No one had any objections. They were all looking forward to going to Yunzhongshan.

"Okay, are we ready now?"

Everyone has taken the initiative to prepare things. Yunzhongshan is a very dangerous place. After all, everyone needs to be careful.

If you don't make complete preparations, even if the King of Heaven comes, you will be dead. Zhang Hao has never been a person who likes to rely on others.

He feels that he must always be completely sure before he dares to challenge those difficult challenges. If he has to challenge the excitement if he disagrees, then he will really get tired of living.

Although his destiny is great, he is not so arrogant.

At this moment, Zhang Hao's cell phone suddenly rang. He subconsciously picked it up and looked at it, and his face gradually became ugly.

Several others had already left, but Zhang Siyuan was left to look at Zhang Hao. Since he didn't know the situation here, he naturally couldn't help with the procurement.

Zhang Siyuan frowned. He always felt that something was not quite right. Could it be that something beyond his control had happened?

"What's going on? If you have anything to say, just say it. If there is anything we can do to help, you will definitely help!"

We have known each other for such a long time and have already developed a deep comradeship.

Even if they are asked to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire, everyone is willing.

"I received a message here that the road in Yunzhong Mountain is about to be closed. I heard that some kind of wild beast appeared?"

Zhang Hao also received some inaccurate information, but if this news was true, then they would have to hurry up.

"At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the mountain will be closed here, but they can't find out the reason for the mountain closure, so we must seize the time and act. It should be too late to fly there now."

If they fly over now, it means that it will be too late for everyone to make purchases.

"Let's do this. I'll book the flight now. You call them and explain the situation. We'll gather at the airport in about an hour. You can buy as much as you can. If it doesn't work, you can only take it one step at a time."

Zhang Hao also felt a headache. If they didn't prepare complete measures, wouldn't that be equivalent to risking their lives?
But time is running out, and once the mountain is closed, it will be even more difficult for them to get in.

Song Chengfeng and the others also learned about this during the purchasing process.

The two originally went shopping together, but after receiving the news from Zhang Hao, they immediately separated. Now that time is running out, they must separate.

"Hurry up and divide this list into two parts. Buy as much as you can. Anyway, you must arrive at the airport when the time comes."

Song Chengfeng immediately separated from the old lady, and he couldn't care about money now.

Originally, he thought that the old lady was good at bargaining and knowledgeable about goods, so it would be most appropriate to take her with her, but now it seemed that he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Everyone took action individually, and Zhang Siyuan helped everyone pack some clothes and other luggage. An hour later, both of them appeared at their destination on time.

Zhang Hao looked at the extremely embarrassed people.

"It seems that this time we feel like we are being chased away from the market."

This situation does make people feel headache and even a little frustrated.

There is no one who has the ability here. They gather together, which is enough to shake the entire mountain. Even a large villain force can be overthrown by their cooperation.

I just didn't expect this force to be so arrogant. They have been able to exist for so many years.

This matter is related to one's own life, and no one wants to be careless.

Soon everyone was on board and the plane was sliding quickly.

More than three hours later, we landed at the airport.

This is already the most remote place in the country.Zhang Hao's eyes were relaxed. They had not been idle for three hours after getting off the plane. Since there was no Internet, everyone closed their eyes and rested.

They have a big battle going on tonight, and everyone has to stay up all night and go up the mountain in advance.

"Do you think there was some leakage that caused them to cause trouble and forced the authorities to close the mountain?"

It is absolutely impossible for the officials to cooperate with this group of people's arrogant and domineering sealing of the mountain, so Zhang Hao felt that something might have gone wrong.

"I'm going to investigate here."

Mrs. Shu also has her own identity and background.

After Zhang Hao mentioned it, the other party had already started to investigate, and roughly investigated these things and came up with some clues.

"It seems that a few students got lost in the mountain. It is very dangerous now, so the official arranged for people to go in and check. In order to prevent confusion, the mountain was temporarily closed."

Zhang Hao nodded. This place is indeed not an open attraction, so even if it is closed, not many people will care.

This notice does not require coordination and arrangements in advance, and it will not have any impact on those tourists.

Because there are no tourists here.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao's eyes gradually became serious. These students were really bold, and their disappearance seemed to be a coincidence.

"No matter what, we have to go into the mountains now. Whether we avoid this group of people or face them head-on, things always need to be resolved."

Because dodging has no effect at all. Since they are going to fight, they will definitely make a big noise in the mountain.

They rented a car directly and drove into Yunzhong Mountain quickly.

The car soon stopped at the bottom of the mountain. After collecting all the things, they parked the car in a relatively remote place so that no one could find it.

"Is there any deception?"

Zhang Siyuan asked.

He now has great trust in Zhang Hao and feels that the other party will definitely be able to show some skills.

Although such a thing as blindness sounds mysterious, he feels that it may not really exist.

There is no other reason than that he trusts Zhang Hao too much.

"There happens to be one."

Zhang Hao directed them to stop the car here, and then took out a ball-like object and smashed it at the car.

The next moment, the car disappeared in front of people's eyes, but turned into a tree.

"Even the touch feels the same as a tree, but the time is limited and I can only last four days."

Zhang Hao's expression was solemn, he was not too sure about this matter.

Will they be able to escape unscathed within a few days?That’s not necessarily true!
"Okay, let's go."

The old lady urged, they don't have time to grind now, the right way is to go to the mountains and stay!

“Up the mountain, up the mountain!”

Just when everyone was clamoring to go up the mountain, little did they know that groups of professional teams in uniforms were also going up the mountain one after another.

"Hurry up, now is the golden search and rescue period, we must try to find the person within 72 hours!" (End of Chapter)

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