Tang Sancheng touched his nose and decided to leave here first, but first he faced the cracked gravel and knelt down, this kneeling was for his father and mother, they were finally together, Tang Sancheng His head hit the ground heavily: "Father, mother, I'm going!"

Tang Sancheng stood up and walked towards the nearby forest. It was there at the beginning, Xuan Jing handed him a night pearl. He sat in the forest, looking at the mess all over his body, and felt exhausted. Speaking of which, since After coming here, he never closed his eyes. He couldn't bear it any longer. Holding the sword and the gold and silver bag, leaning on a stone, he fell into a deep sleep...

Cold, when Tang Sancheng was feeling cold, he felt that someone was covering him, this small voice made him open his eyes, but seeing Xiao Ning's concerned eyes, Tang Sancheng smiled: "It must be a dream .”

"Crack." Xiao Ning patted Tang Sancheng's forehead: "Just make your Spring and Autumn Dream."

It hurts, it turns out that this is true, Tang Sancheng came to his senses completely, and looked again, Bai Yi and Qi Xie stood aside: "Why are you here?"

"Someone stuffed a note in our house, asking us to come here to find you at this time." Bai Yi said: "I see who put it, so we don't need to say it?"

It was Xuan Jing, he had planned everything early in the morning, everything followed his plan, he saw himself, brought him here, and even made arrangements for how he would go back, Tang Sancheng heard again Bai Yi said: "We came a bit late because the train was delayed."

"It's not important anymore." Tang Sancheng sighed, stood up, and pointed to his body: "I need clean clothes now."

"I prepared it for you earlier." Xiao Ning said hesitantly: "You find a place to wash and change."

Is there any place to wash around here?There was only that creek left, looking at the expressions of the three of them, Tang Sancheng knew that they had seen the changes there, Tang Sancheng took the clothes from Xiao Ning's hand: "I'll talk about it later."

Bai Yi looked at the sword and the gold and silver bag on the ground, and exchanged glances with Qixie. They separated from Tang San that day, and when they got home, they saw a letter on the coffee table in the living room. Everyone's hearts tightened. Bai Yi immediately went to check the surveillance camera, only to see a shadow, a very vague shadow, coming and going from the yard almost in a few seconds, the door of the living room was locked when he went out, Bai Yi Yi walked to the lock and saw that the lock hadn't been tampered with at all. He could only give up investigating who broke into the empty door and read the letter first.

After reading the letter, Bai Yi felt that it didn't matter. Since he was asked to pick up Tang Sancheng at the designated time, this person must have something to do with Tang Sancheng. From the perspective of time, it must not be Xuan Jing. Of course, they At that time, I didn't know his name. The biggest possibility was that his friend did him such a favor. When Tang Sancheng came back after changing his clothes, he immediately thought of a person, the general, and among his father's friends, he was the only one who had this requirement. Yes, it also has this ability.

These are not important anymore, Tang Sancheng opened the bag and took out the Ye Mingzhu, Xiao Ning's expression changed immediately, she pursed her lips, looking like a child throwing candy, her eyes turned red, she seemed to be about to cry No, Tang Sancheng asked: "What's wrong?"

"I guess you're crying with joy." Bai Yi said, "But you've gained a lot this time."

Tang Sancheng smiled wryly: "Let's go back first, I will tell you all the things after I go back, lest I have to tell you again after I go back."

Bai Yi understood that Lei Zi and the others definitely wanted to ask. Bai Yi looked at these things, and there was nothing else to say. This sword was too much of a hindrance, but it could be disguised as a handicraft to pass the security check at the train station. The four of them decided Go now, lest you have long nights and dreams.

With Bai Yi and Qixie around, Tang Sancheng's mood relaxed a lot. With the blessing of these two people, is he afraid that he won't be able to go home with the magic weapon?Sure enough, it went smoothly all the way. Tang Sancheng went back and gave Ye Mingzhu to Fu Yu to thank her for saving Xiao Ning last time. Naturally, Fu Yu didn't have such a big reaction like Xiao Ning. In her heart, Bai Yi is much more precious than Ye Mingzhu.

It was only then that Tang Sancheng talked about the fronts and consequences of the matter one by one, and he also talked about all kinds of things in the Qinling Mausoleum. Although Tang Sancheng didn't see many organs, the ones at the entrance alone shocked everyone. Lei Zi spat on the ground: "Your father is right, no one can survive in that place, your father is simply a strange flower."

Xiao Ning immediately glared at Lei Zi, Lei Zi immediately changed his words: "No, he is a strange person."

"That's about the same." Xiao Ning said.

"You haven't gotten married yet, and you have already protected your future husband." Lei Zi picked his nose: "This woman, I really can't offend you, Tang Sancheng, you should take it easy in the future."

Xiao Ning remained silent: "Actually, I also understand, Tang Sancheng, you can't have children, otherwise you will die, right?"

Tang Sancheng actually didn't point out this point, but Xiao Ning is a smart girl, she summed it up right away, Tang Sancheng didn't know how to sum it up, Xiao Ning touched his chin: "Actually, I also No one likes children much..."

Fu Yu sighed sadly, Xiao Ning glanced at Fu Yu, and felt guilty: "I'm telling the truth."

"No one said you were telling lies, Xiaoshan, is your sister telling the truth?" Lei Zi bumped Xiaoshan with his elbow, Xiaoshan was innocent after all, and said innocently: "Of course what she said is the truth .”

The fight between the three of them made Tang Sancheng feel much better. After all, Bai Yi was Bai Yi, and he looked at the problem differently from the others. He was concerned about another problem: "The one hidden behind the Golden Eagle Order organization We must be careful, especially Lei Zi, as for the third child, he has been with Xie Fangfei recently, and there seems to be no change, your father's worries are not unreasonable."

"By the way, my father also gave me a map." Tang Sancheng took out the thick map: "He said that these are the tombs that impressed him deeply, and he can figure out the layout of the organs inside. It’s convenient for us to do things in the future, Nuo, look, I took a look, there is also the tomb of the tomb robber Liu Qu, you think, he robs others, we rob his, is it fun?”

"This is a bit interesting. Recently, when I have been idle, I feel that I have no energy." Bai Yi said, "I have also concentrated on dealing with the affairs of the trading company recently. How is it, how are you doing?"

It seems that Bai Yi has already become interested in Liu Qu's tomb.

"What we worry about now is not money," Lei Zi said with a smile, "what we worry about now is fun, and things like fun can't be bought with money, but I think Tang Sancheng is quite disgusting, seeing how disgraced he is, let's wait for him Let's talk about it after a while."

Lei Zi frowned suddenly: "I only have one thing. I heard that my brother's body is still parked in the mortuary of the hospital. No one cares about it. If no one recognizes it after a while, I'm afraid it will be dealt with by the doctors and nurses." , I heard that unclaimed corpses like this will be taken for medical dissection, I don't want my senior brother to have to suffer like this after death."

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