Chapter 122 Gathering in Zhao Family Village, the Confused Zhang Hao
Zhao Family Village.

The dust was flying, and the roar of huge machines broke the tranquility of this small mountain village.

But no one complained, and no one was dissatisfied. On the contrary, everyone's faces were filled with smiles, and they even worked hard in the field.

On the roads in the village, there are excavators, ground drilling machines, forklifts and other large mechanical vehicles everywhere.

Workers wearing hard hats and dressed in yellow and green are walking around, directing the large mechanical vehicles to move forward and backward.

The road construction project in Zhaojia Village was not only put on the agenda, but also on the second day after Zhang Hao returned from the town, these large mechanical vehicles entered the site and started working on the same day.

The location of the village entrance.

Two Hongqi commercial vehicles stopped.

Mayor Zhou quickly got out of the car, raised his hand, raised the dust in front of his eyes, and frowned.

Liu Hanzhong, Wang Jinhai, Qian Kun and others also got out of the car.

"Professors, I forgot to tell you that Zhaojia Village is building roads recently, so it's a bit messy."

Liu Hanzhong nodded, not caring: "Well, it's okay, we're not here to inspect the work."

For this visit, he came with a purpose, just to ask Zhang Hao if he knew about the resurrection of the ancient tree, so when Mayor Zhou proposed to call in advance, he refused.

Because of this kind of thing, after much deliberation, it is better to come here in person, and ask some things in person, so as not to bother you in the future.

More importantly, this matter is of great importance, and it is an important topic for the entire Kyushu botanical community.

Qian Kun hurriedly answered: "As long as we can find that Zhang Hao's home."

Mayor Zhou nodded hurriedly: "It will definitely work, it will work."

"Mayor Zhou, let's lead the way." Liu Hanzhong didn't exchange pleasantries, and said directly.

Mayor Zhou didn't dare to be negligent, and stretched out his hand: "Professors, please."

A group of people walked on the broken road, and sometimes they had to avoid the workers who were moving things and the excavators at work, enduring the noisy working sounds and the poor working environment.

Liu Hanzhong and the others were not disgusted, and they didn't even take it to heart. Now they only wanted to see Zhang Hao, and they were all concerned about the reason for the resurrection of the ancient tree. Everything else was not important.

Ruoruo... The resurrection of Ruruo ancient tree was really done by Zhang Hao...

It's not that they haven't thought about this problem, but they have exhausted all their brain cells, but they can't figure out if Zhang Hao really revived the ancient tree, how did he do it all.

This is a fundamentally impossible thing.

But if it had nothing to do with him, what was his purpose of getting close to the ancient tree?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out at all.

Under the leadership of Mayor Zhou, the group of people walked slowly. It took about 5 minutes to walk, but they walked abruptly for more than ten minutes, and arrived in about 10 minutes.

Coming to the familiar Sanjin courtyard again, Mayor Zhou looked at the closed door and hurriedly knocked on it.

But after knocking for a while, no one responded.

Could it be that he went out?not at home?
"Maybe, maybe not at home? We, why don't we wait here, Professor Liu." Mayor Zhou shouted a little embarrassedly.

The surrounding voices were too loud, and he was afraid that the experts would not be able to hear him if he shouted at the top of his voice.

Liu Hanzhong had no objection, put his hands behind his back, and did not answer the conversation.

Mayor Zhou looked around, trying to find Zhang Hao around.

at this time.

He saw a small road beside him, a figure leading a dog that was not yet full moon, walking towards the Sanjin courtyard with its head down.

Look at the figure, look at the look, and look at the dog...

It seems to be Zhang Hao?

Seeing this, Mayor Zhou's expression froze: "Professor Liu, that's Zhang Hao!"

Liu Hanzhong and the others immediately looked in the direction of the finger, and saw a young man with the same body shape as in the surveillance video, walking with a dog.

But they didn't move, they just stood there.

There was no other reason, but because the road in front of Zhang Hao's house was also damaged, and Zhang Hao had to "cross mountains and mountains" to come back. They might as well wait for Zhang Hao to come back where they were.

And this time.

Zhang Hao looked at the road under his feet, sometimes he had to avoid the gravel, sometimes he had to pay attention to the pits under his feet, and he also had to watch Xiaobai to prevent Xiaobai from falling.

Counting the days, it has been five days since he put down the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue], and he must have absorbed the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] almost, and it should be almost the same distance from being fully formed.

Wait for a chance to get back the 【Mountain Spirit Earth Statue】.

