Chapter 189

Just eat dinner.

Holding hands, the two walked out of the fly shop and walked on the brightly lit street.

The breeze blew by, blowing the hair of the two of them.

Under the light, the mood of the two gradually became calm and peaceful.

The two sometimes joked with each other, sometimes chatted about what was in their hearts, sometimes imagined what might happen in the future, and sometimes chatted about what might happen now.

In this way, the two walked back to the hotel while walking and talking.

Zhang Hao didn't go up immediately, but wandered outside the hotel for a while, leaving enough time for Li Siyu to wash up. He didn't enter the hotel until Li Siyu finished washing and changed into clean clothes. Washed up.

Then, the two watched TV in the hotel. In the middle of the night, Zhang Hao hugged a quilt and ran to lie down on the soft sofa, while Li Siyu lay down on the bed.

After all the lights in the house were extinguished.

"Good night."

"Good night."

The two said goodnight to each other and fell asleep together.

Silent all night.

After dawn, the two got up separately, washed up briefly, walked out of the hotel, and ate a bowl of fish meal.

Fish meal is also a local specialty. Fresh fish meat and rice noodles are fused together, rolled into a round shape, and cooked in delicious fish soup. The deliciousness of the fish soup is perfectly immersed in the fish meal. With the teeth biting up and down, the fish meal is in the mouth. As if it exploded, the delicious fish soup burst out.

The rich taste filled the mouth, with endless aftertaste.

And such a bowl of hot fish soup enters the stomach, warming the whole day.

After finishing her breakfast, Li Siyu received a call from the organizer that she was going to record the show.

When Li Siyu was picked up by the nanny car, Zhang Hao also started to prepare for his own affairs.

Turning around and going back to the hotel, he took the Guling Basket, prepared the Thunder Tribulation Wooden Hammer, paper-tying tools, and carving tools, etc., put on the straw sandals, left the hotel, and walked towards Hengshan.

The main purpose of his coming here this time is to take a walk around Hengshan Mountain to see if he can encounter any mountain treasures. No way, it can only mean that he came at the wrong time.

According to Zhang Hao’s understanding, and his experience of reading “Zoushan Travel Notes”, in fact, there are mountain treasures in every mountain, but only through the attributes of the mountain, and whether the mountain is isolated from the world, etc., the mountain treasure will Slightly different.

For example, the big mountain on the back of Zhaojia Village is because almost no one will go up the mountain. If things go on like this, even if there are mountain treasures, no one will know. As long as no one goes up the mountain, no one will find the weirdness on the mountain. Therefore, there will be more mountain treasures.

Because Shanbao prefers such a mountain, where he will not be discovered and can develop silently.

And like Wuyue Mountains, the flow of people is relatively large, and the mountains that have been built into scenic spots will not have too many mountain treasures. In other words, most of the mountain treasures are hidden and do not want to appear. .

The reason is that because there are too many people, Shanbao is afraid of being caught, but they are destined to be caught, so it also leads to Shanbao who don't want to be caught, so they can only hide.

Of course, the main reason is that many mountains have been developed into scenic spots nowadays, resulting in fewer and fewer mountains like Zhaojia Village, and the number of mountain treasures is gradually decreasing. Being squeezed, so I will choose to leave here and go to other places.

Therefore, it is not easy to find mountain treasures in mountains like Wuyue, but it is not impossible to find them.

Thinking in this way, Zhang Hao quickly walked to the entrance of Hengshan Mountain. Looking at the place where tickets were sold at the entrance, he had a habit of not knowing whether he should vomit.

A few decades ago, no matter what kind of mountain it was, it was easy to walk, and I had never heard of the need for tickets.

I don't know which clever idea came up with the idea of ​​planning the mountain into a scenic spot, and you have to pay to see it...

Zhang Hao sighed helplessly, he should be the worst mountain walker.

As a mountain walker, you still need to pay to enter the mountain when you are walking.

Thinking of this, he wanted to make a note in the [Zoushan Travel Notes], the successor Zoushan must have a certain financial foundation, otherwise he might not find the mountain treasure, and the ticket alone would cost his family money up.

Putting these thoughts in his mind to the back of his mind, Zhang Hao honestly bought a ticket and followed a group of tourists into the mountain.

He was carrying a solid spirit basket, wearing straw sandals, and the clothes on his body were similar to those of ordinary people, but he didn't attract much attention.

