Chapter 121 Magical fortune, looking for Zhang Hao


Liu Hanzhong paused subconsciously, then raised his head in the next second, and looked in the direction of Qian Kun's finger.

This Putuo hornbeam has luxuriant branches and leaves, and its huge crown is like a huge umbrella, covering the sky and the sun.

And in his memory, when he saw this Putuo hornbeam for the first time, he saw a lot of withered and yellow leaves, and when he came again this time, he also noticed that the withered and yellow leaves on the outer layer were gone. , he thought it was the mayor who asked someone to clean it up.

He also knew that the old leader was coming, so he didn't feel disgusted with the mayor's approach and didn't ask.

But now after Qian Kun's reminder, he looked at the huge canopy again, but he could no longer see any withered yellow leaves.

Every leaf was a perfect, rich green, and even some of the twigs were no longer a pale gray, but dark brown.


Is this still the Putuo hornbeam he saw before?
What, why are there no dead leaves?And the tree branches have also turned into normal colors, this, isn't this right?

"Old Liu... What, what's going on here?" Qian Kun looked at him in amazement, with disbelief written all over his face.

Liu Hanzhong didn't understand what happened, he just looked up at the tree without any response.

After a long time, he came back to his senses, turned to look at Mayor Zhou, and asked, "Mayor Zhou, you, have you found someone to take care of this tree?"

Mayor Zhou is also very confused. He is almost worried about this tree these days. How can he find someone to take care of the tree? There is no way to stop the signs of this ancient tree's withering.

Mayor Zhou shook his head resolutely, and looked at the ancient tree in a daze.

Liu Hanzhong turned his head again, looked at Qian Kun, who is also a botanist, and said, "Quickly, quickly collect the leaves, roots, and bark and sap, test it, test it quickly!"

Since the mayor of Zhou didn't find someone to take care of it, it means that this ancient tree has not been touched in the past few days, and now the withered yellow leaves of this ancient tree have turned green, and the branches have returned to their original normal color. It is possible that this ancient tree has shown signs of getting better!

To put it simply, this ancient tree may come back to life!
Although this point of view seems nonsense, the facts are indeed nonsense. After being a botanist for so many years, he has never heard of a plant that is about to wither and can live again by its own ability.

But now the Putuo hornbeam showed him the state that this tree is very likely to be alive!Most likely normal!
Qian Kun nodded ignorantly, and immediately organized people to collect the things needed for testing, and he himself was not idle, he kept turning around the tree, looking at this "miracle" ancient tree from all directions and all angles. Tree.


town government.

conference room.

Liu Hanzhong, Qian Kun, Wang Jinhai, Mayor Zhou, and the entourage all looked anxious.

Liu Hanzhong was restless, standing around the conference table and pacing back and forth, revealing his inner anxiety all the time.

The ancient tree is in spring, and it is very likely that it will be alive again. Now that the test results have not come out, how can he not be in a hurry.

If the test results come out, it will definitely be a happy and great thing to see that the ancient tree is indeed alive, but if the test results come out and the results are the same as before, then the ancient tree will still end up dead .

He is nervous and apprehensive now, afraid that the test results will be different from what he expected.

"Here we come, here we come, the test results are here!"

At this time, a staff member hurried over, holding several documents in his hand.

Liu Hanzhong hurried forward to pick it up, and it could even be said that he snatched it.

Holding the test results in his hand, before he could feel the warmth on the paper, he was attracted by the data on it.

The same goes for the rest of the experts.

There was a rare moment of silence in the conference room.

But not long after.

Liu Hanzhong, who kept flipping through the documents, exclaimed, "Damn!"

Followed by.

"Fuck! Old Liu, the Putuo hornbeam is alive! It's really alive!" Qian Kun was overjoyed, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and his expression management was out of control.

Wang Jinhai's hand holding the materials trembled a little, and said excitedly: "I said, I said why the nutrients in the soil suddenly became less, it really is so, it really is so! This Putuo hornbeam has absorbed The nutrients in the soil survived!"