Well, it should be too late to pick it up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

With this in mind, he brought Xiaobai to the door of the house.

There was a shout in my ear.

"Zhang Hao! Zhang Hao!"

He raised his head subconsciously and looked in the direction of the door.

In front of the gate, there were four people standing at this time, Mayor Zhou, and three old men with different appearances, but their temperaments were quite similar.

Zhang Hao was taken aback for a moment, and soon remembered that the other three were the experts from the province that he saw in the botanical garden a few days ago.

Seeing this group of people standing at the door of his house, he was taken aback.

He didn't think of the reason why these experts came to him. Could it be that they came to him because he was close to the ancient tree that day and was photographed by surveillance?

No way, logically speaking, from the monitoring, he can only see him approaching the ancient tree, but he cannot see the scene of him scattering the [Mountain Spirit Soil Statue] on the soil.

But besides this, what else could there be?
"Mayor Zhou, these people are..." Zhang Hao stepped up the steps and asked with doubts in his smile.

Mayor Zhou hurriedly introduced: "These are experts from the province."

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Hao, my name is Liu Hanzhong." Liu Hanzhong first extended his hand with a smile on his face.

Zhang Hao was not polite either, he stretched out his hands and clasped them together: "Professor Liu, hello."

"This is Wang Jinhai, and this is Qian Kun."

After several people greeted each other, Zhang Hao took out the key: "Come on, let's go in and talk."

A group of people entered the gate, walked into the small courtyard, and entered the main hall. Zhang Hao asked everyone to sit down, while he went to make tea.

Li Siyu went to the field today, and he and Xiaobai were the only ones at home, so he must do things like this.

After he finished his busy work and poured tea for everyone, he sat down.

Mayor Zhou was the first to speak: "Brother Zhang, these experts from the province are here today to ask you something."

Zhang Hao pretended to be ignorant, with a smile still on his face, and hurriedly waved his hands: "I'm just a countryman. If there is anything that can alert a few experts to ask me specifically."

Liu Hanzhong went straight to the point: "Mr. Zhang Hao, we came here this time just to ask you, did you go to see the ancient tree again on the second day after we arrived? Did you still squat down beside the ancient tree? "

Sure enough, it was because of this matter.

Zhang Hao moved the corner of his mouth imperceptibly, and then nodded: "That's true. I have heard of this ancient tree since I was a child, but unfortunately I have never had the chance to see it. I didn't expect it to die, so I asked Mr. Liang to take me around. After a lap, it can be regarded as making up for regrets."

Qian Kun hurriedly asked: "You squatted down beside the ancient tree, what did you do?"

Zhang Hao was taken aback for a moment, his expression was a little tangled, and finally he nodded in embarrassment.

The faces of the three experts changed. After seeing Zhang Hao's reaction, their hearts began to shift in an unbelievable direction.

Could it be really Zhang Hao?
Not sure, look again.

"Brother Zhang, what did you do?" Mayor Zhou was also very curious.

Zhang Hao looked up at the three experts and said with a helpless smile: "To be honest, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I am a mountain walker. Mayor Zhou knows that, and we mountain walkers live on the mountains and live on the mountains. , I have a lot of contact with trees in daily life."

The three experts listened more and more vigorously, and Liu Hanzhong was about to stand up.

Zhang Hao peeked at their reactions, and continued: "In the eyes of us mountain walkers, things like trees have spirits. I saw that ancient tree that day, and I thought about this ancient tree. It has been nearly a thousand years, there must be a tree spirit..."

Speaking of this, he smiled again: "So, I squatted by the tree and talked to the tree, wanting to communicate with the tree spirit, hoping that he will get better and bring me good luck. You know, As mountain hikers, we must all want to be blessed, so that we can return safely after entering the mountain.”

Zhang Hao didn't intend to tell about the [Mountain Spiritual Earth Statue], the reason is very simple, he still understands the reason why a man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade.

If he confides about the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue], he might be in trouble.

What's more, Zhang Hao is not willing to let such things as mountain treasures come out. Once unruly people are attracted to enter the mountain, it will be an extremely troublesome thing. Cause and effect, the mountain god was dissatisfied.

Therefore, after repeated weighing, he still decided not to speak, even if he was beaten to death.

Most importantly, even if he doesn't say it, these experts have no evidence.

As for Mr. Liang, he only knows about the existence of the [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue], but he doesn't know its function and magic, let alone what he did a few days ago, so he is not afraid that he will say something. Come.

