"I found out that they were going to this place and said they had discovered something very hidden. But before they could finish their story, I was already taken away. I think there must be a secret in Yunzhongshan!"

The moment the words fell, everyone's expressions became solemn.

Zhang Hao's inner thoughts were very simple.

Anyway, he was still looking for mountain treasures in various places. Yunzhongshan was a must-visit place in the first place. Now that it was involved in so many problems, he could go check it out in advance.

Thinking of this, his expression gradually became serious.

At this time, they heard a clicking sound, as if someone was opening the door.

Zhang Hao immediately asked the old lady to lie down first, pretending to be dying, while they picked up a variety of professional instruments and began to pretend to check each other's body.

The sound of footsteps came, and Zhang Hao could tell based on the heavy footsteps that it was definitely the guy with the sinister eyebrows.

"Are you done? Hurry up and save this old lady's life. Otherwise, we won't give you the money!"

He glanced at Zhang Hao very unhappily. He still remembered what this guy was doing to ridicule him.

"It's been roughly bandaged. We need to conduct a comprehensive examination on this old lady. I think her organs have been damaged. You guys are playing too much!"

The man glanced at the gauze thrown out next to the old lady and couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

He didn't dare to see what was going on with this old lady, but he just felt horrible.

He didn't participate, he was just a little guy who knew more.

"When you're done, hurry up and leave. I'll wait for you in the elevator!"

After saying this, he turned around and wanted to leave, but Zhang Hao gave Zhang Siyuan a hint in his eyes.

Without saying a word, Zhang Siyuan grabbed the person by the neck and dragged him in. His actions were too rude!
The guy was speechless before he even had time to react.

By the time he fully reacted, he had been tied up and thrown to the ground.

"I see that he is the only one wandering around on this floor. I think he will know about it."

Zhang Hao said calmly, they all wanted to compete with this group of people anyway, so why bother to give face like this and just tear their faces apart?

The men with sly eyebrows struggled angrily, their unruly people dared to humiliate themselves like this.

"I'm warning you, let me go quickly. If you don't want to die, let me go!"

After hearing this, Zhang Hao kicked him directly.

"We don't know the identity of this person, but someone has to know."

As soon as she finished speaking, the old lady sat up from the bed, looking very energetic. The other person was sitting very high, giving her a feeling of being superior.

This kind of oppression makes people almost collapse.

"It turns out to be you. It seems that I have a rough idea of ​​who did this."

Mrs. Shu had an indifferent expression and stared directly at the person in front of her.

"Do you think you should let him die, or let him send a message to his master?"

The old lady's words were like the devil in hell, making people feel panicked after she said them.

Zhang Hao and the others looked at the man lying on the ground with expressionless faces. Of course, everyone knew that these words were not meant for themselves, but to deliberately hit this guy.

"Haha, I think there is no need to keep this kind of person alive. We will all go to Yunzhongshan anyway. This guy has no value at all." Zhang Hao deliberately mentioned Yunzhongshan, just to see This guy's reaction.

Sure enough, when Zhang Hao mentioned this word, his pupils dilated and his hands and feet trembled slightly.

He must be afraid that if he comes to the door, something big will happen.

"Actually, even if you don't say it, we know what to do. Now we just want to give you a chance to live. If you don't want to cherish it, you can't blame anyone."

Zhang Siyuan couldn't help but say something. He shook the dagger in his hand, as if he was going to kill the person on the spot if he didn't tell the truth.

Upon hearing this, the sinister-looking man gave in completely.

Things have already developed to this point, what else can I say?If you say something you shouldn't say, you will put yourself in an embarrassing situation.

Thinking of this, he chose to compromise without any psychological pressure.

"Dean Zhou has reached an agreement with the Mountain Walkers. They will help find out the specific situation of the Mountain Walkers, and they will also cooperate with them to arrest some powerful people and come back for research."

Having said this, he felt relieved and let out a deep sigh.

Anyway, he was not very involved in this matter. At most, he was just an insider.

"You also know that those villains are very poor. Apart from forming their own forces, they have no extra abilities. If you want to truly control the situation of the Mountain Walkers, you have to find them."

After hearing this, the old lady slapped the other party without hesitation.

"How ridiculous!!"

"Our responsibility and obligation is to understand and protect others. Instead of trying to figure them out, we kill them. It's really putting the cart before the horse!"

"I remember everything you people have done. In the future, I will send all the evidence one by one to let everyone know the good deeds you have done!"

This guy was so panicked.

"Dean Zhou did all of this. It's none of my business. If you have any problem, just go to him. Every wrong has its end, and every debt has its owner!"

Hearing this, everyone sneered.

Zhang Hao didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he knocked the person unconscious, fed him some medicine, tied him up forcibly, used the disguise technique to change his appearance, and threw him into the dungeon.

He must not be the only one responsible for this place. If he rescued people by himself, he would probably attract the attention of many people.

So finding a scapegoat is the most appropriate choice.

After Zhang Hao changed the old lady's appearance, since they walked out swaggeringly, they had already memorized the entry password, entered the password and entered the elevator.

This guy was on guard against all odds, but he didn't expect that Zhang Hao had an amazing memory and could remember all the numbers just by looking at them.

"Even though there are more than a dozen digits in these numbers, you still remember them so clearly. You are so awesome."

Even the old lady couldn't help but sincerely praise Zhang Hao. This place is a secret base, so even the staff, not many people know about the existence of this dungeon.

Zhang Hao could remember it after just one glance, which is enough to prove his extraordinary personal strength.

"The strength of the Mountain Walker cannot be underestimated."

Zhang Hao smiled and said, "Next stop, Yunzhongshan?" (End of this chapter)

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