Mayor Zhou looked at the three experts in front of him with astonishment written all over his face.

For a moment, he forgot to be happy when he heard the good news, but just watched the three experts talking in a daze.

"That ancient tree, ancient tree, is it really alive?" He asked very uncertainly.

Liu Hanzhong nodded heavily, the wrinkles on his face piled up together, but he looked like he was ten years younger: "Yes, Mayor Zhou, this Putuo hornbeam is alive! Judging from the test results, everything is normal , even much better than before!"

"Yes, from the test results, the rotten root ratio of Putuo hornbeam is even lower than 5.00%, which is within the normal and acceptable range! It can be said that Putuo hornbeam is in its best period!" Qian Kun added.

Mayor Zhou slumped down on the chair, his expression couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing.

Alive... Putuo hornbeam is alive?

Great... Great, if this ancient tree is alive, the old leader will be very happy to see this ancient tree when he returns to Yaqian Town tomorrow, and will definitely...

That's great, the official career is preserved, and the position is also preserved.

Maybe, maybe after the end of this term, he will be able to move up the ranks!

The other three experts ignored him at all, but looked at the report from time to time, and glanced at each other from time to time.

"It's amazing, it's amazing! It's, it's actually living by itself, this, this is simply a miracle!" Liu Hanzhong laughed heartily, his joy was beyond words,
Qian Kun nodded heavily: "It can indeed be described as a miracle. It's incredible. Think about it. Six days ago, when we first saw this tree, the leaves were all withered and yellow, and the rotten root ratio had reached more than 50%. It must be a rescue. It is no longer alive, I never expected, I never expected it to come back to life in just 5 days, this can no longer be described as a miracle!"

Wang Jinhai was really happy for the ancient tree, and his face was full of joy.

After the brief joy passed away, the three gradually calmed down.

They suddenly realized a problem, a problem that had just been dazzled by joy and ignored.

That is, how did this Putuo hornbeam come alive?

As plant experts, they have an extremely sufficient understanding of plants, and they have unique judgments on whether plants can survive.

But this Putuo hornbeam completely broke all their cognition over the years, and even rubbed the knowledge they had learned on the ground.

This Putuo hornbeam came alive without anyone's supervision, which is too contrary to common sense and their cognition.

It was a miracle indeed, but a perverse one!

Mind this.

Liu Hanzhong looked at the two and asked blankly, "How did this Putuo hornbeam survive?"

Qian Kun shook his head: "No, I don't know."

Wang Jinhai shook his head violently, expressing that he didn't know.

Indeed, they shouldn't know, because judging from their professionalism, they really shouldn't know about this apparently miraculous thing.

"Judging from the current situation, the survival of this tree must not depend on the tree itself." Qian Kun analyzed.

Liu Hanzhong thought for a moment and said: "Then we can only find the reason from external factors."

"External factors...artificial?" He thought again.

Wang Jinhai suggested: "Why don't we watch the surveillance video? Look at the changes in the old trees in the past few days."

Liu Hanzhong suddenly realized, and slapped his forehead: "That's right! Look at the surveillance video, Mayor Zhou, hurry up, and call out the surveillance video immediately. From the day we left the ancient tree to today, all the surveillance videos are called up!"

Mayor Zhou was still immersed in joy, and immediately got up when he heard this, and laughed loudly: "Wait a minute, I will do it right away!"

Mayor Zhou's efficiency is still very fast. It didn't take long for all the surveillance videos to be pulled out.

Three experts gathered in front of the big screen, quickly browsing the surveillance video.

When they just saw the surveillance video of the next day, they found a person who came with this old man with a cane in both hands. Under the surveillance, this person bypassed the barrier and walked to the The periphery of the old tree, that is, the position on the edge of the soil.

After walking around, he squatted down, as if rubbing some soil, and left.

In the subsequent surveillance video, this person never appeared again, and no one approached the ancient tree.

What's strange is that after the person squatted down in front of the ancient tree, in the following days, surveillance video showed that the three experts could see that the Putuo hornbeam had been found through the sunlight and the pictures. Clear signs of improvement!
First of all, the withered and yellow leaves began to turn green slowly. When the time came to today, it had completely changed its appearance and truly came alive.

