Chapter 368 The Mysterious Old Man
Zhang Hao walked forward along this road, and he could feel keenly that this was a downhill road.

After walking down for who knows how long, Zhang Hao finally saw a glimmer of light.

Just then he saw a stone exhibition in front of him, with a basin actually placed on the platform.

To be precise, this basin looks very strange, as if it is made of mud, but it doesn't smell of earth at all.

He did not directly reach out to touch the basin, but took the lead in throwing a small stone to the center of the booth.

However, after a stone was thrown, there was no strange reaction.

Could it be that I really judged a gentleman with a villain's heart?
It stands to reason that these babies are surrounded by behemoths for protection.

However, I didn't see anything today. Even after a small test, the results were very satisfactory.

He looked at the mud basin in front of him, a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes.

"This is one of the mountain treasures you have worked so hard to find. This thing is extraordinary, and many unexpected good things can be grown in it."

After hearing what the Treasure Rabbit said, Zhang Hao became excited. Isn't this what he wants?
The pots and other things needed for a wedding have always been prepared by yourself.

This basin is one of them.

"I must get this thing. Go and help me keep an eye on the situation over there."

Zhang Hao urged him directly, and he sent Bai Hu out without hesitation.

He didn't let the little rabbit out, perhaps because of his preconceptions. In short, he felt that this little animal didn't look like a being that could fight.

Such a cute little rabbit, if it is accidentally stepped on, its head will explode, right?

Animals like white tigers are more powerful and can come in handy at critical moments.

Treasure Hunting Rabbit didn't expect that he was actually well protected by Zhang Hao, and he couldn't help but feel a little touched.

But I still want to fight!

"Let this smelly tiger attract attention while we take the things away!"

Treasure Rabbit directly gave Zhang Hao a suggestion.

After hearing this, Zhang Hao shook his head.

"You go to a safe place first."

Zhang Hao is not the kind of unreasonable person. Since he knows that there is danger ahead, he is even less likely to put others to death.

Even if this is just an animal, they still have the right to live, and he doesn't want to cause others to lose their lives because of him.

"There is a cave ahead. You go there and stay there. If you encounter a dangerous situation, let the white tiger transform into its original form. Don't come out at other times."

Zhang Hao looked at the things placed on the table and his heart warmed.

You must get this thing!
Thinking of this, he immediately urged the white tiger and the treasure rabbit to leave.

Naturally, it was impossible for them to disobey Zhang Hao's wishes, so they walked towards the cave at a very fast speed.

"Don't worry, we can feel your situation. If you are in danger, we will rush over in time."

Zhang Hao nodded and said nothing more.

He took a look at the basin-like mountain treasure and roughly knew what it was.

Rumor has it that things grown in this mountain treasure can grow very fast.

The function of this mountain treasure is to make time pass faster.

Zhang Hao is very interested in this thing, and it is also one of the things he needs to get married.

So no matter what the situation was, I had to get this thing.

Thinking of this, he walked directly towards this mountain treasure.

He naturally knew that there were pairs of eyes staring at him everywhere.

But he is fearless.

Now that we are here, is there any reason to be afraid?
The moment he stretched out his hand, countless leaves flew towards him.

Zhang Hao subconsciously took a step back and avoided the attack at an extremely weird angle.

"who are you?"

An old voice sounded, but Zhang Hao did not see where the other person was.

He only felt that the other party had existed for some years.So he arched his hands toward the void.

"I, Zhang Hao, am a mountaineer."

There was a long silence after Zhang Hao's voice fell.


He asked very politely, but he didn't hear any response.

"If you don't answer, then I will take the things away."

After saying this, Zhang Hao immediately raised his hand to take the thing away.

In fact, he did this on purpose, just to lure this guy out.

Sure enough, the moment his hand touched this thing, an old man appeared from a distance.

"Bump, bump, bump! You have to reach out and touch everything!"

This old man was wearing an ancient robe and looked like someone who had traveled from ancient times.

But Zhang Hao has long been accustomed to these ancient costumes.

His fiancée was used to wearing ancient costumes, so he didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

"This thing should be obtained by those who are capable, right?"

Hearing this, the old man frowned.

"Hey, you want to take it away?"

The old man didn't think Zhang Hao could take this thing away from his hands.

There have been so many people trying to take things away over the years.

But no one can do it successfully.

Just a little brat who appeared out of nowhere and still wants to get all these things?

"You kid, go where you came from."

"Don't waste your time here, you're not going to get this."

Zhang Hao raised his eyebrows, wondering where the other party got his confidence.

"How do you know I can't get this?"

"Since you are so sure, why don't we take a gamble?"

After hearing this, the old man laughed loudly.

"I've been guarding this thing for so many years, and no one has ever gotten it!"

"If you want to get this thing, I'm afraid you still need to work hard."

"You can't even touch this thing without my permission!"

Hearing the old man's confident look, Zhang Hao also became interested.

"Then just give it a try."

He didn't show any fear, but stretched out his hand towards this thing eagerly.

The old man's face was expressionless, and he was already prepared for Zhang Hao to be ejected by this thing.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Hao actually reached out and touched it!

Not only that, he even reached out and took the thing into his arms.

"what's the situation?!"

He was dumbfounded. Shouldn't this thing be able to defend against others?
Many people have no way of touching it and will be bounced away directly!

What is going on with this man?

He couldn't figure it out for a moment, but that wasn't the point.

If you don't do something, your stuff will be taken away!

"Boy, stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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