"Yes," the third child asked Yue Bai to look at his wrist: "My imprint suddenly seemed to come alive..."

"With such a connection, it is entirely possible to have a relationship with him." Yue Bai touched his chin with his hand, and his side face became more graceful: "I am worried that he will make a comeback. In this way, you don't want to Leave the house, I will seal it up for you, the sealing I mean does not just lock the door, you should understand."

The third child and Xie Fangfei fully understood, so they became what they are now. They prepared food and water in the house in advance, and after so many days, they didn't take a step, and the strange spiritual power never came again. However, one night, the windows roared, as if the wind was directly hitting the windows, and it was menacing, and finally there was no sound, and it was calm.

Tang Sancheng also looked around the room, he said: "My father once discovered a strange person, that person was in the stage of being possessed, and his spiritual power was very strong. He said that this situation is similar to that of Qingluan. It's somewhat similar, except that it's freer than Qingluan's soul. He suspects that there is a person who has lost his body, but his soul is preserved and can be attached to someone who meets the conditions. He has been worried that if someone If it hits one day, I won’t be able to handle it.”

"Congratulations." Yue Bai said indifferently: "I guess you just bumped into one."

"This is troublesome." Bai Yi is used to Yue Bai's style, and he doesn't think it is annoying: "If this person really has a soul that is more free than Qingluan, and is the mastermind behind the Golden Eagle Order organization, he doesn't care. He will come here for no reason, aiming at the third child, but what about Fang Fei, why does he stay in Fang Fei's room all the time?"

Xie Fangfei once felt that she had been violated in the underground palace, but she only told Xiao Ning about this matter. Now that Bai Yi said that, she felt relieved, knowing that Xiao Ning did not publicize this matter, even if It was Tang Sancheng, and he didn't mention it, and the friendship for Xiao Ning in his heart became deeper and deeper. At this time, hearing Bai Yi's question, Xie Fangfei couldn't speak, she bit her lip with her teeth...

Bai Yi had already noticed something strange about Xie Fangfei, and was sensitive in his heart, but he didn't ask. The voice of the third child came over: "If this is the case, it can explain why the imprint on my hand has changed. This person manipulated us and Xie Fangfei Ling Lishi is the enemy, and things still have to go back to the Yuanmeng period, so that we can know why he exists and why he is chasing us."

"The third one is right." Yue Bai said: "Tang Sancheng, I have to get involved in this matter. This guy has aroused my curiosity, and I have to figure it out. Fortunately, you are back. Otherwise, I don't know how long the protection I set up can last."

The matter is related to the Golden Eagle Order, and Lei Zi must be involved in the matter. The clues about Genghis Khan left by Chi Feng are in the descendants of Xiling Lishi, and Lei Zi is also one of them. This matter has to be dealt with.

"With this person, the Golden Eagle Order exists. Third child, do you know when the Golden Eagle Order was established?" Bai Yi asked, starting from here first, then asking Lei Zi when he went back, and combining the information from both sides.

"Father said that the earliest generation of the Golden Eagle Order was in the period of Genghis Khan, and then it was passed down from generation to generation." The third child said: "In the beginning, it only existed as an organization to protect Genghis Khan, which is equivalent to the personal protection of the emperor of the Central Plains. Occasionally, the guards, according to Genghis Khan's orders, carried out some assassination operations, secret assassinations, which is a bit like the two factories in the Ming Dynasty."

"Then the nature changed and became so extreme after Genghis Khan's death?" Bai Yi asked.

"I don't know the exact time." The third child said: "Our family has been a member of the Golden Eagle Order for generations, but some information has been passed down from the group. After the death of the Great Khan, his burial place is very secret. The Golden Eagle Order organization was instead ordered not to intervene in the Khan’s tomb, and, according to my ancestors, all the participants committed suicide back then, and those who didn’t want to die were also killed.” The third thought for a while: “ I think there are two possibilities. One is that Da Khan consciously retained this organization. After all, he participated in the aftermath, and there is only one ending, which is death. The second is that the Golden Eagle made the organization aware of the consequences of participation, so he tried to avoid This matter."

"That's right, it makes sense." Bai Yi looked up to the third child.

"But there is one thing I don't understand." The third child said: "I asked my father this question when I was young, but unfortunately he couldn't tell why. Since the Golden Eagle Order is really loyal to the Great Khan, why should he avoid it?" Open his funeral? After all, in the era of the ancestors, there were not many ways to represent loyalty, so I was thinking, there is another possibility that they did not participate because it was ordered by the Great Khan."

"Well, the Golden Eagle Order was finally passed down from generation to generation. The root cause is that they were the closest people to Genghis Khan. They did not participate in the burial of Genghis Khan. They were finally preserved, and this is the reason for the grievances with Xiling Lishi later." Bai Yi said: "It seems that the secret of the Golden Eagle Order we need to know is also related to Genghis Khan."

"What should we do now?" Tang Sancheng was a little worried: "That man will definitely not let the third child go."

Yue Bai said: "If you are trusting me, I would like to take it on and see what it is. I will stay here."

Tang Sancheng was faintly worried, Yue Bai was competitive in his bones, how could he not know?But this round's opponent is not easy. Seeing Tang Sancheng's expression, Yue Bai was not happy: "Tang Sancheng, what do you mean by putting on such a look? You don't think I can't handle it, do you?"

"It's a little bit..." Tang Sancheng shut up, because he saw Yue Bai's mouth slightly pouted, which meant that he was angry.

Yue Bai got angry, and the consequences were very serious. He probably only gets angry once a year, and it seems that this year's target falls on himself.

"Okay, then be more careful." Tang Sancheng knew, stop talking nonsense, he has made up his mind.

Hearing that Yue Bai was willing to protect them, the third child and Xie Fangfei looked at each other, feeling relieved, especially Xie Fangfei, no matter how capable she was, she was always a woman. So he trembled all over: "Great, Bai Yi, don't stay here any longer, and leave quickly."

"Alright." Bai Yi really didn't want to stay for a long time, and immediately took Tang Sancheng away, leaving only Yue Bai there.

After getting into the car, Bai Yi started the car: "Tang Sancheng, you can talk now."

Tang Sancheng was taken aback: "How do you know?"

"You can't hide your thoughts, and you like to show everything on your face. Just now in the room, you kept frowning, and you seemed to have something to say but didn't want to say it. Is it because of Yue Bai?"

"You guessed it right, I have some doubts in my heart." Tang Sancheng said: "It is not something that ordinary spiritual power can do to break through the real thing with spiritual power. I can't resist the protection of Yue Bai. I dare not say this because Yue Bai has a high character. When this guy gets angry, he is completely inhuman. of."

"Well, that means it's okay for that guy to break in if he really wants to, but he doesn't want to right now." Bai Yi felt a chill in his heart: "This is kind of scary."

"Why doesn't he want to?" Tang Sancheng sighed: "This is a problem."

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