My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 180 The Weasel Begged for the Seal and Driven Himself Crazy

Chapter 180 The Weasel Begged for the Seal and Driven Himself Crazy

As soon as he heard the sound, the weasel was stunned for a while, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​chasing Zhang Hao. Instead, he stood there and looked around, as if trying to find out where the sound came from.

"Hehe, the little weasel doesn't know the old man?"

The ancient tree opened its mouth again, and its branches trembled.

Zhang Hao hid in the grass beside him, just watching quietly.

To be honest, he wasn't sure if the ancient tree could completely restrain the weasel. This was also an attempt.

If the ancient tree can really restrain the weasel, even if it makes the weasel retreat, that would be the best result.

But it is also possible that the weasel simply ignored the ancient tree and still came to him to continue asking questions. That was what Zhang Hao couldn't accept the most. If that happened, he would have to think about how to deal with the weasel again.

However, it seems that things are gradually moving in a good direction. The weasel obviously stopped, looking for the direction of the sound.

And Gu Shu also opened his mouth very cooperatively.

Thinking about it, Gu Shu hasn't spoken a word for so many years. The last time Gu Shu met Li Siyu and himself, the words were really secret and endless. If they don't leave, Gu Shu will continue to talk. The meaning of going on.

And the weasel is the kind of master who can keep asking questions as long as others can talk to him, so when the two creatures in the mountain meet together... one can imagine what kind of chemical reaction will happen.

The most important thing is that Zhang Hao is also very curious about what will happen.

On the side, the mountain god deer also stared at the pair of curious eyes, looking curiously at the weasel and the ancient tree.

At this time, on the road, the weasel had already discovered that the ancient tree in front of him had opened his mouth. He first tilted his head in doubt, and looked at the ancient tree, as if confirming it.

"That's right, little weasel, it's me talking."

Gu Shu opened his mouth again, with a little regret or regret in his tone: "You have passed by the old man many times before, but you never stopped. If you stop, the old man can talk to you After all, this mountain is really too boring, and the days when no one talks are really hard."

The voice just fell.

The weasel seemed to have confirmed it completely, and its two paws were closed together, just like the appearance of the accomplished monk shown before.

"Zhizhizhi~" (do you think I look like a human, or like a Buddha?)
Zhang Hao couldn't hear the weasel's question anymore, he could only hear the weasel's cry.

But Gu Shu could hear the weasel's question, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Like a human? Or like a Buddha? You are just a little weasel. If you want to say like a weasel, do you look like a weasel?"

The weasel was taken aback when he heard this answer, and grinned upwards with his pointed mouth, revealing the fangs inside, and there was a bit of fierceness in his eyes.

Logically speaking, when faced with a weasel's question, the most incapable of answering is to be like a weasel, because then the weasel can solve the person who answered the question on the spot, and ruin his family, going through a series of processes.

But the answer to this question is the ancient tree, an ancient tree that has survived in this dense forest for hundreds of years, and the ancient tree itself is a mountain treasure, and it is a very special kind among the mountain treasures. He said that he dared not do anything to the ancient tree.

At most, he just bared his teeth and continued to ask questions.

"Zhizhizhi~" (do you think I look like a human, or like a Buddha?)
When Gu Shu heard the weasel asked this question again, he was silent for a while, and then smiled: "If you ask this question again, it means that the old man's previous answer was not correct. Well, think about it, you are asking the old man, you Like a human, or like a Buddha."

"Well, if you say it looks like a human, it's not very similar. After all, you are standing upright like a human, but you are wearing a tattered cassock, and your hands... well, with your claws clasped together, are more like a monk. "

"Oh, by the way, little weasel, when I talk about this monk, I think of it as if it was decades ago... no, it seems to be hundreds of years ago, yes, maybe hundreds of years ago, an old monk once Passing by here, at that time he thought it was miraculous that the old man could speak. It should be the manifestation of the Buddha, and then I argued with him for a long time. The Buddha appeared..."

Veins popped up on the weasel's forehead. He wanted to sound like a man like a Buddha. The ancient tree was talking to him about other things.

He can't wait to step forward and tear the ancient tree in half, if he has the ability.

And the most important thing is that He can't leave now. If the weasel keeps ignoring others when they ask questions, then He can choose another person to ask, but if the other person can always answer the questions, even if the answer is Incorrect, then the weasel will continue to ask.

Of course, the weasel can naturally kill this nonsense person and ask another person instead, but now it is the ancient tree that answers his words, which is something he cannot contend with.

He could only choose to keep asking, and keep asking.

Listening to Gu Shu's eloquent talk, without any intention of stopping, he even talked about the differences in thinking between Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism, as well as various influences after preaching, he couldn't help it, and continued asked.

"Squeak!" (Do you think I look like a human or a Buddha?)
"Oh?" The interrupted ancient tree was not angry, but surprised, and then seemed to be talking to himself: "You asked this question again, so it means that you should be very concerned about the answer to this question, right? "

"Oh, it's my fault too, I got off topic while chatting, hehe, I'm sorry, it's the old man's problem."

