Chapter 332
"It's good to be strong. You can break through this restriction so easily!"

"These are good things. After taking them, they will be of great help to you."

Although the little snake was very greedy, he never had any thoughts about Zhang Hao's things. Instead, he explained to him the uses of these things very seriously.

Then I felt very satisfied. I found most of the materials I needed here!
I believe it won't be long before he can go back to making things like incense candles.

"You've been talking for so long, are you a little dry?"

Zhang Hao directly poured the other party a glass of Shanbao Spring water. The boa constrictor leaned forward very excitedly and drank heavily.

"You are really a good person. A good person has a safe life!"

"Actually, I say all this out of ruthlessness."

The python said sheepishly, "I hope you can take me out with you."

Speaking of this, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"I have been guarding this place for a long, long time. We have no master, and we don't know where we belong. We only know that we have to guard here aimlessly."

At first he was just a little spiritual snake, but as he grew up, he began to have his own thoughts.

If you stay here, you will be in jail.

He didn't know what kind of mission he had, nor what kind of mission he had. He only knew that he was living in this place as always, seemingly unable to find the meaning of life.

Zhang Hao keenly grasped the key points of the other party's words.

"You mean you?"

"Is it possible that there are many creatures like you in this place?"

After hearing this, the other party nodded, his eyes full of melancholy.

"That's right, you see there are so many doors here, and the people inside them are all our people."

"Because I deliberately hid my aura, the little guy couldn't feel it and thought it was a living door."

"Actually, everyone's strength is quite strong. No matter where you go, it's a dead end."

Hearing this, Zhang Hao became interested. If this was really the case, wouldn't he be able to rescue all these things and become his own capable general?

He knew very well that if these animals had the same thoughts as this little snake, they could all be taken away.

"You all have such thoughts?"

Zhang Hao raised his eyebrows and asked.

After hearing this, the little snake nodded vigorously.

"Everyone wants to be able to leave, and if you can take us, we can be used by you."

They know that they don't know what the situation is like in the outside world now. Instead of staying here, they might as well recognize a master.

These words really moved Zhang Hao's heart, and he nodded in agreement.

"In this case, I will send them all out first, and then I will come to help you. Those people are old people, and it is dangerous for them to stay here."

The little snake nodded, "There are indeed many dangerous things here, but you are relatively lucky and have not encountered them. Otherwise, you may not be able to escape."

"The existence of those guys is very strange. It's hard for me to describe to you clearly what they are."

After hearing this, Zhang Hao frowned slightly. They always felt that there was something terrifying in this.

It's just that he doesn't care. Even if there is any big terror, it will only be covered up by soldiers.

If you want to get the treasure, you need to face danger, which is reasonable.

"Get ready, I'll take you out." Zhang Hao took the other party directly and disappeared into the secret room in a flash.

What he didn't know was that if he tried to enter this place forcefully, he would encounter many dangers, but Zhang Hao had extraordinary abilities. He had a way to easily enter it without suffering any harm.

When Zhang Hao returned to the group of elders and aunties, he saw everyone's extremely concerned expressions.

With expressions of curiosity and concern on their faces, they ran over to observe Zhang Hao.

"Are you injured?"

"That big python didn't do anything to you, right? How did you get out?"

"Are you hungry, young man? Do you want to eat?"

After hearing everyone's concern, Zhang Hao smiled and shook his head.

"I'm fine, I'm doing fine now."

"How are you?"

Uncle Wen smiled and said, "We are waiting for you here. What could happen?"

"On the contrary, you are more worthy of our care."

He directly handed a bottle of water out, feeling a little scared in his heart. If something happened to Zhang Hao because of them, wouldn't he become a sinner?

After all, he was the one who suggested that Zhang Hao could take them out together.

With people's ability, it is completely easy to leave here, and there is no need to worry too much about others.

Now that Zhang Hao came to help them, he was almost killed. This matter would be uncomfortable for anyone.

"Don't worry, we will definitely give you a reasonable explanation for this matter."

Until now, they have not found out who did all this, and they can't help but feel that they have failed.

Zhang Hao glanced to the side indifferently, and his eyes swept over everyone one by one. He seemed to be careless, but in fact he was carefully observing the situation of this group of people.

Many people had expressions of concern on their faces, and some felt guilty and self-blame.

It could be seen that they all felt very guilty about this incident, and everyone decided that if they could really go out, they would make it up to Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao's eyes fell deep into the crowd.

There was an old man in the crowd, and his face was not pretty.

His expression was different from everyone else's, but this expression only flashed past.

If Zhang Hao hadn't been observing carefully, no one would have noticed his expression.

Soon his face also changed to a worried expression, he looked at Zhang Hao nervously, and even handed over his water.

However, the little snake crawled out from Zhang Hao's hair, put it next to Zhang Hao's ear and said something.

"There's something wrong with the person who gave you the water."

Zhang Hao glanced at the little snake in surprise. How could an animal see human emotions?
As if sensing Zhang Hao's thoughts, the little snake spoke leisurely.

"In some cases, I can read human emotions, and the other person's emotions are different."

"Others blame themselves, worry and fear, and even feel lucky to survive the disaster. Only this person's heart is filled with fear, uncertainty, and even some thoughts of killing someone."

Zhang Hao frowned. He had no enmity with this person. Why did he suddenly feel like this?
It stands to reason that he can be regarded as the savior of this group of people. How could the other party have such a desire to kill him?

(End of this chapter)

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