After hearing this, Song Chengfeng shook his head.

"There's nothing to worry about. Jiren has his own destiny. If he encounters any accident, we can't help him."

"Those he encountered were tigers!"

"Do you think you can fight a tiger?"

"Instead of a few more people going down to die, it is better for us survivors to save our own lives."

After hearing this, Liu Xiaowei's mouth twitched, as if she did not expect that things would develop like this.

The rest of the people also nodded. Although the current situation is very painful, this is also the best solution. At least this way there are still people alive.

"We can wait here for a while. If they fail to climb up, then we will leave first."

Someone mentioned something, and they all felt that they shouldn't leave so rashly.

In order to protect them, the two of them are now in such great danger. If they leave just as they say, it would look like they are no longer human.

Zhang Hao didn't know what was happening above. At this moment, he was already riding on the tiger and pushed it down heavily to the ground.

It would be impossible for this tiger to beat him. The opponent was like a rookie in Zhang Hao's hands.

The tiger was subdued by Zhang Hao, but it was still dissatisfied and kept struggling, as if just to throw Zhang Hao off.

Zhang Siyuan stood aside and couldn't say anything.

He originally jumped down to help Zhang Hao, but when he got down, he realized that Zhang Hao didn't need help at all. He could kill the tiger on the spot with one punch.

Zhang Hao did not do this, but looked at Zhang Siyuan with a serious expression.

"You also know that the blood of our mountain walkers has the effect of attracting and suppressing these animals."

"But this animal was not acting that way. Instead, it was very agitated."

After hearing this, the expressions of the two people became a little subtle, and they both understood what the other person meant.

It was obvious that there was something wrong with this tiger. It seemed as if it had been drugged. It was now very excited and out of control.

Zhang Hao directly stabbed the tiger's body with a knife. The tiger suddenly woke up from the pain and ran forward screaming.

Zhang Hao and the others followed immediately.

"Song Chengfeng should already know what he is going to do. They will make reasonable arrangements. If there are any special circumstances, he will report to us truthfully, so there is no need to worry so much."

Zhang Siyuan said something. He knew that Zhang Hao was also worried about the process there. In fact, there was really nothing to worry about. Song Chengfeng and the others were smart people, and they knew very well how to handle them.

Zhang Hao nodded, because he had been at the bottom of the mountain for a long time.

So he didn't know exactly what happened, so he could only understand the situation at the scene through what others said.

They chased the tiger all the way forward, and soon came to the cave where the other party lived. Zhang Hao smelled a strange smell in the cave at the door from all the way.

He motioned to the other person to cover their mouth and nose.

But he walked in calmly, he wanted to know what was in this cave.

When he walked in, he saw the tiger closing its eyes and concentrating. The tiger didn't seem to realize that he was being followed.

But with Zhang Hao's skills here, it's normal for the other party not to notice.

Zhang Hao glanced at the corner, where there was a jar of burned powder.

He didn't know that these movements could only be made by humans.

If this animal suddenly learned to make fire, it would be worthy of applying for a Guinness record.

So someone must have lit a fire here, presumably to cook something. Zhang Hao lowered his head and smelled it.

This taste is somewhat similar to the long-lost taste of Shan.

It is estimated that this is the same thing, Zhang Hao's eyes gradually became ugly.

He directly extracted the powder, and then he immediately figured out what it was!
  Isn’t this an emotional catalyst?

Mogan flowers and various well-known green leafy weeds were mixed together, and then something was made that could make people or animals become irritable and disown their relatives.

The person who can develop this thing is considered quite capable, and his abilities are much more exaggerated than everyone imagined.

"I guess all this was probably done by those wandering people."

At this moment, Zhang Hao's cell phone rang.

This is after they entered this dangerous place, they specially equipped a satellite phone. No matter how remote the place is, they can have a signal.

At a glance, it was clear that this message was specially sent by Song Chengfeng. After Zhang Hao answered the call, his expression became increasingly ugly.

Facts have proved that the existence of this group of students is really not innocent. Most of them were led there by someone.

Maybe the other students were very innocent, but there was really something wrong with this little girl.

Zhang Hao replied directly to the message, asking the other party to keep an eye on the little girl, while she had to deal with many more important troubles.

When Song Chengfeng received the news, he felt that everyone had almost finished their rest and could continue to set off.

"We have been waiting for a long time, but they still have not come back, which proves that this matter must not be simple."

"Anyway, let's be prepared to kill Zhang Hao and others."

Song Chengfeng deliberately said this because he wanted to feel the other person's emotions.

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Why, how could this be..."

"I, I clearly remember that he is very skilled!"

"It shouldn't be so miserable!!"

Everyone felt very devastated, and they didn't want to see things develop like this.

But all of this is true.

They have not been able to come up for such a long time, and they must have encountered an accident.

Everyone's faces were very ugly. They didn't expect that things would develop like this.

But Liu Xiaowei was different. She had a very bright smile on her face.

It's just that this smile is fleeting and disappears all of a sudden.

But Song Chengfeng was different. Song Chengfeng's visual acuity was better than that of ordinary people, so he paid attention to this expression.

He sneered, already making a decision in his heart.

Since she didn't want them to leave, he had to find a way to send them all out.

"I know what you're thinking, why don't you just leave this matter to me?"

The old lady suddenly spoke, she couldn't just do nothing like a waste, right?
  "I also remember the way here, I can take them all out."

They have roughly judged who has the problem. Now there is no need to get too entangled, just focus on the other person! (End of chapter)

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