And presumably he doesn't need to talk about this, after all, he still has demands on himself, and he is not that kind of person.

The light in the eyes of the three experts disappeared in an instant.

If what Zhang Hao said was the truth, it would be completely different from their guess, and it would be completely opposite, irrelevant.

At first glance, Zhang Hao’s words had a lot of loopholes, such as tree spirits and talking to trees, it sounded unrealistic at first glance, but Zhang Hao couldn’t stand it and said at the beginning that he was a mountain walker and had enough contact with trees.

And like this kind of older and more traditional profession, there will always be some rules and customs that outsiders don't know, and there are some particularities, which is the origin of the so-called folk customs.

It cannot be refuted on this point.

"That's all?" Qian Kun was a little puzzled and unwilling.

Zhang Hao pretended to be surprised, and said speechlessly: "That's all, you guys, you don't think I destroyed the ancient tree, do you?"

"Mayor Zhou, what happened to the ancient tree? Did something happen?" He looked at Mayor Zhou and asked, feeling a little suspicious in his heart. Could it be that the ancient tree died a few days earlier?

Mayor Zhou opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He just looked at the three experts.

Liu Hanzhong coughed lightly, frowned, and said solemnly: "It's not a secret, Mr. Zhang Hao, we found that after you went to the ancient tree, the ancient tree began to recover. Just today, we It was found that the ancient tree has come back to life."

What the hell!

Zhang Hao's pupils shrank, his expression was astonished, and his whole body froze, like a statue.

The ancient tree... is alive?
This, what's going on?

Isn't that ancient tree about to die? Why did it suddenly come back to life?
And just after I put down the [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue], I came back alive...

He didn't pretend, but really didn't know what was going on, and didn't understand what happened.

According to his thinking, it should be that the [Mountain Spirit Soil Statue] absorbs the rootless soil, and the ancient tree should die. Although it is impossible to be sucked to death all at once, as time goes by, the ancient tree will never die Vitality can be said, because the old trees can no longer absorb the nutrients in the soil, and the roots at the bottom may be completely rotten, and it is impossible to survive.

In other words, [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue] cannot change anything.

But these experts came to visit today and told him that the ancient tree is alive?

How is this possible, this is unbelievable...

"Mr. Zhang Hao? Mr. Zhang Hao."

"Ah." Zhang Hao came back to his senses, looked at the three experts, with surprise and feigned surprise on his face, and asked, "That tree, is that tree really alive?"

Liu Hanzhong smiled: "It's true, Mr. Zhang Hao, he really came back to life."

"It's a miracle." Zhang Hao muttered to himself.

Qian Kun nodded: "It is indeed a miracle. After all, when we first arrived, we already felt that the ancient tree was hopeless. We had already planned to deal with it, but today we found out that the ancient tree actually came back to life, so we gave up. Thoughts on how to deal with it.”

"Okay, okay, the ancient tree came back to life, that's a good thing for our Yaqian Town, it's a blessing for our Yaqian Town." Zhang Hao laughed.

Mayor Zhou was very pleased with these words and kept nodding his head.

Liu Hanzhong stared at him closely, with a kind smile on his face: "Mr. Zhang Hao, from your perspective of a walker, what might be the reason for the ancient tree to come back to life?"

He wanted to lure Zhang Hao to tell more news through talking.

Although it is not certain that Zhang Hao is related to this incident, it is not certain that Zhang Hao has nothing to do with this incident.

In other words, it is impossible to say what ideas can be brought to oneself by the bystanders.

Zhang Hao fell into deep thought.

This Professor Liu is right, he really should think about the reason for the resurrection of the ancient tree.

Could it be because of the 【Mountain Spirit Earth Statue】?

But if he remembers correctly, the 【Mountain Spirit Earth Statue】has the ability to grow, and it only has the function of absorbing, not helping trees grow, or even nourishing and resurrecting.

But if it wasn't for the [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue], what would have caused the revival of the ancient tree?
After thinking about it, after going through all the thoughts in his mind, he raised his head and said solemnly: "Professor Liu, can you take me over to see that ancient tree?"

Zhang Hao decided to take this opportunity to go over and take away the [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue].

Liu Hanzhong nodded, just about to answer.

Bang bang bang!
In the noisy environment, there was a knock on the door.

"Is Zhang Hao at home? We are from the People's Hospital of Yaqian Town. We want to find your wife, Li Siyu."

(End of this chapter)

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