My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 485 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

Zhang Hao saw what Li Gui had done and felt a little surprised.

This group of lonely ghosts is not very powerful, but their boss is very resentful, but these little ghosts are not the product of the same type at all.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao suddenly put a hand on the possessed team member's shoulder.

"You mean you can't exert much power on this mountain, but I don't think this ghost seems to be affected at all."

Zhang Hao asked with a smile on his face.

"This is what makes me angry. After that fierce ghost led the Taoist priest up the mountain, he hid himself. But I have been wandering on this mountain all year round. The mountain is full of my aura, so the formation arranged by the Taoist priest is Targeted me specifically.”

Li Gui clenched his fists. This move was so good at killing someone with a borrowed knife that all of his years of hard work were completely in vain. A good place was occupied by this group of doves in front of him.

"Do you think it's possible that these little ghosts came to the mountain to find the mountain treasure? After all this time, have they already found it?"

"No, I have been on this mountain for such a long time. I know the location of Shanbao in every corner of the mountain. It was hidden by me when I left. It is impossible for them to find it. .”

Li Gui chuckled and seemed very satisfied with what he had done.

"Oh, that's it. It sounds good. I thought your overlord would give up his lair so easily. It seems that you have put in some effort."

Zhang Hao spoke again.

He and the devil's interlocutor acted like no one was around, making the little devils standing aside extremely angry.

"Hey, what are you two mumbling over there? What about your mountain? I snatched this mountain with my strength. If you leave now, I can be merciful and not hurt you.

Otherwise, don't blame my men for being ruthless, none of you can escape. "

The Li Gui opposite Zhang Hao seemed to have thought of something, showing his fierce side and speaking with bared teeth and claws.

"Let's go, why are we leaving? Judging from the current situation of this mountain, I won't go anywhere unless I wipe out all of you."

As he spoke, Zhang Hao trembled, took out a talisman from his waist, raised his hand and pressed it towards the Li Gui opposite.

The talisman's seal emitted a dazzling light in the wind, dispersing a lot of the surrounding Yin Qi.

None of those little ghosts could stand the dazzling light emanating from the talisman and retreated a great distance in panic. Only the fierce ghost not only refused to step back, but also took the initiative to meet in the direction of the talisman.

"Well done, I want to see what you guys are capable of."

The golden talisman and the evil ghost were closely attached, and the light shone brightly for a while. The rest of the people squinted their eyes to see clearly what was going on. Only the possessed team members could see clearly, and the evil spirit dissipated little by little. .

But only a little bit, compared to Li Gui's own Yin Qi, that bit is almost negligible.

"Hahaha, you're talking big words. I thought you were so powerful, but now it seems like nothing more than that. I'm going to peel off your skin, beat your tendons, drink your blood, and send you to the eighteenth level of hell, where you won't be able to stand up."

In the first confrontation, the devil had an absolute advantage. The performance was extremely easy, while Zhang Hao was struggling.

Fortunately, although Zhang Hao was at a disadvantage, he did not suffer any damage.

"I'm a little bit underestimating you. Try another move from me."

Zhang Hao took out a blank piece of yellow talisman paper, bit off his index finger and wrote a big command character on it.

As soon as the yellow talisman comes out, all evil spirits will retreat, and the blood of the Taoist priest will naturally restrain all evil spirits. In addition, Zhang Hao used the orthodox Taoist exorcism order, so the evil ghost felt a great threat at the first moment.

This time Li Gui did not dare to step forward to continue the confrontation with Zhang Hao, and his body suddenly turned into a wisp of green smoke and floated behind the kid. His speed is naturally extremely fast, and he will not suffer any disaster if he hides like this. Unfortunately, his group of little devils can't withstand the blood of the Taoist priests. When the exorcism order fell, many little devils were killed by Mo Da. The Taoism was suppressed.

In just a moment, the bodies of many little ghosts became extremely transparent, as if they were about to disappear from this world at any moment.

Zhang Hao's condition wasn't very good either. This exorcism move seemed to consume him a lot. Zhang Hao's face was pale and his lips had no color at all.

It's just that at this time, the evil ghost opposite him no longer looked as arrogant as before. He didn't dare to bet on whether Zhang Hao could release the exorcism order again.

If this level of Taoism hits Li Gui's body, Li Gui's soul will be shattered if nothing unexpected happens. However, this countdown consumes a lot of energy. Li Gui is observing. As long as Zhang Hao's condition is not right, he will immediately Find a way to kill Zhang Hao.

Taoist priests are the nemesis of ghosts, but at the same time, the body of Taoist priests is also a great tonic for ghosts.

That pure yang energy is definitely a bright light in the dark night, which can drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters. As long as any evil ghost can take Zhang Hao away, hundreds of years of practice can be saved. This temptation is obviously great.

"Are you OK?"

The possessed team member noticed that something was wrong with Zhang Hao's condition, and immediately ran to Zhang Hao's side and patted Zhang Hao's back gently.

"Fortunately, it's just that the consumption is a bit high, but the moral character of these brats is not as high as expected."

"It doesn't take much effort to disperse them."

Zhang Hao smiled faintly and was about to continue taking action when a large transparent hand passed through his body and directly grasped his heart.


Zhang Hao's expression changed drastically and he looked at the possessed team members beside him.

"I can't figure it out either. Why do you have to come to this mountain? Are mountain treasures really that important to you? You carry so many oil bottles up the mountain alone. Don't you think it's like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth? Is there no life in death?

Since you don't care about your own life, I will accept your Taoist priest's body without mercy. It will definitely be much more useful than this one. Don't worry, I will do my best after I take you away. Use your light and heat. "

A sick smile appeared on the possessed team member's face. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

From the first time he came into contact with Zhang Hao, he really wanted to take away Zhang Hao's body.

But Zhang Hao's strength is too strong.

If he wants to seize Zhang Hao's body, it is tantamount to reaching the sky.

But fortunately, there is always an opportunity in everything. The miscellaneous hairs on this mountain are the best tools, as long as you can make good use of these miscellaneous hairs.

Then he can gain Zhang Hao's trust and take away Zhang Hao's body.

This method seemed flawless to that fierce ghost.

Not only can Zhang Hao be consumed by both sides, waiting to regain their own territory.

At the same time, you can also get the body you want to help you further your path.

This is simply a foolproof strategy that kills two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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