My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 181 The Mysterious Mountain Treasure Acquired

Chapter 181 The Mysterious Mountain Treasure Acquired
Zhang Hao straightened up, looked at the ancient tree, then at the direction the weasel was running away, and sighed silently.

He didn't know whether to find it funny, or to find it funny, or to find it funny.

This weasel is purely trying to kill him. If he wants to ask for a seal from himself, a mountain walker, it's fine, but he has tried it several times, using some unappealable methods, and even took Li Siyu away.

In the end, he still wanted to let himself bear the karmic debt for him. If he became a Buddha, Zhang Hao's life would be over.

It's just that Zhang Hao didn't expect that bringing the weasel to find the ancient tree would have such a good effect. It could make the weasel get backlash and completely turn a century of hard work into ashes.

But that's fine too, if that's the case, the weasel won't be able to harm others. It doesn't plan to become a Buddha in this life, and it won't be possible.

Thoughts twirl.

"Master Zoushanren, this little weasel finally doesn't have to pester you anymore." Gu Shu said with a smile,

Hearing this, Zhang Hao smiled: "Yeah, finally I don't have to be troubled by this weasel begging question. It's really a headache. I can't answer any questions. If I answer to become a Buddha, then I'm done."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for the old man's specialness, I'm afraid he would have been entrapped by this little weasel." The branches of the ancient tree trembled, and a few more leaves fell.

Zhang Hao did not answer this question, but silently looked at the direction in which the weasel left, confirmed that the weasel had no intention of coming back, and then looked at the bead that the weasel had thrown away.

Just now, the weasel tore off his cassock, tore it into rags, and threw away the bead on his body. He felt that this bead must not be an ordinary thing, and it was even very possible that it was the bead that made the weasel It became the reason for wearing cassock and asking people to look like Buddha.

If he didn't guess wrong, this bead is probably something from the Buddhist family. The weasel got it by accident and carried it with him. The problem.

Thinking in this way, he bent down and picked up the bead thrown away by the weasel from the ground, held it in his hand, groped and observed carefully.

This bead is not big, not much bigger than Zhang Hao's fingertip, and it only looks round. In fact, the shape is somewhat irregular, but the surface is extremely smooth.

The most important thing is that this thing is not transparent, but white, extremely white, without any variegation, and it is warm to the touch, not the kind of short-term warmth, but has always maintained the same The temperature is a little warmer than normal temperature, as if there is a small heater built in.

After carefully observing this thing, and pondering over this bead in the palm of his hand for a while, Zhang Hao's brows gradually frowned.

If he didn't guess wrong about this thing, it should be...a relic, right?
In the past, when Zhang Hao was surfing the Internet by accident, he saw things like relics, which are usually formed after the real eminent monk passed away and was cremated.

Therefore, in ancient times, the eminent monks who could burn the relics were all hailed as Buddhas, and the temple where the Buddha is located will also be sought after by everyone, and they will also be regarded as very spiritual by default, and can be blessed by the Buddha.

There are even rumors that the relics produced by eminent monks have the effect of turning evil into good luck and exorcising evil spirits from the town house. Worshiping relics every day can also be baptized by Buddhism, and burning incense can be recognized by the Buddha. Recognized by eminent monks, etc.,

Therefore, the temple also enshrines the relics for all the donors who come to pay homage, offer incense and so on.

Over time, with the passage of time, everyone believed in and recognized this statement more and more. As long as there are relics in the temple, it will be accepted that the temple is absolutely authentic, and there are relics on display. It is a good temple.

Then go in and burn incense, and when you come out, the house becomes a temple.

In modern times, with the development of science and technology, the mystery of relics has been solved. In fact, it is phosphate and carbonate.

But one thing that is rather strange is that it is only formed after the monks, or the eminent monks who have attained the Tao, are cremated. This point has never been given a more realistic explanation.

The public gradually began to believe that relics may only be produced by eminent monks who have attained the Tao.

However, according to Zhang Hao's understanding, through the "Zoushan Travel Records" and some folk records, etc., there are actually very few real relics that have appeared in history, and the monks who can really bear this thing There are very few relics, and these relics are regarded as treasures by various temples, and it is absolutely impossible for them to spread out.

