They didn't care what happened. Since Zhang Hao said he wanted everyone to run away, they just ran away!
Seeing that the last few people could successfully escape the danger, the python suddenly started to move.

Zhang Hao pushed hard towards the people in front and saw that everyone had escaped. As he was about to leave, he found that the door at the exit had been slammed shut!

The thud completely shocked Zhang Hao beyond belief.

He didn't expect this group of people to escape?

Of course he knew that one of them was responsible for closing the door, but it was undeniable that he was now locked inside and was very likely to be in serious danger.

The top priority now is staying safe!

Even though they were far apart, Zhang Hao could still hear the noise coming from outside the door. Everyone was very confused about someone closing the door, and they even started to quarrel.

"Who closed the door? Who just did such a thing that outraged both humans and gods!"

"I'm really convinced. Don't you know that there are still people who haven't escaped? Are you deliberately killing people?"

"This young man has been helping us diligently, but in the end you locked him out?"

"Don't you know how terrifying this python is? You just lock him up there and let him face it alone?"

Zhang Hao heard several familiar voices, and they were all complaining for him.

Zhang Hao didn't pay too much attention to all this. He looked at the python in front of him, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

It was obvious that the python had no intention of attacking him.

Although the other party is very big, one can actually see a trace of clarity in those eyes.

"You should understand human speech, right?"

Zhang Hao spoke very seriously, as if he was trying to communicate with the other party.

After looking at Zhang Hao, the golden python finally showed a very kind expression.

He moved his body slowly, and the sound of skin touching the floor made Zhang Hao's body get goosebumps.

"If you understand, please step out of the way for me."

Zhang Hao always felt that the other party was deliberately blocking something. If he guessed correctly, the python seemed to be blocking something very important behind it.

Under Zhang Hao's urging, the python finally moved.

The other party swung his tail at Zhang Hao, looking a little impatient.

Lao Ben had no intention of wasting time with the other party, so he took out the mountain treasure spring water and took a sip.

In order to facilitate drinking, he poured the spring water into thermos cups.

But what he didn't expect was that the moment he opened the thermos cup, the golden python's movements became much faster.

The other party appeared next to him almost instantly, tapping Zhang Hao gently with his huge head.

"You're just too big."

Zhang Hao said something disgustingly.

This guy is indeed astonishingly big. Just his head can knock the person he fights off his back.

Zhang Hao frowned and stared at the big python in front of him. How could he not see that the other party had something important to do with him?
This python clearly understood Zhang Hao's words, so it looked like an extremely well-behaved child at the moment, shrinking its body and wagging its tail in front of Zhang Hao like a toy.

Looking at the little earthworm-like snake in front of him, Zhang Hao couldn't help but sigh, this guy really has no moral integrity!
The other party didn't seem to care about his own face. He pounced on Zhang Hao's thermos cup and raised his head to look inside the cup.

"You want to drink this water?"

Zhang Hao shook the thermos cup and said, "If you want to drink, no problem, but you have to be obedient."

Zhang Hao saw that the python didn't say a word for a long time, so he thought it couldn't speak.Unexpectedly, the python spoke the next second.

"Your water is delicious, what is it?"

Zhang Hao saw that the other party had no intention of giving way, so he silently raised his head and touched the other party's head. The snake was now very small, so small that it could be completely ignored.

"You introduce this place to me, and I'll give you a drink."

Although this little snake was huge in size, it seemed to be quite careless at first glance, so it agreed to Zhang Hao's words on the spot.

"This is the Desert Palace, you don't know this place?"

"To be precise, our palace has existed for tens of thousands of years. I have been here for a long, long time, and this is the first time I have seen someone who can walk here. It is really surprising."

"It's not like that group of people have never been here before, but they died on the way. They have no chance to get here. I don't know whether you are lucky or unlucky. There will be many dangers next, and what you will encounter will be More."

"This palace is a treasure left over from ancient times. Even the gate here is made of gold. It can be said to be very powerful, and..."

The golden python stopped talking here, as if there was some secret that could not be revealed.

"If you want treasure, then you can go to the front and have a look. There are a lot of treasures behind the wall."

"But if you want to get it, you have to destroy the wall."

He pointed directly at the wall in front of him with his head. Zhang Hao stepped forward thoughtfully and gently knocked on the wall with his hand.

There is indeed nothing behind this wall.

But the strength of this wall is beyond people's imagination.

He punched the wall hard, but he couldn't shake the wall at all. He knew how powerful he was!

Such a violent attack has no effect, which proves how terrifying the quality of this wall is.

"Tell you, this wall is not so easy to break through. Even I can't get in. Otherwise, do you think I will guard these treasures in vain?"

Zhang Hao glanced at him and couldn't help but smile.

This is not a difficult thing for me.

"Then you'll be fine."

Zhang Hao directly raised his hand and grabbed the snake. In the next second, he ducked behind the wall.

As soon as you see it, you can see the luxury everywhere.

All kinds of treasures appeared in Zhang Hao's sight, making him dazzled.

"Let me go, you actually came in!!"

The python spoke in surprise, as if he didn't expect that the other party was so capable.

"How on earth did you do that? Are you really an ordinary human being?"

The python felt a little incredible. It was not that he had never seen powerful ones, but he had never seen such powerful ones!

Zhang Hao's strength has greatly exceeded human imagination. He simply couldn't believe that Zhang Hao really did it.

"So these treasures are mine, right?"

Zhang Hao spoke thoughtfully, raised his hand, and directly pocketed these treasures.

The python was also a little anxious, and eagerly jumped down from Zhang Hao's body, looking at the large amount of things with pleasure. (End of chapter)

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