Zhang Haozai saw that the old lady's blood had such powerful corrosive power.

Since we can drive away all the rats, ants, snakes and insects nearby.

I don't know what is contained in this blood. It can be seen that the identity of the old lady is definitely not simple.

The reason why the counterfeiter behind this spared the old lady's life was definitely because he wanted to complete his great plan from here.

The fake mountaineer used this name to kill many people behind his back.

He must not be allowed to remain unpunished, and Zhang Hao should not let the mountaineer's reputation plummet.

And they, the genuine walkers, must not turn a blind eye.

Before taking the old lady with him, Zhang Hao must know the identity of the other party.

See if there are any secrets hidden in her body. Only by knowing more clearly can we eliminate more dangers.

"Who are you? Why does your blood have such power? Do you still know where they captured you from?"

The old lady shook her head helplessly, as if she had no memory of what happened before.

All she could remember was everything that happened here, and she felt her head hurt as she thought about it.

"Actually, it has been several years since I came here, but I have completely lost my memory of what happened before."

"It seems to be because I was seriously injured before. When I woke up again, I saw everything in front of me and was not familiar with what happened."

It seems that the old lady really doesn't remember much about what happened before.

Zhang Hao nodded thoughtfully, and instantly understood why the old lady was able to live until now.

There were all kinds of corpses around, and only the old lady was sitting among them.

Then the old lady told some of her experiences during this period.

"Since coming here, I only know that they have been using my blood. At first, I didn't quite understand what it did."

"Later I realized that blood could have such uses, and I found it very strange."

Zhang Hao nodded his head slightly, probably already guessing what was going on.

This counterfeit wants to use blood to pursue a bigger thing, and he will never let the old lady die so easily.

If he loses his life like this, he will lose one of his greatest combat capabilities.

The old lady realized the situation and could no longer remember the previous memories. She might as well take this opportunity to retrieve all the lost memories.

"Where was I captured from? What kind of secrets are hidden? The only way to find out is to find the person behind this."

Zhang Hao never spoke. When the old lady saw the look in his eyes, she walked up to him in a daze and shook her hand.

"Did you hear what I said? I am going with you this time to find out my own secret."

"No matter what, I have to find out these things. You are a mountain walker. Do you know the secrets about me?"

"Do you know why my blood is so powerful? Why are all these animals afraid?"

Faced with such behavior, Zhang Hao didn't know how to respond, so he just sighed helplessly.

"Maybe the truth is right in front of you, at your fingertips. You just need to hold on a little longer to find out."

Zhang Hao didn't want to say too much about what was going on here. He hoped that the old lady could find out by herself.

While they were talking, Zhang Hao had been discovered by the people around him.

When I was patrolling around, I kept hearing vague sounds, and finally I found their traces after checking here.His eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, he covered his mouth, and immediately told the people next to him about it.

"What should I do? There are actually people here. Where did they come from?"

If anyone is caught alive here, they will all be locked up, and there is absolutely no way they are around here.

"There was an old lady with him just now. It looks like the two of them are working together. Maybe the old lady will expose this secret!"

After the people next to him heard this, they frowned and immediately gathered them together.

"Now our village has been invaded by outsiders, we cannot ignore it!"

They must not let the secrets here be exposed to the outside world, and must find ways to capture the people.

"The other party doesn't know that their identity has been exposed. This is the best time for us to grasp the reality."

"No matter what, this person must be caught, tortured and interrogated. When the time comes, I will give you a credit."

After Zhang Hao exposed his position, he would definitely be besieged by a group of people.

Now the leader is menacing, walking at the front with the weapon in his hand.

It didn't take long for them to immediately surround him.

Zhang Hao saw the ferocious looks of this group of people, but he was not afraid at all, but his face remained extremely calm.

A group of people surrounded them, and some began to scold the old lady.

"You old immortal thing is actually here. You dare to run from the altar to this place. Are you the accomplice you found?"

"I thought you already understood the rules of this place and knew how to behave safely. Now it seems really ridiculous!"

The old lady was obviously a little scared and could only hide behind Zhang Hao for fear that these people would hurt her.

"I am also a person who is half submerged in the loess. Why do you keep holding on to me?"

"If I had any accomplices and you could survive until now, this village would have been breached long ago!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man burst into laughter.

"But don't worry, old lady. Neither of you can run away now. We've already surrounded you."

Hearing the old lady, Zhang Hao immediately blocked her behind, "Young man, you shouldn't die here. You should leave here quickly. There will be another chance in the future."

"Anyway, I'm just an old man. If I die, I'll die. There's no regrets."

Zhang Hao actually stood there unmoved, not panicking at all, and had no intention of leaving.

The old lady was very anxious and tried her best to shake his arm.

"Why are you still standing here? Didn't I tell you to run away? Could these people catch you? There should always be one of us left."

Zhang Hao shook his head slightly. At such a critical moment, how could he leave the old lady behind and escape alone?
"If you want to leave, let's all go together. How could I leave you here alone? In this dragon's pond and tiger's den, who can be alone?"

At this time, Song Chengfeng appeared again and glanced at Zhang Hao.

"How can you be without me at such a critical moment? It's absolutely impossible for you to stand alone and fight alone."

Then he started killing everyone with a wooden stick. Zhang Hao also held a wooden stick in his hand and fought with these people.

As he fought harder and harder, Song Chengfeng gradually gained interest and burst out laughing. (End of chapter)

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