Chapter 188 Arrival
Two hours long journey.

Just as Zhang Hao and Li Siyu experienced the feeling of weightlessness and the shock and bumps after flying into the sky, they were physically and mentally exhausted. After the plane finally stabilized and no longer worried the two of them, the plane began to descend up...

What followed was the turbulence of the plane subjected to the airflow, and the feeling of weightlessness that had just left, struck again.

When the plane finally landed and taxied smoothly, Zhang Hao and Li Siyu breathed a sigh of relief. They had no choice but to be a little nervous when they were flying for the first time, and as long as they were nervous, something happened. Both of them will have their hearts in their throats.

at this time.

The plane officially stopped. The stewardess in a black silk skirt and professional attire walked by quickly, opened the luggage compartment on the top of the seat, and reminded the passengers to leave the cockpit. The other party looked at each other with the same exhaustion as himself, and then smiled.

Under the guidance of the stewardess, a group of passengers got up from the cockpit and walked out of the boarding gate.

When the two arrived at the exit with their luggage, they still did not forget the task of shooting, and just after they walked out of the exit, Li Siyu put down the mobile phone holder that he had been holding.

"The filming is finally over." Li Siyu heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhang Hao smiled: "Then only editing is left."

"Yeah, I don't know if this video will be popular, maybe it will be laughed at by fans." Li Siyu shook his head and laughed, his tone seemed to be self-deprecating.

After all, in her opinion, many fans who follow her may have already taken a plane, and only she has lived in a remote mountain village for a long time and became popular by chance, so she has never taken a plane.

If it is what she thinks, then the release of this video may not attract much attention, after all, who would watch the strategy that is already familiar.

However, even if it doesn't attract too much attention, Li Siyu also wants to make such a video. Her main purpose of making such a video is to help others, even if it can't help too many people, as long as it can help It is also good for a few people to help dozens of people.

Zhang Hao heard the meaning of her words, raised his hand, and gently put his arms around her shoulders: "Don't worry, as long as you can help others, it's a good thing, isn't it?"

Li Siyu nodded, then raised his head and looked outside the exit: "Let's go, the event officials are already waiting for us."

For this event, the event party has arranged for someone to pick it up at the airport, so as long as the two of them walk out of the station, they will be able to see it.

Sure enough, just as the two of them walked out of the station, a fat middle-aged man wearing sunglasses stepped forward with a smile on his face: "Are you Miss Li Siyu?"

The middle-aged man smiled kindly, showing respect in his tone.

Li Siyu subconsciously shrank away from Zhang Hao, nodded and said, "Yes, I am Li Siyu."

"Hello, Ms. Li Siyu." The middle-aged man greeted: "I am the organizer of the Brilliant Stars event sent to pick me up. My name is Wang Tianyi. You can call me Old Wang."

"Brother Wang." Zhang Hao greeted with a smile.

Wang Tian was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "You are Miss Li Siyu's husband, right? I have admired you for a long time."

He is one of Li Siyu's fans, so he naturally knew that Zhang Hao next to Li Siyu was the "husband" who only showed his body in Li Siyu's video.

At first, when he learned of this incident, he couldn't help but feel a little pity and regret.

After all, Li Siyu is the most beautiful woman in the ancient style. Such a woman is not like a mortal, but more like a fairy descending to the earth. How could such a woman have a husband!
Of course, he is not sour, he is just talking about the facts.

And after seeing Zhang Hao, he was relieved. I have to say that Zhang Hao is really handsome. Although he still doesn't match Li Siyu very well, but when they stand together, they are such a good match, as if they were born together. Right.

"Please come with me, let's get in the car first, and then talk about some activities after we get in the car." Wang Tianyi guided the two of them to a Mercedes-Benz nanny car parked on the side of the road.

After getting into the nanny's car, both Zhang Hao and Li Siyu felt that the space in the car was so large that it almost reached a small room in the mountains.

In the car, Wang Tianyi introduced to Li Siyu in detail the precautions for the event, what Li Siyu needs to do, and what aspects Li Siyu is mainly responsible for.

Zhang Hao listened quietly from the sidelines. To be honest, Li Siyu's filming activities had nothing to do with him. He was just a person who accompanied Li Siyu here and wanted to take a walk on Hengshan Mountain.

He only cares about when Li Siyu can finish filming the event, whether he should take Li Siyu with him when he walks the mountain, and so on.

He doesn't care about other things.

Li Siyu listened very seriously. After all, it was related to her career. If the filming of this show was completed, her number of fans would be increased, and she might become a big Internet celebrity in one fell swoop.

However, this is still secondary. The most important thing is that Li Siyu wants to use this program as a springboard for himself to go from the mobile phone screen to the public eye, to the TV, and to return to the TV show in the future. Reality is an opportunity to stand in front of the public.

Only by firmly grasping this opportunity can she continue to develop well.

Soon, the nanny car drove to the foot of Mount Heng.

"Miss Li Siyu, the organizer has reserved a room for you. Here is the room card. You can enter and rest at any time. I will notify you in advance when the show is filmed." Wang Tianyi was very polite, and handed over the room card in his hands. .

