The silk thread is very hard, Qi Xie and Bai Yi were about to pull it, but Fu Yu stopped him: "You can't take it empty-handed, it will scratch your hands."

That's right, careless, Bai Yi and Qixie put on gloves, with this layer of protection, Fu Yu acquiesced, Lei Zi and Xiao Shan lifted the corpse above, so that Bai Yi and Qixie could see the direction of the golden silk ...

The two carefully pulled the golden silk. The golden silk was stuck in the bone, and it was not easy to pull it. Every time they pulled it, the two corpses shook, like marionettes. The smell from the two corpses Lei Zi turned his head all the time: "It stinks to death. It's useless to live too brightly in life. Death is also a pile of smelly bones. If you want me to not bury it, just burn it!"

"Bah, bah, what nonsense are you talking about here." Thinking of the blood worms that may be hidden in Lei Zi's body, Tang Sancheng is very sensitive to this kind of words: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful if the good is not effective, and the bad is effective!"

"What are you afraid of? I've narrowly escaped death many times." Lei Zi said disapprovingly, "It's weird, Tang Sancheng, why are you so fierce every time I talk about death, mother, you're sick .”

"You're the only one who is sick." Tang Sancheng gave him a blank look, not to scare you.

"It's annoying, don't quarrel." Xiao Ning roared, and the two of them immediately stopped, Xiao Ning said: "It's hard to come out and have a fight, you two have to spoil the atmosphere."

Lei Zi stared at Tang Sancheng suspiciously, and then looked at Xiao Ning, feeling a little weird in his heart, he had this feeling long ago...

"Okay." Bai Yi's words interrupted Lei Zi's suspicion, and the golden silk and a stream of black-red mucus were drawn out, and Fu Yu said, "This golden silk is the same as the silver needle on the tail of a tiger beetle. Maybe it can be transformed into a hidden weapon, which can come in handy."

"Yes." Tang Sancheng understood: "Father wants me to take this thread?"

"However, your father is really bad, and he didn't write clearly. Have you noticed that although the location of the agency is marked in the handbook, it is vague and did not explain clearly in the end." Lei Zi complained: " I know your dad likes to play, but he doesn't care about your life?"

"He has confidence in me, you know nothing." Tang Sancheng shot back: "Besides, everything is explained clearly, what's the fun in us coming in?"

Lei Zi was stunned immediately, and when it was over, he nodded in agreement: "That's right, I admit this, if there is no fun, what the hell am I going to do, just go to business and finish it."

Qixie was washing the golden silk with water, and found that although the golden silk was hard, it had strong toughness and was flexible and stretchable. The viscous liquid was not easy to wash. Roll it up and put it away carefully.

Lei Zi and Xiao Shan let go of the upper corpse, and the corpse immediately fell, pressing on the lower one. Lei Zi glanced at the upper corpse, and said "tsk" in his mouth: "This person is so dead." Most of them are quite crippled. Look at her mouth, which is so painfully opened. It looks like she can’t cry out, but the one below has scars on her neck bone. This should be Liu Qu himself. Either this is her wiped his neck, or else he hanged himself."

"Actually, have you ever thought about why such a rare golden silk from the Western Regions appears here?" Fu Yu's words awakened the dreamer.

"That's right." Tang Sancheng patted his forehead: "This tomb is so simple, there is not even a single burial object, but someone tried their best to pass golden silk through their mouths and throats, which is too strange gone."

Fu Yu smiled and said, "I think this is Sancheng's father's original intention. This is what attracted him, and the golden silk came second."

"You still have an opinion." Bai Yi staring at Fu Yu made others feel numb, Xiao Ning hugged his arms tightly: "Tang Sancheng, learn from it in the future."

"He is him, I am me, why should I learn from him." Tang Sancheng resisted for a rare time.

"There's something down here." Xiao Shan's tender voice rang out, "Look, is there something leaking under the bones below?"

The place Xiao Shan pointed to was under the bone seam of the corpse below. Through the bone seam, you could see the fragments of a broken sheep roll underneath. Yi stopped him: "If you're tearing it up like this, you'll tear it up completely. If this is the case, move out all the corpses."

Xiao Shan blamed Lei Zi a little bit, and looked at Lei Zi with some complaints. Lei Zi had a thick skin, smiled happily, and ran over to help carry the two corpses out.

Due to the humid geographical environment here, the corpse is highly decomposed. When it was lifted out, some rotten flesh still fell down. Xiao Ning had a bitter face. Tang Sancheng was clever and quickly covered the rotten flesh with ashes. Well, the two corpses were laid flat on the ground, looking a bit miserable, especially the female corpse...

"Wait, why are there no fragments of fabric?" Xiao Ning just turned around and found a problem: "There are no fragments of fabric, not in the coffin, not on the bones. Could it be that these two people are not wearing clothes? buried?"

"Ah, Xiao Ning, you are really getting more and more enlightened, really not. It seems that these two people were put into the coffin without even wearing clothes." Bai Yi looked at the things that Xiao Shan found just now, and took them carefully. When it came out, it was something like a booklet. It had been soaked in corpse fluid for so long, but it still hadn't come apart. Fu Yu said, "It has been processed, otherwise it can't be touched by hand at all, and it will fall apart as soon as it is touched."

Everyone else agreed, and when they opened the booklet, the big characters on it were shocking, "These are names of people." Tang Sancheng said, "From the names, the names above are all girls' names, hey, look, just now Bai The name of the concubine that Yi said was killed by Queen Zhaoxin is also on it."

"Tao Wangqing, this name is also on it." Fu Yu said, "Could these be the concubines and maids who died at the hands of Liu Qu and the queen?"

Fu Yu's statement lifted everyone's spirits, yes, it is entirely possible, these two people will not leave a record when they killed concubines and court ladies, right?It's so perverted.

"It shouldn't be Liu Qu and the queen." Qixie said: "They are all extremely brutal people, how could they think of recording when they killed people? And this golden silk, something that the Central Plains doesn't have, it seems, It looks like someone did it on purpose."

"The two were naked, the woman was drugged to death, the man's neck was injured, and it was very likely that he was strangled to death. To put it simply, these two were murdered." Bai Yi He said affirmatively: "Using golden silk to tie their mouths after death is a bit like a ritual, to make them shut their mouths tightly after death and not speak, even if they are in the gate of hell, they cannot appeal to the king of hell It was a common practice in the past to gag people after they died."

Fu Yu nodded again and again: "In fact, even now, in Xiangxi, there are still people who do this."

"These two couples did evil in their lifetime. I don't know how many people can't see it. Liu went to be exiled. This is indeed an opportunity to make a move. There is a reason for this urn to be placed here. These are the court ladies and daughters who were murdered by them. Concubine, this is to let them see with their own eyes that their enemy is dead, and they will not be able to speak after death." After Qi Xie finished speaking, everyone nodded repeatedly, feeling a little depressed.

"It's not ruled out that there are folk masters who will make a move. For example, it is rumored that Lu Siniang has something to do with Yongzheng's death. There are countless folk masters. To be honest, these two people are too cheap." Xiao Ning said bitterly.

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