Xie Fangfei is someone who has studied abroad, how could she burn the talisman paper here?Thinking of talisman papers, Bai Yi thought of a person——Yue Bai!Bai Yi went back to the window again, tried again and again, but still had no response, finally gave up, and immediately drove back to find Tang Sancheng, who also brought a little ashes of the talisman paper.

Bai Yi entered the door, without saying anything, just put the ashes under Tang Sancheng's nose: "Take a listen, is this a talisman paper?"

"Yes." Tang Sancheng was a little puzzled: "Where did you get it back, the ashes of the talisman paper burned by others cannot be taken home casually."

"Unexpected situation." Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that something happened to Xie Fangfei and the third child, and I'm not sure. There is only one person with this ability that overlaps."

"Yue Bai." Tang Sancheng said: "Last time in the underground palace, Lao San and Xie Fangfei both knew him."

"That's right." Bai Yi said, "We're going to find Yue Bai now."

Leaving the others behind, Bai Yi dragged Tang Sancheng to look for Yue Bai. At this time, the university had already started, and Liu Zhixi was already studying in this nationally famous university. Tang Sancheng originally thought that he would meet by such a coincidence. On the road, I didn't expect my wish to come true. On the way to Yue Bai's dormitory, the two of them happened to meet Liu Zhixi who was holding a lunch box. He cut his hair and looked more energetic. Seeing Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi here, Liu Zhixi was about to jump up excitedly, he rushed in front of Bai Yi: "Brother Bai, Tang Sancheng, why are you here?"

"You call him big brother, and call me by my name..." Tang Sancheng was a little embarrassed: "It's too contemptuous."

"I was wrong." Liu Zhixi immediately admitted his mistake, with the same style as before: "Are you here to see me?"

Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng immediately felt guilty, Tang Sancheng murmured, "Actually, we came here to find a teacher, I don't know if you recognize him, his name is Yue Bai."

"Ah." Liu Zhixi's expression was very surprised: "You also know him, he is very famous in our school, no, very very famous, as soon as I entered the school, I heard all the female students talking about him, my My God, I saw him today, just now, he was in the cafeteria just now, when I came out, he just went in."

"Then, let's look for him first and then you." Bai Yi said, "Which dormitory do you live in?"

Liu Zhixi reported the number of his dormitory room to the two, and then saw the two running towards the cafeteria. Yue Bai was indeed eating there, and there were quite a few girls sitting around him. , Pointing and talking at him again, Yue Bai fully enjoyed the environment and was not affected in the slightest.

Tang Sancheng sat across from Yue Bai with his buttocks, and Yue Bai was taken aback, a little bit of the rice on the spoon spilled out, which made Yue Bai very displeased, and the spoon hit the table: "Damn it, scare me to do it!" Well!"

Even when Yue Bai was angry, his tone was gentle, which made the hearts of the female students next to him thump again. Tang Sancheng heard their heartbeats, and sighed helplessly, Yue Bai, Can't offend him, he eats soft but not hard: "Are you full?"

"Not at first, but now I'm full." Yue Bai picked up the lunch box and said, "Let's go."

Seeing him like this, Tang Sancheng felt a little confused, and didn't ask any more questions. He and Bai Yi followed him all the way to his dormitory. The three of them didn't say a word, and they were waiting to enter Yue Bai's dormitory. , Yuekou immediately closed the door, and said in a reproachful tone: "Where have you been, why are you only coming back now?"

Hearing the meaning of his words, Bai Yi already had a clue in his mind: "It seems that there is indeed something wrong."

"What's going on, Yue Bai, did something happen to Xie Fangfei and the third child?" Tang Sancheng asked eagerly.

Yue Bai snorted coldly: "If they hadn't come to me in time, of course something would happen now, but luckily for them, they thought of me when you were not here, so they are temporarily safe."

"You locked them inside?" Bai Yi asked, "And the windows are all sealed, and there are traces of burnt talisman paper outside."

"That's right." Yue Bai said, "I'm temporarily sealing them inside to prevent evil spirits from invading. They're inside, but they can't hear or see anything outside. Even if you knock on the door, they'll still hear It won't be, we can go there together in a while, and when you come back, I have enough confidence in my heart."

I have enough confidence in my heart. What is this? When did Yue Bai admit that he lacks confidence? It seems that things are beyond his imagination. Tang Sancheng looked up at Yue Bai and saw that Yue Bai's face was a little heavy. , Yue Bai said unnaturally: "Tang Sancheng, I have to admit that there are too many strange people in this world, I used to be too observant, this time, we really met our opponent."

"Hurry up if you have something to say." Seeing Yue Bai like this, Tang Sancheng became more and more anxious: "Are you going to kill us in a hurry? What happened to Xie Fangfei and the third child when we were away?"

"Let's go." Yue Bai said, "I'll take you to meet them."

What a waste of time, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go." Bai Yi pushed open the door and walked over. If he had known this, he wouldn't have let Yue Bai go back to any dormitory just now, so he just pulled out the school gate and walked out. The person who was going to find Liu Zhixi couldn't bear to disappoint him, so he went to Liu Zhixi's dormitory by the way, introduced Liu Zhixi to Yue Bai, and asked him to take care of him in the future. Liu Zhixi was very excited, feeling like he had a backer at school, but Finally seeing the backs of them leaving, he looked a little lonely, he clenched his fists tightly, he must make a name for himself in the archaeological world, and he will act with them in the future!

Besides, the three of Bai Yi and the others drove to Xie Fangfei's house again, Yue Bai directly took out the key and opened the door, Tang Sancheng was a little surprised: "Xie Fangfei actually gave you all the keys?"

"They have put their lives in my hands, not to mention a mere key." Yue Bai opened the door, came to the main entrance, put the key back first, and then muttered something, his fingers were still drawn in the air. A strange shape, Tang Sancheng knew that this was a kind of Maoshan technique, which was equivalent to an enchantment, to enter the enchantment, one must open the enchantment.

Yue Bai finished his spell, and just pushed it, and the door opened. Inside, Xie Fangfei and the third child were sitting there head to head, and they were already asleep. Yue Bai urged the two of them to come in: "Hurry up!" Come in, don't let that thing get a chance."

The two hurried in, closed the door, saw that Xie Fangfei and the third child looked haggard, and felt pitiful, Yue Bai patted the third child: "Wake up!"

The third child shuddered all over, opened his eyes, saw the three of them, and was relieved: "It turns out that you are here."

Xie Fangfei also woke up. Seeing Bai Yi, she felt mixed feelings in her heart. Tang Sancheng asked, "What's going on with you?"

"He is here." The third child said: "I can feel it. He is here. He found me. He knew that I was not dead, so he came to find me again! It is him who has been controlling us all this time. He ...he's not alone at all!"

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