Li Siyu bowed and took the room card, and said with a smile, "Brother Wang, you have worked hard."

Wang Tianyi waved his hand: "By the way, if you want to go to Mount Heng, try not to go today, because it's a bit late, it's better to wait until the filming of the show is over, and then you can climb the mountain, and you will have more time."

"Also, don't look at the foot of Mount Heng. It may be far away from the city, but there are still many local delicacies and they are very authentic. It's just that the prices around here may be a little more expensive."

"By the way, when you are away from home, you must remember not to leak money. This does not mean that it is not safe here, but that you should pay attention to this wherever you go. Not all the world is full of good people..."

Wang Tianyi eloquently talked about the precautions, and introduced to the two of them what restaurants nearby are delicious, what specialties are there, and so on.

In the end, Wang Tian had something to do, so he left first.

Li Siyu and Zhang Haocai dragged their suitcases and walked into the room.

The room is not a presidential suite, but an ordinary big bed room.

"I'll sleep on the sofa and you on the bed. That's the decision." Zhang Hao put down his luggage, looked at the layout of the room, and made a quick decision.

Li Siyu just wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he nodded.

After simply packing up his luggage, Zhang Hao looked at the already yellowing sky outside, and suggested, "How about going out to find something to eat?"

Li Siyu nodded with a smile: "Okay, you can relax tonight."

If the program is recorded, tomorrow will be the soonest, so no one will disturb the two tonight, unless it is the Internet celebrities who are co-recording the program, and they may come to say hello.

However, Li Siyu didn't care too much about these things. Now she wanted to be with Zhang Hao and experience the food here, as well as some customs here.

The two walked out of the hotel hand in hand, like young couples in love, discussing what to eat with smiles on their faces.

After leaving the hotel, the two took a taxi and headed towards the fly restaurant recommended by Wang Tianyi.

When they arrived at the place, the store was already overcrowded, which surprised Li Siyu and Zhang Hao.

But I also saw that this fly restaurant must be delicious, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to come.

The two came by coincidence, and there happened to be one table left, so they sat down.

And just when the two of them sat down, Li Siyu was dressed in Hanfu, and his exquisite face naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu didn't care about these gazes, but according to what Wang Tianyi said, they ordered the famous local "Yulin Fragrant Waist", as well as "Zhajiang Fake Mutton" and "Shiwan Crispy Belly".

The two put down the menu and turned to look at the people in the store. The endless noise and the scene full of fireworks made the two feel very at ease, or completely relaxed.

Only when you eat in this kind of place can you really eat.

Compared with that kind of high-end restaurants, there are also various eating etiquettes. Eating a meal is more tiring than fighting a war. The two would rather sit in this kind of fly restaurant, listening to the uncles and aunts at the next table chatting about their parents and complaining about life. All kinds of troubles, have a few drinks, or have a hard drink.

This is life.


The dishes ordered by the two were served on the table.

Zhang Hao rubbed his deflated stomach, looked at the three dishes on the table, the spicy smell mixed with the strong ginger smell kept drilling into his nose, making his saliva secrete a lot.

Zhang Hao resisted moving his chopsticks, swallowed his saliva and asked, "Are you ready to eat?"

"Yeah!" Li Siyu was also a little hungry, and nodded heavily.

Zhang Hao was not polite. He picked up a greasy pork loin mixed with red and green peppers with his chopsticks. The moment he put it into his mouth, he felt his mouth explode in an instant.

Different from the spicy Sichuan and Chongqing, the red and green peppers here are dry and spicy, and they have the kind of spicy feeling that goes straight to the sky.

And through a large number of thin strips, or minced ginger, as it cooks in the pot, all the flavors are stimulated.

There is also pork loin, with a subtle smell that seems to be nothing, and only a very subtle smell remains after being processed.

These tastes hit his taste buds one after another, forming an extremely rich layering.

And in the end, the rich soup was more like a bomb, instantly blasting all the flavors completely, allowing all kinds of flavors to fuse and intertwine, and finally entered the belly with the movement of swallowing.

However, the taste still lingered in the mouth and could not dissipate for a long time.

Li Siyu also picked up a chopstick and put it into his mouth, closing his eyes to savor the taste of the "Yu Lin Fragrant Waist".

After swallowing the pork loin in his mouth.

She opened her eyes, and there was light in them: "It's delicious!"

"It's really good, as expected of the local characteristics." Zhang Hao nodded.

Then, the two set their sights on "Zhajiang Fake Lamb".

As the name suggests, this dish is not real mutton, but fake mutton. According to the store, it is made of pork and sweet potato starch. It tastes like mutton, hence the name, fake mutton.

Zhang Hao picked up a chopsticks made of sweet potato starch, which is similar to wide noodles. There is a lot of pork mixed in the noodles. He put all the noodles and pork into his mouth in one big gulp, and took a sip of the soup.

The smooth and tender skin of the noodles, the richness of the pork, the richness of the soup, and the slight spicy taste, etc., all these layers of flavors impacted his taste buds and stimulated his mouth.

Zhang Hao's eyes lit up.

Li Siyu's eyes also brightened, and the two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

After that, he lowered his head tacitly and began to concentrate on cooking.

(End of this chapter)

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