Chapter 114 The sky-high price of "walking wild ginseng" makes a fortune

"Brother Zhang, this..."

Liang Jianzhong's eyes were also always staring at the wicker chair, like a human-shaped earthen statue, his cloudy eyes flashed puzzled, and the previous surprise still remained.

He knew that this thing must be extraordinary, it could be carried by four walking ginseng, how could it be an ordinary thing, but he was not yet familiar with it, so he had no idea what kind of fetish it was, but seeing Zhang Hao's expression, I can also think that this thing must be a treasure.

Liang Qian and Liang Chao also thought so. The siblings looked at the humanoid clay statue with great curiosity.

Although looking at the uncanny valley effect makes people feel goosebumps, they are more curious about what it is, maybe Brother Zhang Hao can give them some science, and it will be good when they chat with others in the future Talk about it.

Zhang Hao held the rattan chair in his hand, grinning at the corner of his mouth, and said casually: "This thing is called [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue]."

He didn't explain what this thing was for, and it was useless even if he told them.

Then, he directly put the 【Mountain Spirit Soil Statue】in the Guling Basket. This thing must be taken away, after all, it is a mountain treasure.

And this kind of mountain treasure, although it has been naturally accumulated in the mountains for hundreds or thousands of years, is not something that cannot be taken away, nor is it unique.

You must know that there are countless famous mountains and precious mountains in the world. Many mountains, rivers and great rivers have their own chances.

Therefore, the person who walks the mountain to obtain the mountain treasure does not harm the law of heaven or harm the merits and virtues.

Flowers, plants and trees are all natural things. Compared with mountain treasures, there is no higher or lower one. All things are equal. In this case, flowers and plants can be folded, but mountain treasures cannot be obtained?

Where does the truth come from!
Of course, the most important thing is that Shanbao is not the only one.

The world will be born in sequence, and will wither and die. This is reincarnation.

What's more, the mountain treasures contained in each mountain are different, so there is no need to worry that the mountain god will be angry after the mountain treasure is taken away.

As long as you don't touch the bad luck of the mountain god, and follow the rules in the mountain, you won't arouse the disgust of the mountain god.

Then, he got up, and put the four "walking ginseng" in the solid spirit basket to seal off the spiritual energy and prevent the spiritual energy from overflowing.

After setting up the [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue] and the "Walking Mountain Ginseng", he cleaned up the surrounding area.

"Brother Zhang Hao, do you have to take all these things away?" Liang Chao stepped forward to help with insight.

Zhang Hao nodded while tidying up: "Yes, everything that doesn't belong in the mountains must be taken away, and the ashes in the village should be buried deeper, and the effect will dissipate after a long time."

Liang Qian asked curiously while tidying up: "Brother Zhang Hao, are there any rules here?"

Liang Chao immediately pricked up his ears to listen.

Zhang Hao said with a smile: "That's right, things that don't belong in the mountains must never be left in the mountains. If they are discovered by the mountain gods, it is equivalent to being blacklisted by the mountain gods. They will not provide protection when they enter the mountains in the future. , will increase the probability of encountering mountain elves and wild monsters, of course, you can also understand that it is to protect the environment and avoid too much garbage in the mountains."

Liang Qian and Liang Chao nodded suddenly, with a smile unconsciously drawn on the corners of their mouths. It has to be said that if Brother Zhang Hao said this, it would be easier for them to accept these rules.

It's even a bit entertaining.

With the help of Liang Qian, Liang Chao, and two bodyguards, it didn't take long for everything to be packed.

"Mr. Liang, do you still want to stroll in the mountains?" Zhang Hao patted the dirt on his hands, and also brushed off the mud on his trouser legs.

Liang Jianzhong was startled, then shook his head: "There is nothing to go shopping, Brother Zhang, we have already got what we want, of course, if Brother Zhang still wants to do something in the mountains, we will accompany you, just don't disturb .”

What he said was impeccable.

Zhang Hao nodded: "Okay, then let's go down the mountain, it's already past noon, and I'm hungry too."

The words fall.

When Liang Chao touched his stomach, he felt a pang of hunger.

Just now I have been paying attention to what Brother Zhang Hao caught [Ginseng Carrying a Sedan], and I didn’t care about the passage of time at all, and I didn’t have time to feel the protest of my stomach. Now that Brother Zhang Hao is hungry, he can’t help but feel a little hungry.

The same is true for Liang Jianzhong, but he didn't show it, he just smiled: "That's naturally the best, Brother Zhang, please lead the way."

