That person is Yu Xiaoru, Xiao Ning thought: "It's her!"

It was Yu Xiaoru, Yu Xiaoru had been looking forward to the meeting with Qixie in her heart, and when she saw Qixie bring Lei Zi, instead of her usual free and easy spirit, she looked like a girl.

Uncle Hong cheerfully greeted everyone: "These two little brothers don't come here usually, why are you here today?"

"We are here to find Ms. Yu." Qi Xie said politely, "My brother would like to ask her for a few needles."

"Are you sick?" Yu Xiaoru asked, "What's wrong with you, why don't you go see a doctor?"

Lei Zi was taken aback by Yu Xiaoru's words, and Lei Zi stretched out his hand: "Just get a few needles, Qixie remembers the positions of all the acupuncture points, if you need to prick, and if you don't, don't prick, that's all."

"Yes, Miss Yu, please do me a favor." Qi Xie said.

After Qixie finished speaking, Yu Xiaoru pursed her lips and smiled, then turned and went into the room to get her needle box, Lei Zi asked Uncle Hong: "Uncle Hong, isn't this girl Yu Kuaishou's apprentice, why does she still know the meridians and meridians? "

"Of course it's because his master understands it. If he didn't understand the seven meridians and eight meridians, how could his hands be so fast?" Uncle Hong said.

It turned out that, when the two were feeling emotional, Yu Xiaoru came out, neatly put the needle box on the stone table, let Lei Zi sit on it, Qixie stood beside Yu Xiaoru, Yu Xiaoru took out a needle and said: Tell me which acupuncture points to pierce, and I will pierce it directly. Let me explain in advance that the position I pricked is according to what you said. If I pierce wrongly, I will not be responsible for what happens.”

"Come on anyway." Lei Zi didn't care about it: "I saw you were very skillful with Xiao Ning last time."

"Let's talk." Yu Xiaoru said.

When Zhu San pierced Leizi's acupuncture point back then, Qixie saw it clearly and wrote it down by the way. He didn't expect it would be useful today, "First Shaofu, then Yuji, then Shenmen and Hegu, the order must be in this order, Miss Yu, please excuse me."

Yu Xiaoru remembered it clearly, and quickly pricked these acupoints one after another. Lei Zi only felt itching in his palms, but nothing else. Just about to speak, Yu Xiaoru said, "Don't open your mouth to spoil your breath."

She spoke harshly, how dare Lei Zi move?Immediately shut his mouth honestly, Qixie immediately laughed, this Lei Zi usually talks a lot, why didn't they think of using this trick to make him more honest?

Yu Xiaoru finished the piercing quickly, but he didn't know what the use of these needles was: "You are really strange, these acupoints are pierced like this, and I haven't heard that they can cure diseases. You are not afraid of piercing, but I am still afraid of it." He's dead, well, get out of our yard quickly while you're still alive and kicking, don't let Uncle Hong and me have any trouble, and we'll be the ones to blame in the end."

"You little girl." Lei Zi only felt that his body was getting stronger and more comfortable than usual, and he let go of his mouth: "I think you look pretty good, why is it like a knife is scraping at us when you open your mouth? ??"

"..." Yu Xiaoru glared at Lei Zi, turned his head and left, Qixie said thank you behind, but Yu Xiaoru didn't agree.

Qi Xie could only bid farewell to Uncle Hong, and took Lei Zi out. The two of them drove over. As soon as Lei Zi sat in the driver's seat, he shook his hand. Qi Xie thought he was uncomfortable: "Why? gone?"

"It's okay, I feel that my hand is a lot lighter, and it doesn't feel like my usual hand." Lei Zi chuckled: "Let's go, let's talk when we go back."

Lei Zi suddenly asked to untie the acupuncture points on his hand, and Bai Yi couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Ping Jin looked at Lei Zi, who was smiling and unsteady, but when the critical moment came, his whole body suddenly fell apart. After becoming calm, Lei Zi came in and spread out his palm for everyone to see: "What do you think is in my palm?"

"Palmprints." Xiao Ning smiled: "Who doesn't have palmprints on their hands?"

Tang Sancheng held Lei Zi's palm and watched carefully: "I don't see anything special."

Fu Yu came over: "Let me take a look."

The others let go of their hands, Fu Yu grabbed Lei Zi's hand, her hand was very soft, when holding Lei Zi, Lei Zi actually felt... quite comfortable, cough, Lei Zi felt that he was being unkind, He pretended to cough: "Well, don't hold it for too long, I'm sorry, besides, Bai Yi looks uncomfortable."

Fu Yu actually smiled: "It doesn't matter, once your acupoints are untied, there will be a lot of blood in the palm of your hand."

"Where is it?" Lei Zi looked down and was taken aback. Just now there was no trace of blood red in the palm of his hand. Why did Fu Yu change so much after shaking it?

Fu Yu smiled and waved her hand. It turned out that there was a small bug in the palm of her hand: "Thank you for it."

Lei Zi looked at his palm, these bloodshots gathered together, like a map! !Oh my god, Lei Zi was surprised and speechless: "I'm just thinking about things from my childhood, I just want to try it, my mother, what's going on, how can there be such a thing in this hand?" thing."

"Wait, let me draw it first." Bai Yi moved quickly, for fear that this bloodshot map would disappear immediately. When Bai Yi was drawing, he breathed very quickly, and the map immediately jumped onto the paper. When he was about to finish the last stroke, Lei Zi yelled, and the red blood in his palm slowly faded away...

"It won't be gone." Lei Zi rubbed his hands desperately, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he rubbed, the bloodshot map couldn't come out. He looked at Fu Yu in confusion: "What's going on here?"

"Unexpectedly, your ancestors would actually use Gu to leave clues." Fu Yu said fortunately: "If it weren't for all the knowledge of my ancestors, which improved my ability, I am afraid that this clue will sink forever."

"Is it also using Gu?" Bai Yi asked suspiciously: "But how to let the clues be passed down from generation to generation, and how can it be reflected in this way?"

"Blood relationship." Fu Yu said: "To do this, you must rely on blood relationship, just like the seven members of the Golden Eagle Order you said, every seven people are from the same family, although they rely on magic, but the reason It’s similar to Gu. Blood must be used as the medium.”

"It was left by my ancestors?" Lei Zi felt miraculous, and when he thought that he was the person that person was looking for, he immediately felt shuddering: "Then I am not very dangerous?"

"Of course it's dangerous." Bai Yi said coldly, "That's why you need to seal your acupuncture points to prevent you from discovering the secret."

"But someone needs to know how to open it. It is not only effective to untie the acupuncture point. If it were not for Fu Yu, we would not be able to discover the secret." Xiao Ning said: "But your master never mentioned it. However, I just told you to seal the acupoints for protection, but... do you want to seal this secret forever?"

Lei Zi's memory went back to when he was a child. He couldn't remember his parents. He only knew that when he woke up, he was with his master and his senior brother. The most important thing for Linglishi disciples is to save their lives!Preserving one's life is more important than anything else, perhaps because of this, Lei Zi would take other people's lives without hesitation in order to save his own life for a while, without mercy!

I was happiest when the three of us were together, but on the day after Leizi's 14th birthday, Master announced a decision...

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