The third child was incoherent, so Bai Yi slapped him heavily on the back, which made him sober up, and Bai Yi said, "From now on, tell us from the beginning to the end, exactly what happened."

The matter started in one night, this beginning made Tang Sancheng a little bit concerned, because the change of Xiaoshan also started in the evening, but the process was different, the third child did change, but first of all it was from the golden eagle in his hand It started from the sign of Ling Ling, and the imprint suddenly moved one night. At first, the youngest thought it was because of dizziness, or because the light was too dim. He has been living in the cellar under Master Jiu's room, which is his room. , although it is a cellar, Master Jiu treated him well, arranged the place very well, and connected the wires.

The third child got up and turned on the light, stretched his arms under the light, and stared at the mark intently. It was really moving, and the third child gasped. He covered the mark with his hand, His heart was beating "thumping", and he felt inexplicably terrified. He didn't want to stay here alone anymore. He wanted to find Xie Fangfei. As soon as his head got out of the cellar, he felt a gust of cold wind blowing...

"Fang Fei, are you there?" The third child yelled at the top of his voice. The third child is a Mongolian with rough blood flowing in his bones, but now, this fear makes him care less, he doesn't want to be alone Staying here, he already smelled danger.

Xie Fangfei immediately opened the door and came in: "Third brother!"

Her voice was also terrified, the third child forgot his fear at this time, and immediately crawled out from the cellar, Xie Fangfei threw himself into his arms, the third child was moved for a while, but this was immediately wiped out by Xie Fangfei. Fang Fei's words were dismissed: "Just now, someone was touching me just now!"

The third child suddenly became angry, who dared to touch Xie Fangfei!This is the woman he wanted to protect with his life. The third child completely forgot about the strange marks on his body. He hugged Xie Fangfei tightly: "You wait here for me, I'll go over and have a look..."

The third child let go of Xie Fangfei's body and wanted to leave, but Xie Fangfei grabbed him: "No, I want to go with you, I'm here alone, I'm afraid..."

Before Xie Fangfei went out, she took out the gun from the drawer, and she stood behind the third child with the gun. They turned on all the lights, used the light to drive away the fear at this moment, and walked into Xie Fangfei's house. In the room, the quilt was lifted, and the third child looked at Xie Fangfei with a puzzled expression, and Xie Fangfei said, "I lifted it myself."

The third child looked at the window next to the bed, and Xie Fangfei walked over: "I locked it properly before going to bed... wait a minute," Xie Fangfei shuddered: "There is obviously no hole in the window."

Now there is a circular hole on the window frame, like the trace left by the bullet passing through instantly. Xie Fangfei looked at the gun in her hand and was very sure: "It is not caused by the bullet mark. If it is the bullet, it is because the bullet is rubbing fast. And the scorching heat caused, the edge of the wooden frame will definitely be burnt black, but..."

Xie Fangfei couldn't continue, she just felt that something was a little strange, she immediately thought of Bai Yi, Tang Sancheng, yes, Tang Sancheng, that person is very good at dealing with these inexplicable things, she immediately called Bai Yi, What came from the handset was the ringing of the phone that no one answered, hoping to weaken a little bit...

She hung up the phone helplessly: "They're not here, it seems they're out again."

Xie Fangfei didn't hear the third child's reply, she turned around and found that the third child who was by her side just now had disappeared, and lowered her head again, she found that the third child was squatting on the ground with his head lowered and his hands on the ground , nails have been scratching the ground...

"What's the matter with you?" Xie Fangfei asked anxiously. She was about to help him when the third child's hoarse voice sounded: "Don't touch me!"

His voice was very severe, he had never spoken to himself in such a tone before, the youngest suddenly raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and both eyes were red!

The third child glanced at Xie Fangfei, and suddenly stretched out her hand to dig at the mark on her wrist. Her nails pierced directly into the flesh, and blood spurted out. Xie Fangfei held the gun, startled and terrified, she took a step forward, The third child immediately raised his head, looking at the red eyes of the third child, Xie Fangfei was confused: "What can I do to help you?"

"Stand... there and don't move..." After the third child squeezed out this sentence, his hands became more and more forceful. The blood soaked the skull and the moon, and immediately the moon and the skull were all together again. It became blurred and the flesh turned upside down. Xie Fangfei couldn't stand it any longer. She turned her head and took a deep breath.

Finally, the eyes of the third child returned to their original state, but a lot of blood had gushed out from his wrist, and his face was already pale. Seeing this, Xie Fangfei quickly treated the wound for him: "Are you crazy?!"

Xie Fangfei's severe accusation made the third child very relieved: "I'm fine, it's just..."

"Just what?" Xie Fangfei asked.

"We have to find someone to help. We hid today. If I feel it, that strange thing will come again." The third child didn't know what the strange thing was today, but he was not worried about himself, he had to worry about it Xie Fangfei.

"Tang Sancheng is not here, we just feel strange, but we don't know where the blame is." Xie Fangfei calmed down now, and she waved her hand: "Wait, there is another person, I remember the last time I was with Tang Sancheng The person who went to the underground palace, his name is..."

"Yue Bai!" The third child yelled, "But we don't even know where he is."

Xie Fangfei just laughed: "Have you forgotten what I do?"

When Yue Bai was found by these two people, he was not very willing to come at first, Tang Sancheng touched Yue Bai lightly, and asked him in a low voice: "Why are you here again?"

Yue Bai glared at Tang Sancheng lightly with his eyes, and avoided answering directly. Tang Sancheng knew that Yue Bai liked beautiful things, and so did people. I'm not familiar with him, but it's okay to reluctantly agree. Yue Bai did come here reluctantly. He is not the kind of person who can talk about human feelings, but after he came, his interest was completely aroused, because he found that there are indeed "human beings" broke in!

It is not a physical entity, but an existence of spiritual power. The round hole on the window frame was caused by that spiritual power. Yue Bai burned wormwood in the house, and the wormwood smoked together, and the trace left by the spiritual power was It was completely exposed, even Xie Fangfei and the third child saw it, and the third child said hoarsely, "What is this?"

"Intruder." Yue Bai's face was not very good: "I still can't figure out what kind of spiritual power it is, but it has skill and cultivation, and it is very aggressive. How could you get into this Plant something."

The youngest raised his wrist thoughtfully, the mark on it no longer exists, and now it is tied with a thick bandage: "It may be aimed at me."

"That's not necessarily the case, you can see that there are more traces left by this spiritual power in Xie Fangfei's room." Yue Bai said: "But the impact on the third child is even greater, I really don't understand. "

Thinking of a hand touching her body that night, Xie Fangfei's goosebumps rose, and the youngest thought: "Could it be related to him?"

"Who?" Yue Bai patted himself on the head as soon as he finished asking, and said "ah" again: "I also thought of it, in the underground palace, there is actually a person behind the members of your organization controlling, could it be him? "

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