My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 179 The Way to Solve Weasel's Challenge

Chapter 179 The Way to Solve Weasel's Challenge
Along the way, Zhang Hao didn't think of any feasible solution.

This weasel is like a piece of dog skin plaster, it can't be shaken off at all, and there is no chance of getting rid of it, unless you go down the mountain now.

Because the weasel can only ask for titles in the mountains, once it goes down the mountain, the weasel will not be able to ask others questions like it is in the mountains, and everyone can only hear the weasel's "squeak" when it goes down the mountain.

This is why among the folk rumors, only the weasel begging for the seal was heard in the mountains, but no weasel begged for the seal at home or on the road.

But it’s useless even if Zhang Hao goes home now. It’s not like he will never go up the mountain in this life. As long as he still goes up the mountain in the future, the weasel will still find him by following the smell and continue to ask him this question until he Give an answer.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao temporarily gave up this idea, sat on the deer's back, and looked ahead.

It didn't take long for him to return to the location of the [Seven-Star Chessboard Case] ​​by riding the Mountain God Deer.

At this time, Li Siyu seemed to have finished all the measuring work, and was sitting on the ground, holding a pen and paper, writing and drawing something.

Just after Zhang Hao rode a deer and came back dragging the wood, Li Siyu also heard the sound, and stood up from the ground, smiling, looking at Zhang Hao and the mountain god deer.

The same is true for Xiaobai, but a second ago Xiaobai was still wagging his tail, and the dog's face was full of happiness, but in the next second, Xiaobai's tail stopped wagging, and the dog's face was full of viciousness, and he opened his eyes. Mouth, yelled for no reason.

Li Siyu was still puzzled, and lowered his head to look at Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, what's the matter? That's Zhang Hao, and the mountain deer."

Xiaobai was still staring closely at Zhang Hao's direction, as if he was on guard for something, and was also ready to rush forward at any time.

At this time, Zhang Hao rode a deer, came to the front, turned over and got off the back of the deer: "I'm back, and this time I pulled back four logs, half of the roof should be there."

Li Siyu smiled: "It should be only one-third of the roof."


Just as the two were chatting with each other, she heard a different sound, like the cry of some kind of animal, and she seemed to have heard this sound somewhere, it was a bit familiar, but she just couldn't remember where it was. Where have I heard it.

She followed the sound, and immediately locked her eyes on the weasel standing on the wood, wearing a ripped cassock, with her hands folded, and a monkey cheek with a sharp mouth.

The big tail was still swaying outside the cassock.

Seeing this, Li Siyu took a step back subconsciously, with a look of fear on his face.

When she was a child, she heard the old people in the village say that weasels, foxes, snakes, etc., are the gods in the mountains, and they are also harmful things in the mountains, so don't provoke them.

Among them, the weasel is the most important. Once a person provokes a weasel, he will never end well. At least, he will be a fool for a lifetime, and at worst, his family will be ruined, and his life will be lonely.

Therefore, in normal times, Li Siyu would walk around a weasel when he saw it, for fear that this thing really had some kind of ability.

And after walking the mountain with Zhang Hao once, she became more convinced of the existence of this possibility, and more and more convinced that weasel is definitely not a good thing, and she should avoid it as much as possible.

However, the weasel that I saw today was very strange. It was still wearing a cassock with holes, and its two paws were closed together, just like a "monk who has attained the Tao". It was completely different from the weasel in her impression.

She didn't raise her finger to point at the weasel, but asked in a low voice; "This... how can there be a weasel here? Besides, why is it still wearing cassock?"

Zhang Hao smiled helplessly: "It's a long story, let me tell you first, this is a weasel begging for title, it is the story we heard when we were young, the weasel asked people to see that he looks like a man like a god."

Li Siyu nodded thoughtfully: "Then, how should I answer?"

Zhang Hao waved his hand and said, "No need to answer, if this weasel asks you this question, you don't have to answer him, just pretend you didn't hear it."