"Zhizhizhi~" (do you think I look like a human, or like a Buddha?)
"Like a man or like a Buddha..." The ancient tree's tone was a bit awkward, and even the branches were shaking one after another: "It's really a very difficult question to decide. What do you prefer to listen to?"

The weasel almost vomited blood.

If He can really say what He looks like by himself, then does He still need to ask someone?

"Zhizhizhi~" (Do you think I look like a human or a Buddha!)
He deliberately added emphasis to the Buddha-like words, thinking that if the ancient tree could understand, he could give a Buddha-like answer, so that the ancient tree could bear the karmic debt and bear the karma for him.

He will be able to become a Buddha naturally.

His idea was indeed good and correct, and it succeeded easily.

The leaves on the branches of the ancient tree trembled, as if they had heard something different from the question just now, and murmured to themselves: "Oh~ so you thought so, you just deliberately gave the words like a Buddha to me. It's more serious, I want the old man to say that you are like a Buddha, right? Little weasel."

After hearing Gu Shu's words, the weasel was almost overwhelmed with excitement, and his claws became tighter and tighter. It even seemed that the cassock on his body had spirituality, as if he wanted to be automatic without wind.

On the side, Zhang Hao, who was hiding in the grass, frowned slightly, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was no big deal, even if the weasel became a Buddha, it had nothing to do with him.

And even if the weasel wants to take revenge on himself in the end, he has already become a Buddha. Buddhas and gods are very strange existences, they cannot harm people casually, and they all cut off the seven emotions and six desires.

Even if the weasel becomes a Buddha, he will forget about today's unhappiness and go to the Western Paradise with peace of mind.

So, no matter what, Zhang Hao doesn't have to worry about being retaliated against.

Thinking up to this point, he groped for the stubble emerging from below, silently watching the development in front of him.

At this time, the ancient tree spoke again.

"Little weasel, are you sure you want the old man to say this answer?" Gu Shu said worriedly.

The weasel nods its head up and down like a human: "Zhizhizhi~" (Do you think I look like a human or a Buddha!)
The last question seemed to be urging Gu Shu to give an answer quickly.

Gu Shu sighed, and said solemnly: "I are like a Buddha."

The little weasel was almost overjoyed, his whole body was trembling slightly, his cunning and fierce eyes were full of hope at this moment, his sharp mouth even grinned to the back of his ears, and his sharp teeth seemed friendly a lot of.

However, in the next moment.

He froze in place suddenly, his two eyeballs seemed to protrude, and the corners of his grinning mouth froze.

After being stunned in place for a short time, after a full minute, he suddenly tore off the cassock he was wearing, with a fierce and ferocious expression, and tore the already tattered cassock into pieces like a madman. Several rags.

After that, he didn't put his hands together, but touched his body until he touched a bead. Then, his eyes stared at the round bead, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, like Hate that thing in general.

Then, He lifted the bead high and threw it on the ground angrily, as if he had completely severed all ties with the bead.

At this time, the weasel landed on all fours, buried its head deeply in its chest, and lay down on the ground. The hair all over its body exploded, and it trembled unceasingly, as if it had been swept by some unknown force. Or suffered some huge change.

After a while, it raised its head and looked around blankly, its expression was completely different from before.

Before, he might have looked like an eminent monk, but now, he looked more like an ordinary little weasel, the most common weasel in the mountains, completely opposite to before.

Just as it looked around for a while, it suddenly bounced and ran along the path without looking back.

Zhang Hao and the mountain god deer came out of the grass, and looked at the direction where the weasel disappeared, with doubts on their faces.

"What's the situation with the weasel? Are you leaving now?" Zhang Hao was a little confused.

The mountain god deer looked even more bewildered, and didn't understand the situation at all: "Huh?"

At this time, the ancient tree, which had never been moved, smiled: "This little weasel really did it on its own."

"Do it yourself?" Zhang Hao muttered, turned around and bowed to the ancient tree: "I still hope that the old man will give me some pointers."

The branches of the ancient tree shook, and he said in a regretful tone, "The little weasel's request for title is nothing more than wanting others to bear the karma and karmic debts of becoming a god and Buddha for him. His original intention is to harm people."

"And he shouldn't have asked this question of the old man. The old man is the spirit of the mountain. He is a creation of the heaven and the earth. He is not under the jurisdiction of the gods and Buddhas. The old man only follows his heart and has never taken any responsibility. Cause and effect, and there is no cause and effect to bear."

"The little weasel wants me to bear karma and karmic debts for him. The final result can only be that he himself is backlashed by karma and karmic debts, and it took nearly a hundred years of practice."

"Well, although this old man knows that he has the intention of harming others, it is not easy for this thing in the mountain to practice for a hundred years. What's more, after a hundred years of practice, he only got one chance, so he wasted it and came here Asking the old man, I can only say that all of this is predestined."

"My lord Zoushanren, what do you think?"

When Zhang Hao heard this, his body trembled, and he smiled awkwardly: "I think the old man is right."

(End of this chapter)

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