Chapter 261
"After falling asleep last night, I had a dream."

When Professor Liang said this, he couldn't help shivering all over his body, and looked at Zhang Hao with a hint of panic in his eyes.

Zhang Hao frowned, keenly aware from Professor Liang's performance that something seemed wrong.

He glanced at Professor Liang from top to bottom. He didn't pay attention when he saw Professor Liang at first, but now that he looked carefully, Zhang Hao suddenly found that his body seemed to be covered with a gloomy mist.

Professor Liang's face looked hideous and terrifying in the mist.

His eyes gradually turned scarlet, and he stretched out his hand helplessly, scratching his arm, as if it was itchy.

Professor Liang recalled the dream last night, and the more he spoke, the voice became softer. Standing in front of him, Zhang Hao could only hear the sound of breath.

"I dreamed that I was still in front of that bronze door. The bronze door didn't open, but a bunch of black bugs appeared from the side of the wall."

"A bug bit my arm! I couldn't get that feeling out until I woke up in the morning."

The more Zhang Hao listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

Seeing that Professor Liang was rubbing his arms more and more, he simply pulled his arm out and opened his clothes.

I saw a colorful pattern on his arm.

This pattern Zhang Hao only felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but now he couldn't remember it for a while.

Zhang Hao looked up at Professor Liang with cautious eyes.

"Where did this pattern come from?"

"What pattern? Why don't I know!"

Professor Liang seemed to have reacted suddenly, and quickly looked down at his arm. When he saw the lines on it, his face became paler, and there was a bit of panic in his voice.

"That's right, that's right, I remembered, this is the place where the bugs in my dream last night were biting."

As his emotions became more agitated, it became increasingly difficult for him to breathe.

Zhang Hao noticed the change of Professor Liang, and immediately stretched out his hand to drag Professor Liang into the house, and walked to the window, when the sun had already come out.

Zhang Hao pulled his arm to walk under the sunlight, and the moment Professor Liang came into contact with the sunlight, his whole body couldn't help shaking.

At the same time, he shrank his arms and wanted to shrink back from Zhang Hao. Unfortunately, Zhang Hao was much stronger than him. No matter how much Professor Liang struggled, he was finally led by him to stand beside the window.

Professor Liang let out a scream, and stared at Zhang Hao with resentful eyes.

"It hurts so much!"

Zhang Hao opened the window to make sure that Professor Liang stood under the sun and grilled in all directions.

No matter how much Professor Liang struggled, he did not let go of the opponent's hand. After about a minute, there was a puff of blue smoke on Professor Liang's arm, and the pattern faded a little.

The uncomfortable expression on Professor Liang's face still did not ease, but his expression seemed a little clearer.

Zhang Hao put down his sleeves, and Professor Liang sat down on the ground. Zhang Hao looked at him condescendingly, and asked softly,

"Professor Liang, are you feeling better now?"

There were beads of sweat on Professor Liang's forehead. He nodded pantingly, wiped his sweat with his hand, and then looked up at Zhang Hao.

With deep panic in his eyes, he took the initiative to speak out,
"Mr. Zhang, what's going on?"

Zhang Hao's eyes fell on Professor Liang and did not move away.

"Did you encounter anything at the Bronze Gate yesterday? Is there any special time period, but you didn't tell me."

If something special happened to Zhang Hao when he was with them, he would be able to feel it himself.

But from the beginning to the end, nothing suspicious happened around Zhang Hao.

As for Professor Liang, although Zhang Hao had been by his side all the time, Zhang Hao was not sure what happened to him. He knew everything about it, so he stared at him cautiously.

Waiting for Professor Liang's answer, Professor Liang propped his hands on the ground, trying to stand up but slipped down.

Zhang Hao supported him and helped Professor Liang to the chair. After sitting down, Professor Liang took a deep breath and fell into memory.

Zhang Hao thought of the dream that Professor Liang told him just now.

Still thinking about the abnormality of Professor Liang, he realized that his mobile phone was ringing. He picked up the mobile phone, and Director Zhao's voice was very clear and anxious.

"Now something happened..."

Professor Liang was still sitting on the chair thinking hard, wondering if he had encountered any problems, Zhang Hao had already hung up the phone, and his eyes fell on him.

Professor Liang stood up nervously, and just about to ask, Zhang Hao spoke.

"Okay, don't think about it anymore, Director Zhao and the others also have an accident, we have to go and see you, and go there with me."

When Professor Liang heard what Zhang Hao said, his expression froze, a little confused.

"This Director Zhao is really robbing me in this situation."

He was a little reluctant, but Zhang Hao said so, so he had to tidy up his clothes and go out with Zhang Hao. When he saw the sun again, Professor Liang showed obvious fear on his face.

It was Zhang Hao who asked the hotel staff for an umbrella and handed it to Professor Liang. After Professor Liang put it on, his expression looked much better.

It appears that one of the hallmarks of having a tattoo is the fear of light.

Zhang Hao did not tell Professor Liang what he had discovered, but took him to the place where Director Zhao was.

Director Zhao sat with the police officers who had gone to the grave with Zhang Hao before.

Seeing Zhang Hao and Professor Liang coming together, he hurriedly waved to Zhang Hao, forgetting Professor Liang aside with such enthusiasm.

Professor Liang walked in behind Zhang Hao. Zhang Hao saw the melancholy on the brows of her director and everyone in the office who was well prepared had guesses in their hearts.

Before Chief Zhao could speak, Zhang Hao cut off his words.

"Director Zhao, you came here today because you have something extra on your body, right?"

Director Zhao originally wanted to tell Zhang Hao what happened to him, but when he heard Zhang Hao say that, he suddenly turned his head to look at him.

With a dazed expression.

The other police officers in the office also stood up immediately, and everyone was a little at a loss.

"How do you know? We haven't told you anything yet, and we just found out about it. It's been fine before, but when we woke up in the morning, it changed."

Someone grabbed his hair and explained to Zhang Hao that Zhang Hao didn't spend too much money. Instead, he pulled Professor Liang from behind, grabbed his sleeve and lifted it up.

Everyone looked at the scene ahead and didn't speak any more. They first glanced at the mark on Professor Liang's arm.

Then he pulled up his sleeves, and there was a pattern of the same color directly on the same position on their arms.

There was a trace of gray mist on their faces, which looked a little permeable.

Director Zhao's face gradually became serious.

"What's going on, why do we have this pattern!"

He was a little unacceptable, and he was dumbfounded while scratching his hair, while Zhang Hao touched his chin thoughtfully.

"Now tell me, what happened to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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