After watching the surveillance video, the three experts looked at each other, at a loss, and looked at each other with surprise, disbelief, and doubt in their eyes.

"Could it be... this person?" Qian Kun adjusted the surveillance video to the front, the figure squatting in front of the ancient tree.

Liu Hanzhong stared at the figure for a long time, then said: "At present, only this person has been close to the ancient tree in the past few days, and then the ancient tree miraculously came back to life, but it is said that this person cured the ancient tree... …I'm not sure, and can he actually do that?"

Wang Jinhai thought for a moment: "Indeed, even we can't cure the ancient tree. Can he really do it?"

Qian Kun waved his hand: "Then how did the ancient tree live? Could it be that you really think that the ancient tree lived by itself? I don't quite believe it. If the ancient tree can come back to life by itself, then this ancient tree has really become a spirit. I think that the fact that the ancient tree came back to life may have something to do with this person, but how much is the relationship... I don't know."

Liu Hanzhong didn't express his point of view immediately, but after thinking for a long time, he asked, "Then what method did he use to save this ancient tree that was about to die?"

The two remained silent and did not answer, and they really could not answer this question.

Because this is so strange, or so miraculous, it is impossible to think about it, but it also makes people feel strange and unavoidably suspicious.

But now that the ancient tree has come to life, logically speaking, their mission is over.

But it happened that the ancient tree was alive. If they didn't understand the reason, they wouldn't be able to sleep well at night.

After all, if you know the reason, it will be an opportunity to write a paper and become famous in the whole circle of botanists in one fell swoop!
"How about... go find this person? See if it has something to do with him?" Qian Kun suggested.

Now the three of them are discussing here, and it is useless to discuss it.

There is neither key evidence nor any clues. No matter how much you discuss it, it will be futile. It is better to find this person and ask the reason.

Liu Hanzhong thought for a long time, nodded and said: "At present, it seems that this is the only way. After all, no one is close to the ancient tree except him."

Wang Jinhai nodded in agreement.

Holding the fixed-frame surveillance video, Liu Hanzhong called Mayor Zhou in and said, "Mayor Zhou, please help us find the person in the video."

Mayor Zhou took the video, squinted his eyes and asked, "What is he doing?"

Liu Hanzhong raised his hand and pressed down: "Mayor Zhou, it's important to find someone first."

He didn't say the reason, let alone reveal any meaning.

Mayor Zhou nodded, clicked on the video, and watched it carefully from beginning to end.

He squinted his eyes for a long time before he saw the face of the person in the video, and subconsciously exclaimed: "Brother Zhang?"

The three of Liu Hanzhong were startled, their eyes widened, and they hurriedly asked, "Do you know this person?"

"I know." Mayor Zhou nodded: "His name is Zhang Hao, he is from Zhaojia Village..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Hanzhong tightly grasped his arms on both sides: "Mayor Zhou, take us there immediately to find this man named Zhang Hao. We have something very important to ask him!"

Mayor Zhou was shocked, but seeing the expressions of the three experts did not seem to be joking, he nodded and said, "No, no problem, I will arrange a car right away."


the other side.

Yaqian Town People's Hospital.

"Teacher, please slow down!" Zhou Qi changed into plain clothes, put on a jacket, and caught up with the teacher in front of him.

Lu Yuan walked in a hurry, completely ignoring the students behind him.

In the past few days, he has been looking for the patient named "Li Siyu" through various relationships.

But the town has been busy with some important things these past few days, and it was not until just now that I told others that I found it.

It's in Zhaojia Village under Yaqian Town.

After hearing the news, why would he stay in the hospital? He took his students and prepared to rush to Zhaojia Village.

Out of the hospital gate, standing by the taxi, he looked at the dragging students behind him, and shouted: "Can you hurry up! An old man who can't keep up with me walks fast, and I won't take you there Already!"

Hearing this, Zhou Qi hurriedly quickened his pace and chased after him out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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