When the two parties fought together, there was some tension for a while.

In particular, Song Chengfeng was getting more and more aggressive, and the wooden stick in his hand was about to break.

"These people are too weak. A group of people rushed up. I thought they could cause some trouble."

There was a hint of disdain in his words. Although he was an older man, his method was nothing like force.

After hearing these words, the young people were furious and clenched the weapons in their hands.

"If we continue to be cowardly, we will be treated as grandsons by others. We must catch this old guy and make him suffer shame!"

Even if they had the intention, they would not be able to do such a thing. It was obvious that they were no match for these two people.

Zhang Hao has always protected the old lady behind him, and shuttled among them like running water.

The group of people were beaten until they were out of breath. They kept retreating, getting farther and farther away from the old lady. Seeing that the secret was about to be exposed, they must not stand and wait to die.

The person taking the lead discovered that the two of them had been protecting the old lady. It seemed that the other party could not stay.

If the old lady can be held hostage at this time, the situation may be changed.

"You guys will rush forward and hold them down. I will use the opportunity to reach behind and force the old lady with a dagger, so they will definitely be captured without help."

"We have already lost so many brothers, we cannot let everyone continue to suffer losses."

Those people nodded immediately after listening and passed these words to others.

"Everyone, listen up. Once we get up there, we will hold them two back. We must not let them leave."

"The boss wanted to sneak to the back to capture the old lady. If he failed, everyone would be left with nothing to eat."

Then they rushed up like crazy, before Zhang Hao and Song Chengfeng could fully react.

"Why do these people pounce on people like crazy dogs and bite them?"

"With our two abilities, we can't hold it off for long. I don't know how many manpower they still have."

Zhang Hao frowned and looked around, feeling that there was a gust of wind blowing behind him.

As soon as I turned around, I found that someone had sneaked up behind the old lady, put a dagger on her neck, and yelled at her.

"You all put down your weapons. If you take another step forward, I will kill this old lady immediately!"

If the old lady's blood sheds, it will cause harm to the people around her.

Zhang Hao would never let the old lady lose her life. He clenched his fists and could only take a few steps back.

"Old Song, let's take a few steps back first. There is no need to confront them head-on. If we really hurt the old lady, we will lose more than we gain!"

At this moment, the man had a arrogant smile on his face.

"I thought you were very powerful, but I never thought that the old lady would be your weakness."

"You must know what you should know. You all already know it. Hurry up and put down what you are holding!"

The reason why he made this move was mainly because these two people were too terrifying. If they were allowed to continue fighting, the brother he killed would be dead.

All of them were living lives one after another. He could not allow himself to follow his brother to the death, resulting in a pool of blood.

Although the weapons held by these two people were wooden sticks, they were more powerful than the swords and guns. They were moving through the crowd like thousands of troops.

The man was really scared, so he made this move. The man behind him was also cowardly, not daring to move forward, just waiting for him to say a word.

"Don't move. The dagger in my hand is blood-sealed. You can't blame me if I miss it!"

Zhang Hao tried his best to calm the other party's emotions, but his tone was still very calm. "Put down the dagger in your hand first so that we can discuss it easily. What do you want us to do?"

Song Chengfeng felt that at such a critical moment, he could never give the other party a chance.

"Why should you listen to them? If you want me to say it, just kill that person!"

At this moment, the man holding the dagger in his hand yelled at the two of them.

"Hurry up and put down everything in your hands!"

The old lady knew that she was just a cheap person and couldn't even remember what happened before.

If you can't find the lost memory, your existence in the world will have no meaning.

She doesn't want to become someone else's excuse, nor does she want to hold them back.

He smiled coldly: "Do you really think that putting the dagger on my neck can really threaten them?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm not familiar with them at all, and my life won't cost them so much trouble."

After saying this, he pushed the man's arm away and then hit the dagger.

The man's arm began to feel hot instantly. Before he could react, the dagger in his hand turned and the old lady hit the handle of the dagger directly.

"Are you crazy? If you don't want to live, you won't let others live. This old lady is really hopeless!"

After seeing this situation, the people behind them stepped back a lot.

"If this old lady dies, all of us will lose our lives. Those two people are like madmen and can't be stopped no matter what!"

The old lady thought she had touched the blade, but she never expected that she had just touched the dagger, causing some pain in her forehead.

He fell to the ground in a daze, holding the place where his forehead was touched with his hands.

"Why am I not clear-headed? Why can't I see clearly what is in front of me?"

The old lady kept repeating the words in her hand, and the man still held the dagger in his hand and placed it next to the old lady.

"You two had better not act rashly. If you take another step forward, I will kill her immediately!"

"No matter what your relationship is, I am sure that the old lady is your destiny!"

Zhang Hao saw the old lady sitting on the ground with a trace of confusion in her eyes.

Then he hugged his head with both hands, looking like the kind of person who has lost his memory and has a sense of sight when he recalls things.

At this moment, he moved slightly and slowly towards Song Chengfeng.

"I guess the old lady's memory may have recovered somewhat, and she may be able to answer our questions."

"There's no need to keep going with this group of people. Let's give them some color first. The purpose of our leaving here is to save the old lady."

There is a saying that goes well, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood, no matter how big the storm they may cause.

The impostor behind this has been exposed, and he won't be able to hide for long, so he will naturally find ways to seek revenge.

Who can watch so much hard work go to waste.

And this impostor looks like someone who is very revengeful.

Zhang Hao observed the surrounding situation and tried to find a way out.

"Are you people still stubborn? To be honest, you can't stop us!" (End of Chapter)

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