There is basically only one possibility, that is, an eminent monk appeared in this mountain, or there was a temple in this mountain. For some reason, the eminent monk who bore the relic was burned to death?

That's why this relic appeared?

So far, probably yes.

However, what really surprised Zhang Hao was that this relic... had the aura of a mountain treasure!

Up to now, Zhang Hao has found three mountain treasures, and has a preliminary idea of ​​the aura of the mountain treasures.

When he first got the relic, he felt that the aura was a little familiar, and gradually, he realized that the relic already had the aura of a mountain treasure.

But... how could a relic, which was produced by a monk, not belong to the mountain, become a mountain treasure?
Straightening up, he took the relic, turned his head to look at the ancient tree, and asked, "Old man, have you ever known this thing?"

"What... is this?" The ancient tree shook its branches, with some doubts in its tone.

"A relic." Zhang Hao thought for a while: "This thing will only appear on old monks, and it will only be formed after being burned at high temperature after death."

Just listen.

The ancient tree seemed to be contemplating, and after a long silence, he said quietly, "The old man remembered."

Zhang Hao stared and pricked up his ears to listen.

"It was hundreds of years ago. I can't remember the exact time. An old monk came to this mountain. It was the same old monk who talked with me. Later, I heard that he died in the In the mountains, unfortunately, there was a mountain fire at the place where the old monk died, and that fire almost affected the old man..." Gu Shu said while recalling.

Wait until the ancient tree said that it is almost the same.

Zhang Hao had almost guessed it, and he continued to look at the relic.

If this is the case, then there is only one possibility why this relic became a mountain treasure.

That is, the eminent monk who achieved Taoism died in the mountain. After being burned by the mountain fire, the relics were born and nourished in the mountain for hundreds of years. They naturally belonged to the mountain and became mountain treasures.

It will be acquired by the weasel again, so there is today's scene.

If that's the case, then all the things... can be connected.

No wonder, there is no record of relics as mountain treasures in [Zoushan Travel Records], because this mountain treasure is not something that naturally appeared in the mountains, and there must be no records.

And since this is the case, all Zhang Hao knows about the role of the mountain treasure relic is some folk records.

It is nothing more than enshrining this relic at home, which can drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters. The biggest effect is that evil spirits dare not approach.

What's more, this is a real relic, burnt by an eminent monk, and it is quite effective. At the very least, as long as you put it in your home, you don't have to think about being able to enter the house. The only drawback That is, the house is no longer cool and cool, and it may be affected by the relics all the time, and it will be a little hot.

But compared to the infiltration of Yin Qi into the house, Zhang Hao feels that it doesn't matter if it is a little hot. If it doesn't work, the house in the mountains can be fully air-conditioned.

The problem of electricity is also easy to solve, and it is not really necessary to return to primitive society.

Another one is, put the relics in the house in the mountain, so that no evil spirits can enter, and the spiritual soil will naturally not be damaged by those mountain spirits and wild monsters, just beware of the mountain god deer coming to destroy it.

Thinking about it this way, the things he was worried about seemed to be gone, and all the unfavorable factors of building a house in the mountains could be solved very well, and even the effect was beyond Zhang Hao's imagination.

Thinking like this, he silently put the relic in his pocket, then straightened up, and gave another deep bow to the ancient tree.

"Old senior, then I will leave first." Zhang Hao laughed.

The ancient tree also shook its branches, as if saying hello: "Goodbye, Mr. Zoushan, you can come to the old man at any time, whether you want to talk to the old man or want to ask the old man for help, just come."

"Definitely." Zhang Hao replied.

Then, he rode on the mountain god deer and ran towards the ginkgo forest.


When it was getting dark, Zhang Hao rode a mountain god deer and pulled several bare ginkgo tree trunks.

And the first version of Li Siyu's design drawing has already come to life on paper, and he just needs to go back to the computer at night to reflect it.

Seeing that it was getting dark, the two of them were also a little hungry, so they gave up the idea of ​​continuing to work, and just put these logs here, and Zhang Hao lured the mountain deer to look at these ginkgo trees with a delicious meal. trunk.