Zhang Hao was also not polite, holding a solid spirit basket in one hand and an ordinary basket in the other, greeted Xiaobai, and then walked ahead on his own.

The three generations of the Liang family, together with two bodyguards, silently followed behind, sometimes looking at the scenery of the mountains and forests, and sometimes watching Xiaobai prostrate on the ground sniffing "food", and soon after that he will find his future "food" Look happy.

In this way, a group of people walked and stopped, stopped and walked, and walked down the mountain while watching and resting.

Walking all the way to the foot of the mountain, Zhang Hao looked at the two Maybachs, then at the three members of the Liang family and the two bodyguards, and suggested, "Mr. Restaurant or something, if you don’t mind, go to my house and eat something.”

Liang Chao's eyes lit up, and the corner of his mouth grinned, "Then we can see Sister Immortal!"

Zhang Hao was taken aback.

Liang Qian quickly explained: "Brother Zhang Hao, it's like this. My younger brother met Sister Li before, and after that he called Sister Li a fairy sister."

Liang Chao nodded heavily.

Before, when he saw Li Siyu, he felt astonished at the time. His exquisite face, paired with the exquisite Hanfu that seemed to come out of an ancient painting, could not be called a fairy sister.

Liang Jianzhong also hurried out to smooth things over: "It's so kind, brother Zhang, we asked you to help us find wild ginseng, but after we got off the mountain, we still have to trouble you."

Zhang Hao waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, I want to eat too."

Before going down the mountain, Li Siyu called him and asked if he had eaten at noon. When he learned that Zhang Hao would go down the mountain in a short time, he said that he would cook at home and wait for him to go back to have a hot meal. He said that he could also take these people home for a meal.

After all, the Liang family is also Zhang Hao's "golden master".

After talking, the group returned to Zhang's small courtyard under the leadership of Zhang Hao.

"I'm back." Zhang Hao had just stepped over the threshold, put Xiao Bai down, let him run freely, and smelled a fragrance.

"It smells so good... it's so sweet." Liang Chaonen blushed and lowered her head.

Liang Qian raised her tall nose and sniffed, then nodded without restraint: "It really smells good, brother Zhang Hao, is this the smell of sister Li's cooking?"

Saying that, a figure walked out of the kitchen.

Li Siyu changed into a lavender Hanfu today, with tulle on the outside, and the loose sleeves revealed soft and fair wrists.

"I'm back, the food is ready." Li Siyu took the dishes, smiled at Zhang Hao, then turned his head slightly, and smiled at the visiting guests.

Zhang Hao raised his hand and said, "Let's go, let's eat first."

He led everyone into the main room and sat down separately.

Looking at a table of delicious dishes, everyone's mouths were constantly drooling, and they couldn't stop swallowing.

"There is nothing to eat in the countryside, everyone, don't be disgusted." Li Siyu said softly.

Liang Jianzhong smiled heartily: "Miss Li was joking, the dishes on this table are better than the so-called delicacies from mountains and seas, but it's still a bit annoying."

While speaking, his eyes drifted to Zhang Hao.

To be honest, he is very confused now, because he doesn't understand Zhang Hao's operation, or he doesn't quite understand Zhang Hao's meaning.

From the time when he went down the mountain until now, Zhang Hao has not discussed any price with him, that is, how much he should pay Zhang Hao after Zhang Hao found "Walking Ginseng".

But when Zhang Hao didn't mention it, he couldn't open his mouth, which would make him seem very eager. Although he was very eager, he still had to be steady.

Looking at it now, it seems that Zhang Hao still hasn't discussed the price with him.

Li Siyu didn't reply, just smiled, and then withdrew from the main room.

She had already eaten, so she didn't need to accompany her anymore. Besides, she also knew that Zhang Hao should discuss important matters with this Mr. Liang, and it was inconvenient for her to be here.

"Mr. Liang, let's eat first."

Zhang Hao picked up the bowls and chopsticks, just greeted briefly, and then ate.

Seeing this, Liang Jianzhong felt the eyes of his grandson and granddaughter, sighed silently, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhang, then we will not be polite."

He also picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

Liang Jianzhong moved his chopsticks. Liang Qian and Liang Chao couldn't wait any longer. He looked like a starved ghost reincarnated. He kept putting the food in his mouth, and from time to time he would let out a series of pleasant exclamations after eating a bite of the food. , called it delicious, and lavishly praised Li Siyu's cooking skills are simply great, and did not forget to tell their brother Zhang Hao that he has good food.

