"Didn't you make a bet with me? I just took the things and left, and I didn't ask you for a bet. Aren't you still satisfied?"

Zhang Hao spoke lightly, as if he didn't care about all this.

The old man was almost angry to death by Zhang Hao's move. He swore that he had never encountered such an unreasonable brat.

Although he was confused in his heart and didn't know how Zhang Hao did it, he knew very well that this son was definitely not a human being and he couldn't just let him go.

He must at least find out the whole story.

At this time, Zhang Hao also stopped and turned to look at the old man casually.

"If you want to know my identity, then I advise you to introduce yourself first."

Zhang Hao's attitude was good at the beginning, but the old man looked down on him first.

In this case, the old man will have to pay the price.

The old man glanced at Zhang Hao, who strode forward with some trepidation.

"I am the guardian of this mountain treasure. Now that you have obtained this thing, I have no meaning in protecting it. I am free from now on."

It seemed like he didn't want to explain too much. He simply said a word, turned around and wanted to leave.

After hearing this, Zhang Hao didn't react at all and watched him turn around.

The old man originally planned to scare Zhang Hao by leaving, but he didn't expect that Zhang Hao wouldn't take this trick at all!
This guy watched me leave and didn't try to keep him?
He originally thought that if Zhang Hao saved him for a while, then he would definitely find a way to capture Zhang Hao.

Unexpectedly, this guy didn't react at all.

So should he leave or not?
Zhang Hao couldn't help but sneer when he saw that the old man's step didn't fall down for a long time.

"I have no intention of playing this game with you."

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. If you beat around the bush with me, you won't end up well."

After hearing this, the old man's feet finally dropped.

But instead of continuing, he stopped and looked at Zhang Hao seriously.

"You just got this mountain treasure, but do you know how to use it?"

"If you want to learn how to use it, you can't do it without me."

As the guardians of the mountain treasure, they completely regain their freedom after someone obtains the mountain treasure.

However, some people can leave, and some people don't know where they should go.

He is a man who doesn't know his way back.

The reason why he said these words was purely to let Zhang Hao keep him.

But I didn't expect that this person actually refused to do that and had no intention of paying attention to him at all.

It would be fine if he had a place to go, but he didn't even have a place to go!
"I know how to use it."

As a mountain driver, if he doesn't know how to use it, then he is a bit unqualified.

"Besides, when I brought this thing back, I only used it like a basin. I don't care about other uses."

Zhang Hao's words almost made the old man angry to death.

He thought that for this reason, no matter what, he could make the other party soften his heart and lead him along the way.

I didn't expect this brat to say such a thing.

"If you want to follow me, just say so."

Zhang Hao looked at the other party with a half-smile but not a smile. He always felt that this old man seemed to have something unspeakable.

No matter what, he had to figure this out.

It is impossible for him to bring an ambitious person by his side, nor to bring someone he does not understand to threaten his life.After hearing these words, the old man took a deep breath.

Sure enough, what he guessed was correct, this brat was much more difficult to deal with than anyone he met!
"I am the guardian of this mountain treasure. When you took the things away, I was indeed free. But I don't know where to go, so I want to stay with this mountain treasure first."

Zhang Hao knew that the other party could use Shan Bao's power to enhance his own strength.

This has no impact on Shan Bao, but can actually enhance his own strength in disguised form.

Zhang Hao thought the other party's excuse was reasonable.

He silently put away the mountain treasure and led the old man towards the direction of the cave.

The old man followed Zhang Hao silently. He really couldn't figure out why Shan Bao was taken away by this man so obediently.

In the past, those who tried to touch the mountain treasure would be directly ejected.

Is it possible that Shan Bao recognized this person from the bottom of his heart?Or is there something special about his identity?

The old man really couldn't figure out why, and his mind was heavy.

It wasn't until he entered the cave that he saw the white tiger squatting next to him.

This white tiger is so huge that it takes up almost half of the entire cave.

After the old man saw the white tiger, he immediately became alert. He could feel that the white tiger was very powerful, and he did not dare to fight head-on.

But there is a more powerful force!
He could feel that there was a huge creature staring at him.

But he took a private look and did not see the location of this behemoth.

He was a little panicked in his heart. Is this creature already so powerful?
He was already quite strong, but when he looked around, he still couldn't detect the location of this strange creature.

Just when he was extremely panicked, a rabbit suddenly jumped over his head and jumped directly onto Zhang Hao's shoulder.

It seems that the relationship between this little rabbit and Zhang Hao is quite close.

The old man frowned and looked around. He was almost certain that they were the only living creatures at the scene.

Who does that other strange and powerful aura come from?

He couldn't figure it out, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Could it be that that powerful creature is the rabbit in front of me?

The moment this idea came to his mind, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

He just felt that his idea was a little too ridiculous.

If it is really this rabbit, then he has really lived like a dog for so many years.

He didn't take the rabbit seriously. Instead, he turned his head and stared at Zhang Hao with twinkling eyes.

"Is this your pet?"

He was referring to the white tiger.

Zhang Hao's ability to pocket the mountain treasure is enough to prove that he must be somewhat capable.

But, what if you have the ability?
That doesn't mean you can get out of Changbai Mountain alive.

"I know that you are very strong, but starting from tomorrow, the days of the Ten Thousand Beasts Chaozong will begin. Anyone who casually steps into the mountains will not be able to get out."

This was also his final purpose of following Zhang Hao.

If Zhang Hao dies during the Ten Thousand Beasts Dynasty, he can go back with Shan Bao in his arms.

If Zhang Hao can really survive, it will prove that his strength is extraordinary and can be followed.

It doesn't matter where you stay anyway, it's better to stay around someone who is strong. (End of chapter)

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