Chapter 459 The tiger is coming!

The student was obviously frightened, and he shouted loudly.

"You have to be careful!!!"

At this time, he had been pulled upward by the vines, so he was now in an absolutely safe position, but he was not reassured.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't worry, his abilities are limited. In his current situation, even if he does jump, he can't help anyone.

When the tiger saw that he missed a hit, he turned around angrily and rushed towards Zhang Hao.

However, Zhang Hao had already made preparations in advance, so how could he be eliminated by this weak guy?
  If it were an intelligent tiger, it would be able to communicate normally with Zhang Hao, but this tiger was different. The other tiger was like a baby in a kindergarten and had not grown up in the formal sense.

It is precisely because of this that there is no way to communicate with each other.

Zhang Hao could only rely on his fists to convince this guy.

Zhang Siyuan was naturally aware of the situation here. He quickly pulled the student up, and then jumped down. With the help of the vines, he successfully reached the bottom without much effort. .

Song Chengfeng and the others were rectifying the group of students above, and at the same time they did not forget to ask with concern what happened.

"Young man, I see you just came up from below. What happened down there?"

Song Chengfeng and the old lady looked like no threat at all. They were like old people coming out to dance in the square.

And these two students were also very enthusiastic. They could only speak honestly.

"I just saw it too, there seemed to be a tiger down there!"

The student who was chased by the tiger let out a long sigh.

"The tiger should have come for me at first, but I was taken away by Brother Siyuan in advance, so the tiger was very angry and wanted to cause trouble for him. I don't know if the tiger will succeed. !”

After hearing these words, everyone frowned tightly. They all thought it was a little weird. How could this tiger suddenly choose to attack Zhang Hao? Isn't this asking for death?

As we all know, the strength of the mountain walkers cannot be underestimated. They know some things that ordinary people cannot, and they are quite powerful. Even animals must be under their control.

Logically speaking, it would only take a matter of minutes for Zhang Hao to grasp this tiger.

How could he be in an inexplicable fierce fight with this tiger? Is there something wrong with this tiger?
  The old lady understands the mountain walkers even more.

"It is said that those animals are very close to them. Why is there something wrong with this tiger? I think the situation in this mountain is not as simple as we think!"

After hearing this, Song Chengfeng shook his head and signaled the other party not to talk about these topics for the time being. Although there were only a few students present, he still had to be on guard against others.

Who knows if they are really ordinary students, or if they have any other abilities.

It is even possible that he is pretending to be a student. Anyway, anything is possible and he must not take it lightly.

The old lady also understood what the other party meant and said nothing more.

One of the girls was listening to the old lady very seriously, but unexpectedly their conversation ended suddenly.

The other party glanced at the old lady with some regret, then looked away in disbelief.

However, this look happened to be noticed by Song Chengfeng.

Song Chengfeng smiled inwardly. Sure enough, there was something wrong with this matter!
  "Don't worry, something isn't right."

"I seem to have figured out where the clues are, but don't alert the enemy now. The two of us should continue talking. We can try to tell some things about the mountaineer, but don't make it too secretive."

The old lady quickly understood what he meant. Anyway, she just picked out some irrelevant things. "By the way, I heard that there are mountain walkers here. Everyone, please be careful not to encounter them."

Song Chengfeng said this deliberately.

The few young people next to him naturally became interested.

"What is this hiker you are talking about? Is he the ranger here?"

"What are the rangers to be afraid of? They won't drive us out. This is actually an attraction!"

"That's right. The location of this mountain is quite embarrassing, and it's not considered a tourist attraction, so the other party has no reason to drive us away!"

This group of college students had innocent looks on their faces, and it was obvious that they had no idea what kind of existence a mountain walker was.

At this moment, the girl who just showed a strange look suddenly spoke.

"Travelers and forest rangers are different. I have seen this word in a book before. I heard that they are not good people. Anyway, if you encounter them, just avoid them."

The girl was vague and didn't go into much detail, and no one had any intention of asking the question.

After all, whether they are forest rangers or mountain walkers, they are very far apart professions, and no one is very interested in them.

"I heard that forest rangers and mountain walkers are good, but I didn't expect that they are actually bad!"

Song Chengfeng said this deliberately.

"I've heard they are good people and if someone asks for help, they will go out of their way to help."

As the other party said this, the faces of these students also showed expressions of expectation and yearning.

"I feel that they are also very moral people, but I don't know much about hurting people by walking around. I will definitely search them on Baidu after I go out!"

“It’s a good thing if you’re willing to help others, and you’re a good person!”

"The mountain walker should not be a person but a profession. There are good and bad in professions. Isn't this normal? Anyway, I think it's okay!"

Everyone, you said each sentence.

The other person was very embarrassed when he said this.

This woman's name is Liu Xiaowei.

There was a trace of panic in the other party's eyes, as if he wanted to say something again, but felt that nothing was appropriate.

"Okay, everyone, let's take a rest quickly. We can leave after they come up. Anyway, I'll send you out first!"

The old lady came out to smooth things over so that everyone would not be so embarrassed. However, the two of them found that after mentioning being sent out, the woman's expression changed significantly.

It seems that this girl named Liu Xiaowei doesn't want to leave.

The old lady and Song Chengfeng looked at each other, and they both understood the meaning of each other's heavy looks. Anyway, no matter what, let's wait and see what happens.

Liu Xiaowei suddenly spoke curiously.

"He encountered a tiger down there. Aren't you worried about your teammates? If it were me, I would have been worried so much that I might have to go and save him myself!"

Liu Xiaowei's voice was loud and sounded very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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