Chapter 115

Zhang Hao thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I have time tomorrow."

"That would be the best. I will have the driver come to the village to pick you up tomorrow. By the way, Brother Zhang, road repairs are not easy. You may also need the head of your village to go to the town together." Liang Jianzhong entrusted, and then got up: "Brother Zhang, then I won't disturb you for now."

Zhang Hao also got up together: "No problem, Mr. Liang, then we will see you tomorrow."

Sending the five people to the door, watching them go away, watching Mr. Liang's grandson and granddaughter greet him enthusiastically, Zhang Hao put his hands behind his back, and watched their figures gradually go away, then turned his head and turned back. Arrived in the small courtyard.

Li Siyu was rolling up his sleeves and cleaning up the dishes.

Seeing this, Zhang Hao immediately stepped forward: "Okay, leave these to me. You must be tired from cooking so many dishes, so you should have a good rest."

Li Siyu didn't stop the movement of his hands, but lowered his head and asked, "Have you helped them find what they need?"

She knew before that these people came to Zhang Hao for medicine. Although she didn't know what kind of medicine they were looking for, she knew that the medicine was not so easy to get. At that time, she heard something like 100 million.

A medicine that can be worth 100 million yuan, but what kind of medicine can it be easily obtained?

Zhang Hao smiled: "I found it, and the price has been negotiated just now."

"Oh, what was the final price you negotiated?" She asked casually.

While Zhang Hao was packing the bowls and chopsticks, a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth: "300 million, plus road construction for the village."

Li Siyu stopped cleaning the dishes, and the plate in her hand almost fell to the ground. Her beautiful eyes trembled, and the pupils shrank sharply.

Three million... That's a full three million!
This is a huge amount of money, an absolute huge amount of money, even if the money of all the families in Zhaojia Village is put together, it is impossible to reach this amount.

Moreover, as a video blogger, she is still doing a little bit of improvement, and her income from videos is only 10,000+ a year, not to the point of 20.

Now that Zhang Hao can sell medicinal materials casually, can he already reach the point of 300 million?
This it a little too expensive?
She stared at Zhang Hao in astonishment, and felt more and more unable to understand the man in front of her. From the first time she saw Zhang Hao drinking excessively, until now, Zhang Hao had really changed too much.

"Now you don't have to be so tired, we have money." Zhang Hao raised his head and smiled at her.

Li Siyu looked at him, and gradually revealed a smile.


After clearing away the bowls and chopsticks, Zhang Hao returned to his ear room.

Take out the ten-year-old angelica that Xiaobai found, and put it aside temporarily, and take out other common medicinal materials that he found. These common medicinal materials, as well as the roots, branches and leaves of angelica, will be Xiaobai's food in the future. Danggui needs to be dried in the sun and then given to Li Siyu to recuperate her body.

Then, Zhang Hao set his sights on the Guling basket.

I was eating when I came back, and now I finally have time to see Shanbao and "Walking Ginseng".

Ignoring "walking ginseng" for the time being, Zhang Hao carefully picked up the wicker chair and lifted the cover.

The human-shaped clay statue "lying" in the rattan chair remained the same without any change.

He gently reached out his hand, trying to pick up the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue], however, just as his hand touched the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] and wanted to hold it in his hand, [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] The clay statue] seemed to be scattered, before Zhang Hao could hold it in his hand, it turned into a wisp of fine soil, and fell back into the wicker chair along his fingers.

Zhang Hao was not surprised, even a little surprised.

Sure enough, as recorded in [Zoushan Travel Notes], the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] will turn into sand when touched, and the human form will be destroyed, but don’t worry, as long as it takes a while, the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] will be destroyed. [Like] will turn into the original human form by itself, and the effect will not be damaged in any way.

This is also a self-protection method of [Shanling Earth Statue], in order to avoid being taken away.

Looking at this [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue] with great interest, Zhang Hao felt more and more delighted, this thing is really a treasure.

According to the records in the ancient books, the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] is not as malleable as the [Thunder Tribulation Wood]. Whatever can be carved out will have the same effect. The attributes of the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] are relatively fixed.

The most impressive thing he remembers is that [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] can be used to accumulate spiritual pets and spiritual herbs. Simply put, [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] is placed in the soil. The inside also has spirituality, which can be used to raise spiritual pets and spiritual plants. As long as the specific plants that grow in this piece of soil have their own spirituality, the same is true for spiritual pets.