It was when he entered the mountain that he was inspected by the security inspectors, and after confirming that he did not bring any kindling, he was allowed to enter the mountain.

Zhang Hao couldn't help but sighed again.

As a mountain walker, it was the first time he felt that others had set the rules. He had always been the one who set the rules for others...

But without thinking too much, Zhang Hao followed the crowd, climbed the steps little by little, and went up the mountain.

He just walked and watched, looking at the scenery in the forest, the repaired road up the mountain, and the crowds everywhere.

His biggest feeling is that it is not as good as the mountain on which Zhaojia Village is backed.

In these scenic spots now, some traces of the mountains are almost gone, only the extremely serious traces left by man-made, and it is impossible to restore them.

If he was Shan Bao, he would also choose to leave.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao shook his head and laughed. He had already thought of such a scene at first, so he simply didn't plan to walk in this scenic area.

The main destination of his mountain walk is the undeveloped mountain forest next to Hengshan Scenic Area.

Only in that mountain forest can there be mountain treasures.

And when he came to Hengshan Scenic Area today, he wanted to find a road leading to the mountain forest, and the most important thing was to go to Fangguang Temple in Hengshan Scenic Area to borrow something.

Looking at the road up the mountain, Zhang Hao paused and stopped to drink water.

Coincidentally, a tourist beside him also stopped, panting and sweating profusely.

He glanced at Zhang Hao, and was immediately attracted by Zhang Hao's outfit.

Although he was wearing ordinary clothes such as T-shirts and jeans, Zhang Hao was carrying a basket and straw sandals, which caught him by surprise.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then saw that Zhang Hao didn't have any sweat on his face, nor was he out of breath, and said in surprise: "Fuck, buddy, you are so awesome... Huh, huh, crawl, crawl for so long, and you don't feel tired at all!" ?”

Zhang Hao smiled: "I'm used to it, I often climb mountains."

The man raised his hand and gave Zhang Hao a thumbs up: "Awesome! Huh, huh, indeed, awesome!"

"Let's go." Zhang Hao didn't intend to stay any longer, he simply said hello, then quickened his pace, and quickly found the location of Fangguang Temple according to the road signs.

Standing at the bottom of the steps leading to Fangguang Temple, he looked up at the ancient Fangguang Temple with a strong historical color and strong incense.

Fangguang Temple is not the only one, there is also a Fangguang Temple in Tiantai County, which is far away from here, there is no connection between the two.

And these two temples often say that they are the authentic Fangguang Temple.

Zhang Hao didn't care about this, he only cared about whether this Fangguang Temple was full of monks, whether it was a temple in the true sense.

Walking up the steps, he soon stood in front of the gate of Fangguang Temple.

Similar to the gates of most temples, the red lacquered gates are open. Except for those heads and various tourists, there is a big tripod in the courtyard of the temple, and in the tripod is burning Lixiang, a thick version of Lixiang.

Then, along the road of the temple, you will find the Daxiong Hall and the side halls dedicated to various Bodhisattvas.

Unlike other fee-charging temples, Fangguang Temple does not have those fee-charging items. The so-called blessings and incense are all free, of course, except for consecration, and the masters in the temple do not accept this business.

Zhang Hao walked forward with the flow of people, all the way to the Daxiong Palace.


in the inner hall.

"Buddha said: All recluses walk in the way like oxen. They walk in the deep mud and are extremely tired. They don't dare to look left and right, and they want to get out of the mud so that they can rest..."

Dressed in a cassock, with a white beard falling on his chest, and nine ring scars engraved on the top of his head, an old monk holding a rosary is sitting on a futon, facing several benefactors in the audience, and narrating Buddhism with great concentration.

On the side, the little apprentice stood with his palms folded, listening quietly.

But right now.

The old monk paused suddenly, opened his closed eyes, and turned his head to look outside the hall.

Just now, he seemed to feel an inexplicable force that wanted to pull him to stand up, walk out of the hall, and take a look at the front hall.

The old monk was very conscientious, stood up and walked outside.

The benefactors in the audience were all taken aback, and the little apprentice even chased after him: "Master! Master, where are you going?"

The old monk looked out of the hall: "Suddenly heard that the master is coming!"

As he spoke, he walked all the way to the front hall according to the pulling force in the dark.

The old monk looked around, as if he had noticed something, and seemed to be looking for someone in the crowd.