After the dishes were over, the table was full of dishes and all the dishes were disposed of by the crowd.

Zhang Hao put down the bowl and chopsticks and let out a long sigh of relief.

It can be regarded as full.

Liang Jianzhong also put down the bowls and chopsticks. He couldn't hold back any longer. Seeing that he had finished his meal, he stopped hesitating and said, "Brother Zhang, what we talked about before was about you helping me find the price of "Walking Ginseng" , I think it needs to be adjusted."

Zhang Hao nodded, and said casually: "Mr. Liang, I can tell you in advance that I will not give you a whole plant of "Walking Ginseng"."

Liang Jianzhong was taken aback, and asked, "Brother Zhang, what do you mean..."

Liang Qian and Liang Chao also showed curiosity and eccentricity, obviously they didn't quite understand Zhang Hao's answer.

Zhang Haodao: "It's like this, Mr. Liang, what we caught was indeed a "Walking Mountain Ginseng". However, it was the "Walking Mountain Ginseng" of [Ginseng Carrying a Sedan Chair]. It is very different from the ordinary "Walking Mountain Ginseng". different."

"Besides, you need "Zoushan ginseng" only for medicine. It is not suitable to eat too much. Only one section of the root is enough. Eating too much is not only not good for the body, but also harmful."

On this point, Zhang Hao did not lie to him. The "Walking Ginseng" of [Ginseng Carrying a Sedan] is the best among "Walking Ginseng". Influenced by mountain treasures, the spirituality is stronger, and the spiritual wisdom is opened. This kind of "walking ginseng" is no longer an ordinary "walking ginseng", and its medicinal value and food value are higher than "walking ginseng". too much.

Liang Jianzhong only needs "walking ginseng" as a medicine, and it can indeed play a key role. However, everything in the world will be reversed. Therefore, after Zhang Hao has passed his own judgment, he only needs to give Liang Jianzhong a root. Hidden disease.

Liang Jianzhong nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "Brother Zhang, can I add more money and buy a whole plant of "Zoushan ginseng"? Of course, I will not eat too much, and I also want to prevent it. Not yet."

Zhang Hao still shook his head: "Mr. Liang, "Walking Ginseng" is a spiritual thing, and it must be preserved in a proper way. If it is placed in a normal place, the spirituality will soon fade, and "Walking Ginseng" will become an ordinary ginseng. The method of preservation... It's not that I deliberately concealed it, but even if I tell you, you can't save it."

This is also the truth, even if Liang Jianzhong is told, it is useless, because only he has the ability to keep the "Zoushan ginseng" now, and everyone else will eventually waste everything.

Liang Jianzhong couldn't help but nodded regretfully: "In this case, then I can only give up."

Then, he raised his head and looked at Zhang Hao seriously: "Brother Zhang, I will offer 300 million yuan for this section of roots, plus re-pave the roads in your Zhaojia Village. All roads, including the road at the entrance of the village, will be paved with asphalt. ,what do you think?"

When Zhang Hao heard the price, he froze on his seat and forgot to speak for a moment.

300 million, plus paving asphalt roads for the whole village, and buying a root of "Zoushan ginseng".

"Are you sure?" Zhang Hao asked in surprise.

Liang Jianzhong nodded heavily: "Brother Zhang, do you think this price... is a bit low?"

This is the price he has weighed all the way. At first, he thought that if Zhang Hao sold him a whole plant of "Walking Ginseng", he would directly give Brother Zhang 1000 million, plus pave the way for the village.

But now Brother Zhang only gives him one root, so the price of 300 million is very reasonable and extremely worthwhile.

During this trip to the mountain, he had seen too much. He had seen brother Zhang's ability, and also seen a scene of incomparable amazement.

He believes that the price of 1000 million is not expensive, as long as he can make a friend like Brother Zhang, this money is the most valuable.

And seeing the magic of walking ginseng with his own eyes, he knows very well that the price cannot be measured.

His many years of experience also told him that it is not easy to make friends with folk strange people like Zhang Xiaoge. If he can leave a good impression on him, it will be more convenient to ask Zhang Xiaoge for help if there is such a thing in the future. .

"No, this price is not low." Zhang Hao waved his hand.

Before he could continue, Liang Jianzhong seemed to be afraid that he would refuse, and decided decisively: "In this case, we will set the price. In this way, it may be a little late today. Do you have time tomorrow? Brother Zhang, if you have time tomorrow , I’ll send a car to pick you up to the town, transfer the money, and discuss with the town about building roads for the village.”

(End of this chapter)

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