However, this is not the most powerful point. According to Zhang Hao's records in ancient books, the "Mountain Spirit Earth Statue" has growth potential, which is what Zhang Hao values ​​most.

In [Zoushan Travel Records], a Zoushanren once mentioned that [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue] can grow in a certain way, and raising spirit grass, spirit pets, etc. is also one of the ways of growth. One, after many years of growth, the [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue] is very likely to grow into the legendary [Xuanhuangtu]!
And [Xuanhuangtu] is naturally the one in the folk myth.

Of course, this is just what a senior Zoushanren mentioned in [Zoushan Travel Notes]. Whether there is really such a thing as [Xuan Huangtu], none of the previous Zoushanren have seen it. Rumors and legends.

After all, not every mountain walker can find 【Mountain Spirit Statue】. Zhang Hao was able to get it because of his luck. He was like the chosen one.

Putting the [Mountain Spirit Soil Statue] together with the rattan chair in the Gu Ling Basket, he set his sights on the four "Walking Mountain Ginseng" bound by the [Gu Ling Knot] tied with red strings.

Picking up a "walking ginseng" and putting it in his hand, he hooked the corner of his mouth.

Tonight, I will use this "walking ginseng" to cook and recuperate Li Siyu's body.


The setting sun hangs high over the western hills, and the beautiful sunset glows in the sky.

Sitting in the quiet and peaceful courtyard, Zhang Hao looked at Li Siyu wearing Hanfu, holding up the hem of the skirt, stepping over the threshold gracefully: "Let's drink chicken soup tonight, Brother Hai brought a pheasant for us .”

Li Siyu paused and nodded lightly: "Okay."

As she spoke, she put down the farm tools and baskets and walked into the kitchen.

Zhang Hao also followed, with more than half a root of ginseng in his hand: "Just add this, I will go to the mountains to find ginseng this time."

He processed this "Walking Ginseng" in the afternoon with a special treatment method, and left a root to bring to Mr. Liang tomorrow, and the remaining half of the "Walking Ginseng" was stewed directly.

Li Siyu took half of the "Walking Ginseng", and asked casually, "Isn't this ginseng old? Why don't you sell it together?"

Zhang Hao turned his head and said with a smile: "This ginseng is different, it's not that valuable, and it's best used to regulate your body."

If Liang Jianzhong was present, he would definitely vomit blood on the spot.

If the predecessors of the mountain walkers of all ages were present, they would even yell violently, strongly condemning Zhang Hao's behavior of easily stewing such a precious thing in order to save his wife.

A section of root hair is worth 300 million yuan, and the value of more than half of it is incalculable. Zhang Hao actually said that it is not that valuable...

Zhang Hao didn't dare to tell Li Siyu the value of half of the ginseng. If Li Siyu knew that the half of the ginseng they used to stew chicken tonight was worth more than 500 million or more, Li Siyu would not dare to cook.

Of course, only Zhang Hao dared to eat "Walking Ginseng" directly in chicken soup.

He has the inheritance of Zoushanren, and his physique has been slightly changed. In addition, he belongs to Zoushanren, so he can absorb the extremely strong medicinal properties of "Zoushan Ginseng".

And Li Siyu was suffering from a hidden disease, and if she wanted to cure her hidden disease and make her body better, she had to take a strong medicine.

Moreover, stewed chicken soup with "walking wild ginseng" is two different things from making medicine. You can't eat too much medicine at one time, but stewed chicken soup depends on your mood. As long as you use the correct stewing method, the medicinal properties will only dissipate a little. In this way, Li Siyu's illness will be more gentle and will not cause additional burden on the body.

"This one has to be put into the water with the pheasant and stewed for at least two hours." Zhang Hao entrusted.

Li Siyu nodded, and said coquettishly: "I see, you go out quickly, what a big man is staying in the kitchen."

With a smile on his lips, Zhang Hao walked out of the kitchen, took out Xiaobai's rice bowl by the way, found some common medicinal materials, and mixed a little root of "Walking Ginseng".

Caressing Xiaobai's forehead, he put the rice bowl in front of the very happy Xiaobai wagging his tail, and said: "Xiaobai, you are a great contributor to this mountain walk, eat quickly."

"Wow, woof, woof, woof~" Xiaobai let out a joyful bark, then put the dog's head into the bowl, opened the small pacifier, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Xiaobai who is happily enjoying the food; Li Siyu who is busy with dinner in the kitchen; Zhang Hao who looks up at the sunset and then at Li Siyu.

