Zhang Hao clearly saw them walking forward. Maybe the secret hidden in this place was not just as simple as what their eyes saw.

If you are searching here like a headless fly, it is better to follow their footsteps. Maybe there is the answer you want behind it.

"Let's just follow them. They are all coming for us anyway. Maybe if we follow them, we can catch the person behind them."

Song Chengfeng agreed with him and nodded his head.

"Instead of wasting time looking for a way out, it's better to find a shortcut."

Sometimes I don’t know how to describe it. The truth is within reach but cannot be touched.

This feeling was extremely uncomfortable, and Zhang Hao realized that this layer of fog was getting thinner and thinner.

He could blow it away with just a gentle breath. He believed in his unique judgment.

Then he turned to look at the old lady, wanting to know what she thought of this.

"Do you have any suggestions? If we don't want to follow these people, we can also find another way out."

The old lady thought what they said was very reasonable and nodded with a smile.

"Just do it according to your understanding, I will just follow you."

"However, these people have serious thoughts. They must be on guard at all times and must not take it lightly."

Then they followed the direction of these people and walked inside, and soon discovered that there was someone on duty here.

"Why is there anyone guarding this place? This place looks like a huge palace."

"Could this fake have hollowed out the ground and spent so much time building a secret base here?"

At this moment, Song Chengfeng hugged his chest with his hands and couldn't help but marvel at the scene he saw in front of him.

"Zhang Hao, what do you think he wants to do? What kind of disturbance can he cause by hiding in this dark underground?"

This is a large underground palace, and the various constructions are somewhat retro.

It seemed like a lot of thought had been put into these things, and Zhang Hao vaguely sensed that there might be a bigger secret hidden here.

Now we must not stay away from the matter, we must explore the secrets inside one by one.

"We are already at the door. There is no way these people can stop us."

After walking a few steps further, I thoroughly observed the whole situation. To be precise, a small town of this size has been formed here.

You can clearly see people walking back and forth inside, and there are also some small flat floors that are not high.

At the same time, there is a huge and glorious palace, hidden in the deepest part, with golden light looming.

At that moment, Song Chengfeng couldn't help but marvel at the glorious architecture here.

"This guy is so powerful. I don't know how much money it cost and how many years it took to build this look!"

"But I just don't understand why he goes to such trouble?"

The old lady next to her opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

It’s really outrageous that such a thing exists.

The counterfeiter has been hiding in this dark underground, and I thought he was just trying to survive.

But they never expected to live such a comfortable life. It seems that everything is more difficult than they imagined.

The fake mountain walker behind this has developed into a form, and maybe he is hiding a bigger secret here.

No wonder those people just now had smiles on their faces. They seemed to have good living conditions and did not seem to be lacking nutrition.

"This place is indeed glorious, but it is just a temporary act. He will eventually pay the price for what he has done!"

"This place will also be razed to the ground by then, and the traces of life here will disappear."

At this moment, Song Chengfeng shook his head helplessly. He wished that everything in front of him belonged to him. "But it's a pity. There are really not many splendid underground buildings like this."

The most important thing right now is not to stand here and marvel at how awesome what they did is.

Instead, they have to find a way to get in quickly and figure out their purpose.

"Zhang Hao, tell me, the people in front of us are being investigated so tightly. What method should we use to get through?"

"These people are definitely not good people. They are definitely not easy to mess with and difficult to deal with."

If it were normal, he would definitely not have this concern.

Now I don’t know how many people are inside, so it’s natural to be more stable.

"There's definitely no way to break in. How about I go check it out first? It's better than us wandering into it by mistake."

Zhang Hao nodded slightly and told him not to get close.

"Just explore around, don't alert the enemy, lest it cause greater trouble."

After a while, Song Chengfeng came back with the information he had investigated.

There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"All of these people know each other. If we want to sneak in under their noses, I'm afraid we will have to work hard."

When he was at a loss, Zhang Hao slowly took a few steps back and took out a bead from his body.

In fact, he had already thought of a better way, which could also preserve their identities.

"This bead can take us in. There is no need to take risks directly."

"This is the mountain treasure I got before. You will see the power of this bead soon."

The old lady was very curious, but she also knew very well what kind of power Shanbao had.

"There are endless changes here, and the mountain treasure can be manipulated at will by the real mountain guardian."

The real mountaineer is right in front of you, and the fake one inside won't be arrogant for long.

"Let's go in now and take a closer look to see what a magnificent project this is underground."

"Look at how many secrets are hidden here. Today both those who can see the light and those who cannot see the light must be revealed!"

Seeing Zhang Hao holding this thing tightly in his hand, he could change the appearance of a person in three seconds.

After the old lady truly saw Shan Bao's power, she couldn't help but sigh.

"This thing is obviously much stronger than I imagined. How long can this thing last?"

"If our identity is exposed while walking inside, everyone will shout and beat us!"

At this time, Zhang Hao calmly talked about the great use of this small bead.

"Three hours. If we move faster, it should be enough. We shouldn't be exposed inside!"

When he said this, the two people next to him were only surprised.

"Is this thing really so powerful? This is too outrageous. Isn't it the same as changing a face?"

Shan Bao actually has such a skill of disguising himself, no wonder this impostor has to die in front of the mountain walker.

"Can a small bead contain such strong energy?"

If this counterfeit mastered the true power, the consequences would be disastrous.

The old lady was surprised and didn't react for a long time, immersed in what Zhang Hao just said.

"This is truly the most powerful and infinite power I have ever seen!" (End of Chapter)

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