He wasn't worried that someone would come to steal it, but that there would be beasts and the like that would come and destroy the tree trunk, or that there would be mountain spirits and wild monsters that would come and do damage.

Some things in the mountains still like to play tricks very much sometimes.

As long as there is a mountain god deer, those things will not dare to come over.

After tidying up briefly, the two brought Xiao Bai down the mountain on a mountain god deer.

Back home, Li Siyu simply heated up the meal that he had made in the morning. The two quickly finished their meal, gathered in front of the computer, and temporarily simulated the first version of the design that Li Siyu conceived today with a model on the computer. stand up.

But because the current model technology is not particularly mature, it will often be one card and one card, and it is okay for the two of them to make do with each other. It is also a good opportunity to discuss the specific implementation plan.

After all, some things are well conceived, but when it is implemented, it is not the case.

For example, sockets, electricity and other laying conditions.

This night was basically spent during the discussion between the two of them. As the night approached, the two returned to their respective rooms, went to sleep, and prepared to deal with the next day's plan to build a house.


early morning.

The crowing of the rooster accompanies the dawn.

Zhang Hao woke up and came out of the room. Li Siyu had already changed into a plain skirt, made breakfast, and brought it to the dining table.

"Woke up."

"Well, get up."

The two greeted each other briefly, and sat down to eat.

After eating, Zhang Hao began to pack up all kinds of tools, such as electric drills, saws, etc., and there were all kinds of old-fashioned tools.

Since the construction of the house this time is made of wood, Zhang Hao does not plan to use nails, cement and other things to build it.

He decided on a mortise and tenon structure.

The mortise and tenon structure is the most effective and strongest structure for building wooden products after thousands of years of evolution.

Zhang Hao has been exposed to the construction method of the mortise and tenon structure before, and before that, he used his free time to chat with the old carpenter in the village about related topics. He is not worried about building houses with the tenon and tenon structure.

After packing up everything, the two of them took the dry food for the day and took Xiaobai up the mountain.

After entering the mountain, the mountain deer obediently came to pick them up and brought them to the [Seven Star Chessboard Case]. Zhang Hao and Li Siyu devoted themselves to the work of building the house on the first day.

The sunlight swayed on the ground through the gaps. The surrounding trees, the huge canopy, and even the dome surrounded by layers of branches brought them coolness, allowing Zhang Hao and Li Siyu to feel a little cool when they were working. .

Holding a ruler in his hand, Zhang Hao measured the length of the ginkgo tree trunks, and cut each ginkgo tree trunk into lengths and trunks with almost the same thickness, which were reserved for the support of the house and the beams of the house.

He did not throw away the remaining tree trunks, but kept them for the fence of the wall and the floor of the house.

Li Siyu was on the sidelines, calculating various data, and helping Zhang Hao make a move, etc.

But Xiaobai and the mountain god deer are more relaxed. One dog and one deer fight with each other, sleep for a while when they are tired, go out together to find food when they are hungry, and then come back after a long time licking their tongues.

In this way, the plan to build a house is proceeding in an orderly manner.


A month later.

early morning.

When Zhang Hao and Li Siyu came to the [Seven Star Chessboard Case] ​​again, the first thing they saw was a house that had already been built but was still hollowed out inside.

The whole house is composed of large and small ginkgo tree trunks, without using any nails or adhesives, and is all composed of mortise and tenon structures.

The ground of the house is about [-] centimeters higher than the flat ground below, which is also to prevent excessive moisture from entering the house and keep it dry.

After a month of hard work by the two, only half of the roof is left, and there is still one house that has not been built.

"It should be another two months... the house will be built, right?" Li Siyu's eyes were bright, and she looked at the half-built house with a smile on her face.

Zhang Hao nodded heavily: "It will take up to two months before we can live in this small house in the mountains."

"It must feel good to live here..." Li Siyu muttered to himself.

Zhang Hao turned his head to look at her, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Yes, especially two people living here together, oh, by the way, and Xiaobai and that silly deer."


Li Siyu's pretty face flushed slightly, and there was a touch of shyness on her cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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