My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 259 The Big Brother Among the Big Brothers

Chapter 259 The Big Brother Among the Big Brothers

The person he arranged has also arrived now, Director Zhao turned his head and said to Zhang Hao who was behind him with some embarrassment.

"Brother Zhang Hao, I really want to thank you this time, but it may still take some time for you. You have to go to the police station with us first."

After Director Zhao finished speaking, he seemed to be afraid of Lin Hao's misunderstanding, so he hurriedly explained to him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it won't take too much time for you, and it's just a simple record. You must know that there is no way for these grave robbers to be completely arrested without your help, but If you really don't have time, we won't force you here."

Zhang Hao naturally understood the procedure of the public security agency, so the group once again walked towards the police car of the Yincheng Public Security Bureau in a mighty manner.


"Zhao Bureau!"

"Director Zhao!"

There were several police cars parked on the flat ground under their feet, and all the police officers got out of the cars to greet them.

Hearing the titles of the servants, Director Zhao's expression of fear and panic in the tomb disappeared, and he immediately showed an upright look.

"You guys, quickly control this group of tomb robbers and send them back to the bureau!"

"Be sure to keep a close eye on it. If something goes wrong, I'll ask you guys."

Director Zhao spoke to the little policemen with an official face, frowning as he watched the group of tomb robbers being escorted into the police car.

The police officers have long been used to the appearance of their chief, but something they did not expect suddenly happened.

Logically speaking, Director Zhao, who was supposed to be in the first car, suddenly turned his head and said politely to the handsome looking man behind him.

"Brother Zhang Hao, come, come, you take this car, I'll go to the back to squeeze with them, just put your little dog on it, this trip is really hard for you two. "

Zhang Hao looked at Director Zhao whose face was already wrinkled with a smile, and really made things difficult for him, and called Xiao Bai a puppy.

The remaining group of police officers could no longer hold back the shock in their hearts.

One must know that this is Director Zhao with his nostrils up in the air. In Yincheng, who wouldn't give him three points?

If it was Professor Liang who came here from the central government, they would also be able to accept Director Zhao's flattering appearance. The key is who is this young man?It doesn't look like they are a few years older than them. How can the old fritters, Director Zhao, be so respectful?
and!Professor Liang standing behind them didn't even have the slightest displeasure on his face!

He even nodded in relief, as if he was very satisfied with Director Zhao's arrangement.

No way?
What is the origin of this kid?
Can two big bosses treat him like this?

The eyes of everyone who looked like Zhang Hao were full of curiosity and awe. Naturally, they would not have any objections to their boss wanting to squeeze with them. However, there was still a relaxed atmosphere, and they immediately became nervous. .

Under the reflection of the evening and dusk, one police car after another drove towards the Yincheng Public Security Bureau at high speed.

Passers-by who happened to see such a scene couldn't help paying attention, wondering what happened?
After arriving at the police station, as Director Zhao said, Zhang Hao did not waste any time, and Director Zhao even accompanied and assisted in recording the transcripts.

"You just write about Xiao Liu, Zhang Hao used the trap in the tomb to trap all the tomb robbers together..."

You must know that the methods used by Zhang Hao are all unnatural forces. If you really want to record it seriously, you will definitely not pass the trial. What can Director Zhao do?He can only help from the side.

Zhang Hao, the original protagonist, just swaggered on the chair in the interrogation room, stroking Xiao Bai who was squatting on the ground for a while, and eating two bites of snacks on the side for a while.

With a leisurely look, he couldn't help refreshing everyone's guess about him once again.

This indifferent and calm look is really not like an ordinary person.

Could it be that another legendary boss came to Yincheng?

Who is it?The aura on this body is simply extraordinary.

Fortunately, Director Zhao couldn't hear what they were saying, otherwise he would have been able to show off and refute.

If you want to know where this is a big boss, this is simply the big boss among the big bosses.

It is easy to enter the Qinling Mountains alone, and then use the means of walking mountains to arrest these tomb robbers and bring them out of the deep mountains safely.

This ability is really not something that ordinary people can easily possess.

"Okay, Zhang Hao, I don't have anything to do here. It's getting late now. There is a guest house next to the Public Security Bureau. Go there and report my name, and get some rest."

"If you have any other needs, just tell me that in Yincheng, there is nothing that my old Zhao can't settle."

Director Zhao's attitude towards Zhang Hao now is like a breeze, with respect in his politeness and a little intimacy in his respect.

After tossing and tossing for so long, Zhang Hao naturally wanted to have a good freshen up, and he didn't refuse, but before he left, he made sure with Chief Zhao.

"Director Zhao, I want to ask where Professor Liang and his group live? Is it also the same guest house as ours?"

Director Zhao seemed a little curious that Zhang Hao would take the initiative to care about Professor Liang and the others. After thinking about it, he nodded slowly.

"Do you want to ask them for something? Professor Liang lives in the guest house next to him. I don't know about the others, but it should be, but the guest house is a bit small. If it can't accommodate them, it will be scattered around. Do you need me to pull out all the accommodation records of all of them for you?"

Seeing Director Zhao's so attentive appearance, Zhang Hao was really overwhelmed for a while, he shook his head quickly, knowing that Professor Liang was the only person he really cared about.

After knowing Professor Liang's room number from Director Zhao, Zhang Hao also turned and left.

Director Zhao watched Zhang Hao's back completely disappear from his eyes, and then slowly sat down on the chair.

Xiao Liu can be regarded as an old man of the Yincheng Public Security Bureau. He has received many important people before, and he has never seen his own chief in this way. He couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Brother Zhao, who is this young man? Zhang Hao, I don't think I've ever heard of his name with us."

Xiao Liu looked at the transcript he had just recorded in his hand.

"People from Zhaojia Village are not too far from us. Are they the aborigines from the nearby village? Why did you enter the tomb with you?"

Director Zhao took out the already shriveled cigarette case from his pocket, and after seeing off Zhang Hao, he was truly relieved, lit a cigarette, and after taking a deep breath, he instantly felt that his whole body was completely shaken. easy.

(End of this chapter)

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