Chapter 260 Sick!weird pattern

"Huh... this person is not an ordinary person at all, and I can't reveal too much to you, but without him, I'm afraid we would have no way of escaping from that tomb."

"He is really a tall man, a tall man."

Director Zhao spit out the smoke ring, and seemed to be caught in the memory, talking to himself.

The cigarette on his fingertips kept burning and the ashes fell to the floor, but Director Zhao didn't take a second puff.

Xiao Liu scratched his head in confusion when he heard Director Zhao's vague words.

Could it be that group of tomb robbers are vicious?
Was this villager named Zhang Hao who strayed into the tomb and rescued the chief and the others?
It seems that this Zhang Hao really has some skills, maybe it is a hunter who has been in the mountains since he was a child, so he has such great strength to completely suppress the group of tomb robbers.

The more Xiao Liu thought about it, the more he felt that his analysis made sense. After nodding, he collected the organized files and kept them well.

I also made a decision in my heart, and I must be more polite when I see this person named Zhang Hao in the future. After all, they saved the life of the director. They can't be that kind of ungrateful people.

A magical and wonderful misunderstanding was thus born.

Zhang Hao quickly found a good-looking guest house next to the police station, which should be the one Director Zhao mentioned.

As soon as Zhang Hao entered, the front desk immediately raised his head and asked very politely.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zhang Hao that Director Zhao mentioned?"

Zhang Hao never thought Director Zhao would be so thoughtful in his service now, he nodded and handed in his ID card.

The front desk took it with both hands, with a gentle smile on his face, and explained to Zhang Hao in a very sweet voice.

"Director Zhao has already greeted you. The hotel has reserved a big bed room with a window for you. You and your pet dog can go up together. Do you think there is anything else you need here?"

"Professor Liang, which floor are they on? Just arrange my room on the same floor as them."

The biggest purpose of Zhang Hao coming here is to see how Professor Liang's physical condition is.I really don't want to toss about running up and down, anyway, there is Director Zhao's network here, and it's useless if he doesn't use it.

The receptionist was not surprised when he heard what Zhang Hao said. After making simple adjustments, he handed the room card to Zhang Hao.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Hao, it's already been arranged here. Professor Liang's room is diagonally opposite to yours. If you need anything, you can also call the customer service number next to our bed."

After Zhang Hao nodded, he took the room card, looked at the room number 308 above, and walked towards the third floor.

Zhang Hao opened his room first, checked that there was nothing to adjust, and then put Xiao Bai in.

"Xiao Bai, you go in and play for a while. We will rest here tonight until we go into the mountains tomorrow."

Xiaobai understood Zhang Hao's words, and entered the room wagging his tail, but Xiaobai still sniffed around with his nose very vigilantly, and after confirming that there was no danger, he jumped to the side sofa with his head held high.

Seeing Xiaobai like this, Zhang Hao also showed a little smile in his eyes. After waving his hand to Xiaobai, he slowly closed the door of his room.

Zhang Hao looked up and glanced diagonally at Professor Liang's room, 314.

Zhang Hao frowned. Seeing such a number, he felt ominous, and knocked on the door lightly after a while.

Professor Liang seemed to be a little frightened, there was some giggling voices from inside, and Professor Liang shouted to the door with a trembling voice.


It's no wonder, after all, whoever experienced what happened in the tomb would probably be like this when someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night.

"Professor Liang is me, I am Zhang Hao."

Zhang Hao replied angrily.

When Professor Liang heard the familiar name, he immediately stepped forward and opened the door. Zhang Hao could clearly notice that Professor Liang's expression relaxed a lot the moment he saw him.

"Mr. Zhang? Why are you here? What's the matter? Fast forward, fast forward."

After leaving the tomb, Professor Liang's mental state has indeed recovered a lot, at least he doesn't have the sudden and weird feeling in the tomb.

After Zhang Hao entered the room, he observed carefully, and then explained to Professor Liang.

"I have nothing to do. I just came to see you. How is your body feeling now? After all, you have crashed in the tomb. I am afraid that your body will not be able to bear it."

When Professor Liang heard what Zhang Hao said, he opened his mouth to say something, but he seemed to feel something was wrong, so he shook his head with a smiley face.

"It's okay, it's okay, you don't have to worry about me, we should thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid my old bones would really have to be there, I'm here for my students, thank you for being inside , thanks to you taking care of them."

Seeing Professor Liang like this, Zhang Hao knew that he must not be telling the truth.

"Professor Liang, although I am a mountain walker, I am not as well-informed as you are outside, but I still understand the things in this mountain. I am here today because I want to solve some things for you."

"If you really have any questions, just let me know."

When Professor Liang heard what Zhang Hao said, a different brilliance suddenly burst out in his eyes, as if he had grasped some life-saving straw.

Professor Liang kept exhaling and inhaling, as if to calm his emotions, then slowly pulled the glasses off his ears, and squeezed his temples hard with the thumb and middle finger of his left hand.

Professor Liang's left hand, which was rougher than the average person's because he had been in the tomb for many years, covered half of his face, and finally a trembling voice came after a long while.

"Zhang...Little brother Zhang, I actually feel that something is wrong, but I think that I have troubled you so much on this journey, so I am not ashamed to speak. Since you have already said so, then I I won't lie to you."

When Professor Liang said this, his tone became trembling.

"My body has indeed become different."

Professor Liang wanted to say that he had encountered a strange thing in the tomb before, if not a thousand, but it was only this time that he could clearly feel fear.

"I don't know why, but when I came out of the tomb and entered the mountain, I also felt a coolness coming from my head. At that moment, I even felt that my whole body became very comfortable."

When Professor Liang said this, he seemed to recall that feeling on his face, and a little smile appeared unconsciously, but this kind of smile looked particularly pale and weak on his face that was already sweating profusely due to nervousness.

(End of this chapter)

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