"One more thing." Bai Yi said: "You should have noticed that this spiritual power cares more about Xie Fangfei, and he stays longer in Xie Fangfei's room. Why?"

"That's right, Yue Bai also discovered this before." Tang Sancheng nodded: "I am also very puzzled about this point. Why, Xie Fangfei can be said to be an outsider in this matter. There is information about Dao Dou Ren, but there is no information about Xiling Lishi, even she."

"That's right." Bai Yi said, "I always feel that she's hiding something from us. Given her character, she chooses not to tell it. It must have a very important connection with her."

"There is also the third child..." Tang Sancheng said: "My father told me before that the third child came out a little strangely, let me be careful, I didn't think so at the time, but now, I also have a little suspicion."

"What do you suspect?" Bai Yi didn't think of this.

"The third child came back from the dead." Tang Sancheng said: "No one has verified the process of what he said? Speaking of this matter, the only people involved are the other members of the Golden Eagle Order, him, and Master Jiu, but these people except The third child himself and the others are all dead, so the specific situation at that time is actually what his family said."

Bai Yi frowned, that's right, Tang Sancheng was getting better and better now, and his excellent genes still couldn't be ignored.

"Also, if the imprint he mentioned is moving, it's easy for that person to attach to him with his spiritual power." Tang Sancheng said: "Why did that person leave in a hurry and give them a chance to ask for help from the outside world?" ? Why do you want to destroy the mark?"

"The third brother didn't mention this just now. You can ask him later if you have a chance, why he destroyed the mark at that time." Bai Yi's heart began to sink, and he felt that an invisible net was slowly covering him. Everyone, it is invisible and silent, but it is approaching...

The faces of the two of them back home were not very good, Fu Yu immediately asked: "What's the matter today? They came and went in a hurry, and their faces are still so ugly now?"

"It's a long story, where's Lei Zi?" Bai Yi asked.

"Lei Zi and Xiao Shan went to school to find friends." Fu Yu had never met Liu Zhixi, but only knew that there was such a person from their mouths. She always felt that the name was a mouthful, and she hadn't remembered the name yet.

"Didn't you say don't walk around?" Bai Yi's anger suddenly rose, Fu Yu just smiled, and looked at him quietly, Fu Yu's smile was like a gentle wind, calming Bai Yi down immediately Came down: "Sorry, I was a little too anxious."

Qixie said: "I'll go find them and come back."

"Alright." Tang Sancheng said: "Go and come back quickly, things may be a bit troublesome."

Hearing the words, Qi Xie walked out with big strides, and just as he reached the entrance, he heard Lei Zi and Xiao Shan laughing, he frowned slightly, and immediately called the two back. Finding that the house was very quiet, and the footsteps of the three people were so loud, Lei Zi felt a little guilty, and asked, "What's the matter, why are you all like this?"

"Leizi, how much do you know about Chifeng and the incident when the Xiling warriors destroyed Genghis Khan's mausoleum?" Bai Yi said in a deep voice, "Everything you know, you must tell."

"Damn, why are you doing this, let me have something happen first, okay?" Lei Zi's heart pounded, and it was only a few days since he relaxed, why did he get involved with the Golden Eagle Order again?

Tang Sancheng sighed, and told everything that happened to the third child and Xie Fangfei. The more Leizi listened, the colder his head became, and his heart seemed to be blocked by countless rubbish. This is terrible. When Lei Zi spoke again, the words were unclear: "Then... how is it now?"

"We can't do anything, because we don't know who our opponent is." Bai Yi said.

Xiao Ning has been sitting quietly next to Fu Yu, when she heard a hand stroking Xie Fangfei's body, she immediately had an urge to tell the secret that Xie Fangfei told her, but reason still prevailed Impulsive, I am not the person involved, what qualifications do I have to speak out about her?Xie Fangfei didn't say anything, it seems that she hasn't passed her level yet, so... just wait for her to speak out.

Lei Zi frowned: "Actually, I have always been curious about how Senior Chi Feng passed down the secret, but I have never heard anyone mention it. The Golden Eagle Order has been chasing us for so many years. Is it possible? The person who got the secret died in their hands long ago?"

"It's even worse, aren't we taking the blame for others." Tang Sancheng said.

"Anything else?" Bai Yi continued to ask Lei Zi without expressing his opinion.

Lei Zi scratched his head: "You all know what I know before, we seldom gather together, but when I was young, I always stayed with Master."

"Why." Fu Yu said softly: "Since you are not allowed to live together, but you have a brother and a master, is it the same for other people?"

Lei Zi was stunned, yes, the master has always emphasized that people in the same sect cannot live together, but why does he have a master and a brother?Lei Zi opened his mouth, wanting to refute: "But we don't have a master, where did we learn these techniques?"

"..." Fu Yu was also speechless, and could only look at Bai Yi begging for help.

After Lei Zi finished speaking, he was also stunned. Why is something wrong? Master has been called Master for many years, and has been called Master for 14 years, but... in my impression, Master has never led me to fight backwards, nor let myself fight backwards , I don't have the scene of my master teaching me in my mind, so where does my ability come from?The sealed strength, the keen sense of smell... Where did these come from?

Seeing Leizi suddenly holding his head in confusion, Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng exchanged glances, no one asked what was wrong with Leizi, and let him squat there, I don't know how long, Leizi stood up slowly I got up, and walked in front of Qixie: "Do you remember that my brother once pierced my acupuncture points to release the power on my body?"

"Remember." Qixie replied briefly.

"You know acupuncture points, help me untie them." Lei Zi said.

Qi Xie was a little embarrassed: "I know where the acupuncture points are, but I dare not do it, I'm not sure."

Lei Zi only unlocked his sealed power once, and that was in the tomb of the Yellow Turban Army. At that time, something special happened, and he had to use his own power to open the door, and then he was immediately re-sealed by his senior brother. , Lei Zi felt that he seemed to be another person. The master said that this power should not be activated easily, otherwise, he would bring himself a disaster of death. Looking back carefully now, the senior brother did not, never heard of it, and the senior brother also had it. Could it be that this ability is only possessed by oneself?

"I know someone who can do it." Bai Yi said, "Qi Xie knows the acupuncture points, and there is someone who knows how to do it. It just so happens that now I don't have to look for her everywhere, which is very convenient."

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