"Because if you say that he is like a man, then he will persecute you, because he wants to become a god, but if you say that he is like a god, then you will help him bear the cause and effect of becoming a god, that is, karma Debt, this is the scariest thing, and ordinary people simply cannot bear it.”

"So, just pretend that he doesn't exist, and don't answer any of his questions."

"Okay..." Li Siyu replied, then, he glanced at the weasel hastily, and asked again: "Then it won't do anything to us?"

On the side, Xiaobai stared at the weasel with dog eyes, his eyes were full of vigilance, and he kept whimpering, as if he could rush forward at any time and strip the weasel alive.

Zhang Hao looked at the weasel and shook his head: "No, he doesn't have the guts, and before he gets the answer, he can't attack the person who asked the question."

Then, he immediately changed the subject: "How is your design drawing? Are you planning everything?"

As soon as Li Siyu talked about this, he turned around, picked up his own achievements, and put them in front of Zhang Hao: "Look, I marked the size of the courtyard here, as well as the scope of the house. I have also listed the basic structure and shape, and here, the distribution of the rooms, etc. are all marked..."

Zhang Hao listened carefully, nodding his head from time to time.

But at the same time, the piercing, high-pitched weasel's voice was still echoing in his ears.

"Do you think I look like a human, or like a Buddha?"

The voice was still calm, without the slightest impetuousness, let alone the slightest bit of displeasure. It was really like a calm old monk talking to him again.

This weasel is absolutely perfect.

And Zhang Hao also blocked the weasel's voice as much as possible, and focused all his attention on listening to Li Siyu's words.

At this moment, the weasel seemed a little dissatisfied.

Because He has been asking Zhang Hao the same question, only at the very beginning, Zhang Hao gave an answer, but that answer was a useless answer and could not meet His expectations.

Until now, he was still asking Zhang Hao, but he still didn't get any answer.

Therefore, he settled for the next best thing again, jumped off the log, looked at the huge mountain god deer, and finally focused on Xiaobai.

He walked in front of Xiaobai, but before he could ask, Xiaobai's bark came first.

"Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Xiaobai looked fierce, his sharp fangs were exposed, his four claws were tense, ready to strike at all times, and his eyes were even more fierce.

The weasel was not afraid at all, and also opened its mouth.

"Zhizhizhi~" (do you think I look like a human, or like a Buddha?)
"Wow, woof, woof!" (You look like a dog!)

"Zhizhizhi~" (do you think I look like a human, or like a Buddha?)
"Wow, woof, woof!" (You are Gengouba!)
"Zhizhizhi~" (do you think I look like a human, or like a Buddha?)
"Wow, woof, woof!" (Why are you still talking, you bastard?)
A new round of confrontation started again, and the weasel and Xiaobai started to output at the same time, but Xiaobai and the mountain god deer had roughly the same temper. Facing the always calm weasel, the only way Xiaobai could do was to go up front bite.

This time, the weasel did not dodge or dodge, but backed up several steps, kept dodging Xiaobai's attack, and at the same time wailed tirelessly, very persistent.

The cries of Xiaobai and the weasel made Zhang Hao, who was already a little upset, even more upset.

Li Siyu also comforted him softly, telling him not to get so angry.

At this time, the weasel seemed to have found a new target, turned to look at Li Siyu, and moved closer to Li Siyu while avoiding Xiaobai's attack.

Also at this time.

Li Siyu suddenly realized that the weasel's cry that he had heard before suddenly became understandable words.

"Do you think I look like a human, or a Buddha?" A sharp, hoarse, and peaceful voice echoed in my ears.

Li Siyu was taken aback, raised his head, and subconsciously looked at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao sighed silently: "This is his ability. When he wants to ask you, you will hear him speak. If he doesn't ask you, then what you hear is the cry, ignore him That's it."