The bluestone slabs are swayed by the sunset, new buds are sprouting from the peach trees, and the bare grass is also green, with occasional breezes blowing by.

Plain, quiet.


Night falls.

Bursts of aroma lingered in the air, Zhang Hao hurried out of the kitchen with a pot full of chicken soup, but he ran out cautiously.

Putting the full pot of chicken soup on the dining table, he hastily placed both hands on his earlobes.

Li Siyu followed behind him, carrying two dishes.

Prepare the bowls and chopsticks, and the two sit opposite to each other on the left and right. Xiaobai squats right between the two, tilting his head, watching eagerly the steam rising from the pot of chicken soup, and the saliva is already dripping from his mouth.

"You have eaten so many herbs, you can't eat any more!" Zhang Hao rolled his eyes and scolded.

"Wow!" Xiaobai seemed to protest.

Zhang Hao stared at it: "Aren't you afraid of dying?"

"Wow!" Xiaobai seemed to retort.

Li Siyu sat on the seat, covered his mouth and smiled, his beautiful eyes completed the crescent moon: "Why don't you give it a piece of pheasant, it's waiting by the side while I'm making chicken soup, just give it a piece."

"Wow!" Xiao Bai's voice was full of joy, and his tail flew up.

"Oh, you can spoil it." Zhang Hao had no choice but to get up and pick up Xiaobai's rice bowl, pick a piece of pheasant meat into the bowl, and then picked a small piece of "Walking Ginseng", and put it in front of Xiaobai: " You can only eat so much."

Xiaobai didn't care what he said, he just carried the chicken and started eating.

Zhang Hao shook his head and laughed, and ignored Xiaobai. He dug a big bowl of chicken soup for Li Siyu, and picked a few slices of "Mountain Ginseng": "Eat slowly, eat this ginseng too, it's good for your body."

"Hmm." Li Siyu took the bowl, picked up the spoon, and took a sip of the soup first, trying to temporarily stop the secretion of saliva in his mouth.

The chicken soup tastes sweet, slightly bitter, but has no fishy smell. After swallowing, it returns to sweetness, and the tip of the teeth is full of fragrance. People can't help but want to take another sip immediately to continue the strong taste.

Li Siyu was stunned for a moment while holding the bowl, feeling puzzled.

It's not that she hasn't had pheasant soup before. All the pheasant soups she made before have a fishy smell. All the soups that have been stewed are delicious, and they surpass the previous [Duster] soup.

Is this the role of ginseng?
Li Siyu thought silently, and also summed up the answer in his heart.

If you think about it, it can only be the effect of ginseng. It turns out that stewing chicken soup with ginseng is the taste.

She tried her best to control it, drinking the soup in small sips, occasionally eating a piece of chicken, it was delicious, and with the entrance of the pheasant soup, she felt as if a warmth filled her body, and the warmth flowed freely in her body , It was so comfortable that she couldn't help but want to make a happy sound, but she forcibly held back.

Zhang Hao also eats very deliciously. While eating, he feels the warm current in his body. This is the effect of "walking ginseng", which nourishes the body, helps the body expel toxins, and makes the body more pure and free of impurities.

It didn't take long for the two of them to finish the whole pot of chicken soup. After Li Siyu finished the last mouthful of chicken soup in the bowl, he even burped softly by accident, and then his pretty face flushed.

She drank three bowls of chicken soup tonight, and couldn't control her mouth at all, and accidentally ate too much.

Zhang Hao didn't point it out, he patted his stomach lightly, and slumped on the chair: "Sure enough, the chicken soup stewed with ginseng tastes different."

"Well, it's true, it's really delicious. One, if you can't control it, you drink too much." Li Siyu said shyly.

Zhang Hao looked at her and smiled happily: "That's the best, this chicken soup is good for you and me. The more you drink, the faster your health will recover."

"Hmm..." Li Siyu glanced up at him, then immediately lowered his head, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Thank you, Zhang Hao."

Zhang Hao was taken aback: "What?"

Li Siyu smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing."

Then, she looked at the leftovers and the bowls and chopsticks in front of her.

Before he could open his mouth, he heard Zhang Hao say: "Go and rest, you just finished drinking the chicken soup, you can't move around casually, I'll clean it up here."

Li Siyu was very obedient and didn't move, but raised his head and looked at him: "Well, I'm going to the town for a review tomorrow, you, can you go with me?"

Zhang Hao paused when he cleaned up the dishes, then nodded: "Okay, I happen to be going to town tomorrow, let's go together, and I'll take you for a Maybach ride by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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