tang Sancheng's shoulder: "Because this is the last time you will see her."

"What do you mean?" Tang Sancheng was taken aback.

Xuan Jing pointed at his body, only then did Tang Sancheng see that Xuan Jing's arms were filled with black air, but why didn't he see it just now?

"Just now I used my true energy to control it, in case you are not in the mood to hold a bright weapon and weaken your joy of seeing your mother." Xuan Jing said: "In another seven hours, my body will be completely covered by this. A cloud of black air is enveloped, and I don't know what will happen at that time, so I have already made a decision."

Tang Sancheng panicked: "What decision?"

"I plan to completely seal off Qin Ling, and your mother and I can sleep here forever." Xuan Jing said: "I will send you out of here in four hours, I need some time to see your mother again, I hope you understand .”

Tang Sancheng felt sour in his heart: "Is there no other way? The general or the emperor, don't they have anything to do? Dad, why did you come to see me so late? Why, there is too little time. This time is right For me, it’s not enough, not enough at all!”

"The more you get, the more painful it will be when you lose it. Thirty percent, you will understand this truth in the future." Xuan Jing said: "So never hope that you are too satisfied and happy, otherwise, when everything is lost, That feeling...will make you uncomfortable."

Tang Sancheng seemed to understand a little, Xuan Jing patted him on the shoulder: "There is still time, I will take you to see Emperor Qin."

It turns out that there is a garden behind the main tomb. After opening the passage and entering, Tang Sancheng saw countless butterflies floating here. At first he thought it was real, but when he reached out and touched it, he was surprised. These butterflies were made of paper. I did it, but why does it look so fresh?

"It's fake, it's true." Xuan Jing smiled, pointed to the bushes and said, "The Emperor Qin was taken as a hostage when he was young, and finally returned to his own country. He was immediately involved in political struggles, and immediately ascended the throne. I really lack too much fun in this life, I was thinking, lying in a coffin after death is too ordinary, it’s better to be comfortable here, don’t you think?”

Tang Sancheng walked slowly to the center of that patch of flowers and trees, and he saw something he had seen before - Corpse Fragrant Konjac!It seems that Xuan Jing is good for Qin Huang, Qin Huang is lying there wearing a black imperial robe, if there is any difference between Qin Huang, Tang Sancheng really can't tell, he looks like an ordinary person, He has a nose and eyes, neither handsome nor ugly, but such a man ruled the six kingdoms and left his name in history. After his death, he still made everyone curious about his habitat and wanted to find out.

"There are corpse-scented konjacs, and night pearls." Xuan Jing said, "I treat him well, don't I?"

It's not bad, Tang Sancheng looks at this, it's natural, right?Xuan Jing took Tang Sancheng to another place. For four hours, Xuan Jing took Tang Sancheng to shuttle around the Qin Mausoleum, trying to show Tang Sancheng the whole picture here. No matter where it is, Tang Sancheng It left a deep impression on him. He tried his best to remember everything. He knew that it would take a lot of effort for him to tell Bai Yi and the others what happened here. At the same time, he also went to see Xuanjing from time to time. He seems to be very happy to accept the imminent death, which may be a kind of relief.

The time is coming soon, Xuan Jing suddenly took Tang Sancheng's hand: "Sancheng, there is one thing I must remind you, when you are not ready to give the other party happiness, don't have children, definitely don't, he will give you It will bring death and bring misfortune to others, when you make this decision, you must think clearly."

"I see." With his own personal experience, he has completely understood what Xuan Jing meant.

"Let's go." Xuan Jing said.

Holding the gold and silver bag in his hands, Tang Sancheng followed Xuanjing obediently with the Soul Extinguishing Sword. Xuanjing took Tang Sancheng back to the map of the constellations and asked him to close his eyes. When you close it, you feel like you are in the sea of ​​clouds, your body is floating, as if you are about to fly, Xuan Jing's voice rang out: "Son, when you feel your body sinking, open your eyes immediately. "

Tang Sancheng wanted to say that he understood, but he couldn't open his mouth anyway, there was wind blowing outside, his ears were rumbling, his body was still like a feather, very light, very light, Tang Sancheng even had doubts , Is he about to ascend to heaven, just when he was hesitating, his body became heavy in vain, he opened his eyes immediately, and saw himself standing on a copper platform, at this moment, this platform is rapidly going up Moved, his eyes immediately became blurred, his body was about to lose his balance, the copper platform suddenly got stuck, Tang Sancheng's body shook, he heard the sound of water outside, it was the stream !

He tried to push the soil on his head, they were unexpectedly soft, Tang Sancheng kept beating with his fists, all the soil fell on his body, but there was a hole in his head immediately, Tang Sancheng's As soon as I got out, I saw that huge boulder, it came from nowhere, and now I'm back here again.

Tang Sancheng collapsed on the ground, his hand pressed his forehead, did what happened before really exist?Why does he feel that everything is unreal? He turned over and landed on the gold and silver bag. The hard object in the bag made his stomach hurt a little. This pain made him know that everything is real Yes, I saw my mother, and I also saw the once invincible Emperor Qin. He was lying there with his eyes closed, like an ordinary middle-aged and elderly person...

Tang Sancheng sat up, he heard a soft sound from the ground, as if something had collapsed, his expression changed, did he do it?The huge boulder behind him suddenly shook violently, Tang Sancheng had a bad feeling, immediately took the gold and silver bag, held the sword and moved away from the boulder, he ran forward about tens of meters, the boulder behind him was It exploded, and the rubble was everywhere, Tang Sancheng was glad that he ran fast, otherwise he would be shot by these rubble like a bullet.

After the boulder was broken, the place became a mess. It seems that his father must have completely sealed off the Qin Ling. Fortunately, there was no one around. Tang Sancheng suddenly realized a problem. How would he go back with these things? I'm afraid that halfway through, I will be found and caught in the police. Even if there are special approval documents, how can people not be greedy, are these things still their own?

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