But after Zhang Hao listened to the footsteps for a while again, he could tell whether the other party was coming towards them.

Although their footsteps were very close, they were not particularly anxious, although they were heading towards the exit.

"They probably aren't coming for us, but if you want to figure out their intentions, you have to listen to what they are saying."

The distance is still very far, and it is impossible to hear what they are talking about.

Song Chengfeng originally thought about going forward and letting the two of them hide in the dark to find out what was going on.

"You guys should find a place to hide first. I move fast and they can't catch me. That group of people can't do anything to me."

"Wait until I go to the front to find out what they are talking about. Then we will discuss the next plan."

It may be safest for three people to stay together. If any one person falls behind now, uncontrollable situations may occur.

After some thinking, Zhang Hao grabbed his arm and shook it.

"If you go alone, if something goes wrong, I have to come to rescue you. If I take the old lady with me, I have no chance of winning."

To be on the safe side, he did not recommend Song Chengfeng to inquire about all the information by himself.

"I think there is a hiding place around here. Why don't we cats be here? Maybe we can hear what they are discussing."

After all, this is the only way to go. If they want to go to the cave entrance in front, they have to pass by here.

As long as it is a little quieter, you can clearly hear what they are talking about.

The group was completely unaware that they were cursing all the way in.

"The notification was too sudden this time. I'm not completely ready yet. We have to go out and take action."

The man next to him had a helpless tone and didn't know much about the situation.

"Who knows, something like this suddenly happened outside, and we always have to deal with it. Could it be that we are all suffocating here to death?"

"There are some things we can't figure out. It's better to wait. Maybe there will be good results."

Their conversation was vague and they did not reveal their intention of going out this time.

The further they walked, the more obvious their voices became. Zhang Hao frowned and listened carefully.

I clearly heard one of them say that he wanted to capture the mountain man.

"All those walkers must be arrested. They pose too great a threat to us!"

"If those walkers are allowed to be so debauched, the previous plan will be completely exposed!"

In fact, they want to capture these walkers to work for them, so that they can have some free labor.

"The whereabouts of mountain walkers have always been rather strange, and they have never been clear. It is rare to have such an opportunity."

"As long as a person is human, he must have his weaknesses. As long as he falls into our hands, he will probably not be able to escape."

It seems that they are already wary of this matter and cannot ignore it.

Zhang Hao crossed his arms over his chest, thinking about their next opportunity.

"If we follow what they said, then the next step is to look for all kinds of traces of us. We can't let them catch us."

"The person behind this wants our lives, not to keep this secret buried!"

This counterfeit wanted to kill all the genuine walkers except him.

At that time, he can pass on this lineage under the guise of the name of the poem and retaliate against what the master said at that time.

The way to win is to use dangerous tactics and risk one's life.

During their discussion, suddenly a black cat ran past and made a commotion.They thought there was someone hiding around them and immediately became vigilant.

"Why are you panicking? Do you really think that hiker can eat you? Hurry up and see what's going on ahead!"

The few people walked forward quickly and found that it was a black cat, and sighed helplessly.

"It turns out to be a cat! And it kept us chasing it for a long time!"

The people next to him were so angry that they wanted to strangle the black cat to death.

"This ghost thing is so scary. It's a broken cat. Since it scared everyone like this, I thought there would be someone here."

If there was anyone in this cave, all their previous plans would be ruined.

"How is it possible? This place is so secret, no one can find it."

While they were talking, a skinny monkey-like man spoke.

"Look at your timid looks. I told you not to worry about this matter. I did it very carefully!"

"This time it is very stable, and we have caught a very powerful breakfast person. Our plan will be successful soon!"

The people next to him felt much more relaxed after hearing these words, and their frowns relaxed.

"If you had said this earlier, everyone wouldn't have been so panicked. People are in a state of panic."

"This time, the powerful mountain walker fell into our trap. I thought these mountain walkers were extremely smart, but I didn't expect that they would still seek their own death!"

Maybe everything outside was arranged deliberately by them, just to catch Zhang Hao.

When Zhang Hao heard what they said, he immediately became alert.

"I thought they could just let it go once they caught me, but I didn't expect they wanted to arrest someone else!"

"Why don't we follow the direction of this crowd to check, maybe there is still a certain possibility."

The thin, monkey-like man seemed particularly shrewd at first glance. Perhaps he had already found a way out for himself.

"Look at the courage of each of you. The hikers have been caught. What else is there to be afraid of?"

"Besides, there are people behind me who are supporting me. This matter is imminent and I have to send a black cat. Why make such a fuss!"

But it can also be clearly seen from this black cat that their team does not have a unified front.

Most people may be on tenterhooks and don't want to lose their lives.

When Song Chengfeng saw how lazy they looked, he couldn't help laughing and taunting them.

"I don't know how a team like this was brought together. These little Luoluo don't have any skills. They can be knocked to the ground with three moves and two moves."

"If you ask me, some people will be so scared that they wet their pants when we take action. They are no match for us at all."

Underestimating the enemy is the most taboo thing. Zhang Hao nodded slightly, but did not fully agree with his statement.

"If you think about it, these people are cynical and have evil intentions."

"But rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry, and dogs will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry. Let's sail with caution."

The next direction to investigate may be the thorns of dissatisfaction, but Zhang Hao has already thought of a new plan.

"Everyone must understand that a war never tires of deceit. This is a huge game. Whoever survives to the end will be the ultimate winner!"

Speaking of this, Song Chengfeng became even more interested.

"Anyway, we have plenty of time, let's have some fun with them!" (End of Chapter)

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