"By the way, you probably want to ask him why he is looking like a Buddha instead of a god?" He asked back.

Li Siyu nodded.

Zhang Hao shook his head helplessly and said: "I don't know too much about this, but judging from the dress of this yellow leather child, it may be something from a temple, or something like a mountain treasure with similar abilities, that's why I got it." They will wear cassocks, and then ask people whether they look like a human or a Buddha."

Li Siyu nodded in a sudden realization, no more questions, but continued to lower her head, explaining her design ideas to Zhang Hao.

However, because the voice of the weasel's questioning was always echoing in her ears, her explanations were sometimes interrupted frequently.

But fortunately, Zhang Hao has gotten used to it, so the two of them finished reading all of Li Siyu's design ideas.

At this time, Zhang Hao nodded thoughtfully, and said solemnly: "Okay, then let's build the house according to this idea. I will prepare all the materials, and you will be in charge of supervision."

Li Siyu nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Then, Zhang Hao touched the stubble protruding from the bottom, looked at the weasel who kept asking questions, and squinted his eyes.

"Okay, let's see if there is anything that needs to be improved. I'll fix this yellow skin." Zhang Hao said.

Li Siyu showed worry, and subconsciously grabbed his hand: "Will it be dangerous?"

Zhang Hao shook his head: "There will be no danger. I already know how to deal with this yellow skin. You should do your best."

Li Siyu let go of his hand and continued to be busy with his own affairs.

Zhang Hao continued to sit on the ground.

After a while, when the weasel asked Li Siyu and got no answer, he hit Zhang Hao again.

With his two paws closed, he slowly walked to Zhang Hao's side.

Before he could ask, Zhang Hao stood up, rolled over on the deer's back, and rushed into the dense forest at the edge without any explanation.

The weasel was taken aback, but Zhang Hao was even more cunning than him, and ran away on a deer.

He simply didn't pretend anymore, let go of his two paws, put his feet on the ground, and chased him as fast as he could.

To be honest, he has been asking Zhang Hao, the mountain god deer, Xiao Bai, and Li Siyu all day long, but no one person or animal has answered him.

This made him, who had always maintained a calm mind, a little angry.

Why is it so difficult to become a Buddha?

Since he got that thing, he has escaped into Buddhism, wholeheartedly wanting to become a Buddha, and has made a lot of efforts to become a Buddha.

Now that he finally got the chance to become a Buddha, he wished he could become a Buddha immediately, but who knew that Zhang Hao, a mountain-walker, would not fall for it.

As long as Zhang Hao, the mountain walker, can get in the trap once, he will succeed.

But until now, He still has not succeeded. This matter is all due to Zhang Hao, a mountain walker.

He chased the mountain god deer like crazy, exhausting all his strength.

But the speed of the mountain god deer is not ordinary. Even if it is placed in the whole mountain, it is one of the few. He has been chasing it according to instinct and never stops.

Zhang Hao turned his head from time to time to see the weasel chasing behind the deer. If the speed of the mountain god deer is too fast, let the mountain god deer slow down a little.

If the weasel is faster, let the mountain god deer be faster.

In this way, Zhang Hao drove the mountain god deer and continued to run forward with the weasel.


Immediately afterwards, after passing through a dense forest, Zhang Hao rode the mountain god deer without stopping, and rushed over directly.

As soon as he rushed over, Zhang Hao saw a fork in the road, which was divided into two roads, one on the left and one on the right. In the middle of the two roads, there was an old tree with three slits on its surface.

Zhang Hao didn't let the mountain god deer stop, and rushed directly into the dense forest beside him.

Before entering the dense forest, Zhang Hao shouted at the ancient tree: "Senior Ancient Tree, come alive!"

The voice just fell.

The weasel rushed out of the dense forest.

And at the same time.

An ethereal, but vicissitudes of life, as if a voice from ancient times, echoed in the dense forest.

"Huh... is this the little weasel from back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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