"My mother's shabby, you can't even find two coffins, can you?" Lei Zi shook his head: "Oh, you see, this is obviously a man and a woman. This coffin is for one person, and it will be full if you lay it down. Now there is another one under it, so you don’t suffer if you suffer.”

Lei Zi was about to stretch out his hand to pick and pull, but when he thought of the arrow in his mouth, he immediately retracted and patted himself on the chest: "My dear, I almost forgot."

Fu Yu's eyes were bright, she squatted down, sized up the two corpses, and pointed in one direction: "Does the silk thread you mentioned refer to this?"

"Where?" Xiao Ning was taken aback, she didn't see anything.

"It's right here." Fu Yu suddenly turned the flashlight in his hand, and everyone could vaguely see it. It was an extremely thin silk thread, which reflected faintly in the light: "Did you see it?"

Now that everyone saw it, Xiao Ning took a breath: "Oh my god, this is too thin."

Bai Yi saw it clearly, and asked everyone to step aside and took out the scissors. Fu Yu shook his head: "This is not ordinary silk thread, scissors are useless."

"Do you know the origin of this silk thread?" Bai Yi asked.

Fu Yu nodded: "You also know that among the Gu worms I use, there is a superior one called golden silkworm, which is made up of hundreds of poisonous insects and devours each other. The last one that survives is this golden silkworm. It is not easy to come by, but there are even fewer who can spin silk. I heard that this kind of golden silkworm bred in the Western Regions has the possibility of spinning silk. Although it is thin, it is very hard. There is no way to untie it with ordinary tools. .”

"However, wouldn't the effect of the arrow in the mouth be useless?" Tang Sancheng could hear a bit of taste: "Originally, this setting is for anti-theft, if this silk thread has such a miraculous effect, then wouldn't the anti-theft function disappear, wouldn't it be This arrangement is not for…”

Fu Yu saw that everyone was puzzled, so he didn't say much. He just asked Bai Yi to try it. The small scissors in Bai Yi's hands looked inconspicuous, but they were made by a famous craftsman. Started to cut, and after a while, no poisonous arrows flew out. Everyone looked closely and saw that the silk thread was still in place, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Bai Yi. Bai Yi understood what they meant and was very sure. He said, "I can assure you, I did cut it, and I didn't cut nothing. Otherwise, come and try it?"

Lei Zi was about to step forward and let Qixie take the lead. Qixie held the scissors, looked at it, and started to strike immediately. This time everyone could see it more clearly, because Qixie used a lot of force, and this time there was a very obvious fire. It splashed out, but upon closer inspection, the silk thread was still safe and sound, Qi Xie looked at Fu Yu: "Sure enough, it's not an ordinary silk thread."

"Damn, how do I fix this?" Lei Zi scratched his head and carefully looked inside the coffin. There were two people stuffed inside, and the coffin was filled to the brim. There must not be many to be buried with him. Lei Zi patted Tang Sancheng: "Tell me, what is your father's reason for emphasizing this place?"

"The reason for this is this golden silk from the Western Regions." Fu Yu said: "This golden silk has surpassed countless artifacts you mentioned. You must know that the golden silk from the Western Regions has appeared very rarely in the past, no more than three times. It has only appeared three times in thousands of years, so its rarity is obvious."

Bai Yi smiled bitterly: "It seems that I was completely wrong this time. I thought it was a routine arrow in the mouth, but it turned out to be like this. It seems that Sancheng's father's focus is on this. However, Fu Yu, it is so Special, how can we get it?"

Now the golden silk from the Western Regions passed through the mouths of the two corpses, connecting the two corpses together. Fu Yu said, "I have a method, you can try it."

"What method?" Lei Zi asked.

"Try it with my Gu worm." Fu Yu said: "I have a Gu worm with a very sharp mouth, maybe it can be successful."

"Fu Yu, how many Gu worms do you have?" Lei Zi asked curiously.

"There are many, and each one has a different function." Fu Yu said, "But the one I use most is the golden silkworm."

Fu Yu thought for a while, and immediately took out a box, Bai Yi had never seen this box before, Fu Yu said: "It is very lazy and often sleeps, we have to wake him up first .”

Everyone was amused, there is such a Gu worm, it is really big in the world, there are no surprises, and looking at Fu Yu, she has already opened the box, and there is a fat worm lying in it, Tang Sancheng suddenly widened his eyes: "I God, I hear it snore, it snores, and it snores!"

No, Tang Sancheng's ears kept ringing with a soft "huhu", the source was this worm, Fu Yu said with a smile: "Among all the Gu worms, it is the cutest, but all the time, there is no Gu worm. It is also useful, this time, let it make a contribution."

"How can I wake it up?" Xiao Ning asked.

Fu Yu smiled but did not answer, just took out a silver needle, very small, this silver needle was put together in the box, Fu Yu took the silver needle, and carefully stabbed the worm about three feet away from the head. inch, at first it was just inserted a needle, and slowly, the whole needle was completely hidden in the bug's body...

It lasted 5 minutes after the silver needle was inserted, the Gu worm finally trembled, and Xiao Shan was amazed: "This worm is too powerful, how can it sleep like this, even if the needle is inserted, it won't wake up."

No, the Gu worm trembled for a while, but didn't wake up right away. After more than two minutes, it turned over, revealing its white belly. Fu Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally woke up."

After the worm woke up, it also lazily crawled into the coffin with a weak look, and then slowly walked towards the silk thread. It was so slow that everyone was going crazy. , Xiao Shan stared at the bug, and opened his mouth unconsciously: "Hurry up, hurry up..."

Lei Zi sighed, and had some doubts about the chubby bug: "Is it okay?"

Bai Yi glared at Lei Zi, and Lei Zi closed his mouth. Well, regarding Fu Yu, don't be suspicious, don't doubt, just believe it unconditionally.

Finally, the worm got close to the silk thread, and it crawled onto the silk thread calmly, Tang Sancheng heard the sound of gnawing: "It started..."

Everyone's nerves were tense again, and Fu Yu was also a little nervous at the beginning, wondering if the bug would have any effect, but slowly, his facial expressions relaxed: "There should be no problem."

As soon as her words fell, the silk thread was disconnected, Tang Sancheng heard the abnormal noise, and immediately tore the hill in front, once the silk thread was disconnected, a mouthful of blood sprayed from the mouth of the corpse above Come out, the blood spurted out extremely fast, like a hidden weapon, Tang Sancheng pushed the hill, the hill dodged the blood, as soon as the blood sprayed to the ground, there was a puff of black smoke, the smoke rose up, Also accompanied by a pungent smell.

"This blood is poisonous." Bai Yi said affirmatively, "Didn't you say that Liu Qu committed suicide?"

"The corpse above is a woman." Qi Xie said, "Who is this woman? It looks like she was poisoned to death."

"It might be Liu Qu's Queen Ruoyan." Bai Yi said, "Let's put this matter aside for now, let's take out this golden silk from the Western Regions first."

Fu Yu went forward to test whether there was any poison, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, Bai Yi carefully pulled it out. The golden silk was stuck in the mouths of the two skulls. Lifting the dead body away, I found that the golden silk passed through the throat of the upper body, and then directly entered the mouth of the lower body, connecting the two bodies tightly.

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