In the end, the old monk's eyes turned to Zhang Hao in the crowd, and his eyes immediately froze and did not move.

When he came to the front hall, he looked around and saw Zhang Hao. This might be the main reason why he was drawn to the front hall.

The old monk just stood there, looking at Zhang Hao in a daze, with tears in his eyes.

He didn't know why, but the young man in the crowd always gave him a feeling of reincarnation of a real Buddha, as if the young man was a disciple of their Buddhist family.

Could it be... is this person really the reincarnated Buddha?

On the side, the little monk noticed the change of the master, secretly marveled, followed the master's gaze, and happened to see Zhang Hao in the crowd, with a somewhat puzzled expression.

But Zhang Hao didn't notice this. He walked into the Daxiong Hall on his own, picked up the free standing incense, lit it, respectfully worshiped the Buddha statue, and then inserted it into the incense burner.

After finishing all this, he did not leave, but put his palms together, and walked up to the kind-faced old monk in cassock, and after bowing to salute, he said respectfully: "Teacher, can I ask for something from the temple. "

Only then did the old monk regain his senses. He looked at the young man in front of him, raised his hand, wiped away the remaining tears from the corners of his eyes, clasped his hands together, and replied respectfully: "I see that the benefactor is kind, but I don't know the benefactor. But is it related to my Buddhist family?"

What the old monk didn't know was that it was because of the relic that Zhang Hao got from Huang Pizi some time ago.

At that time, Zhang Hao carried the relics with him all the time. Over time, his body was naturally contaminated with Buddha nature. When Buddhist disciples saw him, they would naturally feel kind, just like their own family members.

Zhang Hao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect the old monk to ask such a question.

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "That's right, I had contact with an eminent monk not long ago."

The relic was transformed by an eminent monk who attained the Tao, and he carried the relic on his body all day long, so indirectly, he had contact with the eminent monk who attained the Tao, and there was nothing wrong with him.

The old monk's eyes lit up, and he secretly said in his heart that it's no wonder.

No wonder he looked at Zhang Hao kindly. Since he has had contact with the eminent monks, he must be contaminated with Buddha nature. It can be said that it is the traces left by those eminent monks?In other words, it is the cause and effect in the dark.

"I don't know the master's name yet." Zhang Hao asked respectfully.

The old monk stood upright with one hand, twirling the rosary in his hand: "My name is Jinggen, and I am the abbot of Fangguang Temple."

"So it's Master Jinggen, the abbot, and my name is Zhang Hao." Zhang Hao clasped his hands together and saluted.

The old monk returned the gift and asked, "I don't know what the benefactor Zhang is asking for?"

"Master Jinggen, I need two handfuls of incense ash from the Daxiong Palace that day, and the unlit incense sticks in the temple. I also need to be the 9th, 99th, and 999th sticks of incense sticks in this temple, just choose one of them."

"There is also a little dust on the Buddha statue, and a string of beads that you put in the incense ash with your own hands."

Zhang Hao explained everything he needed in detail.

This is the purpose of his coming to Fangguang Temple, just to get these things.

These things are what he needs for the mountain walking ceremony that he will carry out next.

In order to go to Hengshan this time, he can be said to have rummaged through the [Picture Record of Traveling to the Mountain] and summed up a lot of experience.

Like walking on Mount Heng, Zhang Hao can be regarded as coming to a strange place, or walking in a different place. For mountain walkers, it takes time to get used to it.

And this mountain walking ceremony is not only a stage of adaptation, he also needs to be recognized by the mountain gods and mountain spirits of Hengshan Mountain.

Every mountain has a mountain god, and there are mountain spirits under the mountain god. Only after worshiping the mountain god and mountain spirit can you walk in this mountain and gain something.

Otherwise, at least you will get nothing, and at worst, you may encounter danger, because you will rashly leave the mountain without the approval of the mountain god and mountain spirit.

And the easiest and easiest way to gain the approval of the mountain gods and spirits is to use their familiar breath or familiar objects to hold a mountain walking ceremony.

For mountains like Hengshan, where there are temples like Fangguang Temple, the most convenient way is to use the things in the temple to perform the mountain walking ceremony.

In this way, you can worship Buddha statues, mountain gods, and mountain spirits at the same time, get the approval of the three parties, get the blessings of the three parties, and the buff will be stacked directly. Stuff two pheasants.

(End of this chapter)

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