Chapter 486 Make yourself smart

"Do you think you're smart?"

Just when Li Gui's face was full of arrogance, Zhang Hao's originally flustered expression quietly calmed down.

"What do you mean? Don't you think my intelligence can't conquer you? Don't worry, after I get your way, I will definitely make good use of his mountain and several surrounding villages. I will make good use of it. "

As he spoke, the fierce ghost licked the corner of his mouth, revealing a trace of bloodthirsty light.

He could already imagine the scene where he would be invincible after acquiring Zhang Hao's Taoism.

"Well, if you hadn't thought of plotting against me, maybe I could have let you live. It's a pity that you didn't cherish this opportunity."

Zhang Hao shook his head pretending to be regretful, and then looked at the ghost who was beaten to death by him.

"Let me ask you one last time. Which one of you two is Shi Lei?"

As he spoke, Zhang Hao took out the scarecrow he had picked up on the bus from his arms.

Shi Lei was the mastermind behind the whole thing, but the aura on the scarecrow was very different from the auras of the two ghosts in front of him. Zhang Hao didn't recognize who was Shi Lei for a while, so he didn't rush to take action.

"Of course Shi Lei is me. After being driven out of this mountain, the essence of the world around this mountain was sucked away by the little devil on the opposite side. I had no choice but to attack the humans I didn't like.

But to be honest, human blood actually smells quite good, but it has a lot of impurities, and it takes some time to remove these impurities. "

With victory in hand, Li Gui was not in a hurry to attack Zhang Hao, but wanted to enjoy this hard-won "highlight" moment.

"It seems that you are the mastermind behind the whole thing. After killing so many innocent people, do you think you still have a chance?"

Zhang Hao snorted coldly, and then gently pinched a magic formula.


Fire suddenly burst out from the shoulders of the possessed team member.

The fire came suddenly and vigorously, and instantly burned away the talisman that Zhang Hao had quietly left when he pressed the opponent's shoulder.

The talisman cannot bring any substantial harm to Li Gui, but it can ignite the three fires of heaven, earth and man by burning itself.

It is precisely because it is not contaminated with too much Taoism. He couldn't bring harm to Li Gui, so Li Gui didn't notice it just now.

Now that the team member's three fires of heaven, earth and man were triggered by Zhang Hao, Li Gui, who was still sure of victory, changed his face and hurriedly withdrew the ghost hand that had penetrated into Zhang Hao's body.

The ghost wanted to extinguish the flames on the players' shoulders immediately, but how could Zhang Hao let him get his wish? As soon as the ghost's hand touched the players' shoulders, the relics wrapped in talisman seals appeared.


Li Gui screamed in pain. He never thought that Zhang Hao's calculations were so deep and that he had a dirty trick left in this place.

Li Gui himself was triggered by the three fires of the team members, and Li Gui was strongly suppressed. In addition, the sudden contact with the relic further aggravated his injuries and dissipated his anger.

All these years of Taoism were shattered by Zhang Hao in a matter of seconds.

In his current state, if he didn't break away from the team members' bodies as soon as possible, the only thing waiting for him would be to be burned alive by the team members' three fires.

Just when he wanted to take action, Zhang Hao took out another treasure of his.


Thunder sounded, and the ghosts present were immediately frightened and trembling.

Thunder is a pure yang thing that naturally restrains these ghosts. What's more, Shi Lei has lost much strength after Zhang Hao's torture. Now he can't move just by hearing the thunder.

"Hmph! You plotted against me. Don't you know that the ghosts who plotted against me before couldn't even go to the eighteenth level of hell?"

Zhang Hao snorted coldly and slapped the Thunder Tribulation wooden hammer hard again.   Boom, boom, boom——

Several more thunders rang out, and the evil spirit in Shi Lei's body was completely resolved.

Now he no longer dared to be arrogant in front of Zhang Hao.

"Master, please let me go, Master. Don't you want the mountain treasure? Master, I will take you to find it on the top of the mountain immediately, very quickly. Please let me go, Master."

Shi Lei begged for help in a panic. He felt like he was about to die. He remembered the fear he felt when he encountered death for the first time. He hadn't felt this way for countless years.

"Have you brought the things I asked you to bring before?"

Zhang Hao ignored Shi Lei and turned to look at the other team members.

"Bring it, captain, this is the small box soaked in the blood of a black dog that you mentioned."

One of the team members took out a small black wooden box from his backpack and handed it to Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao weighed it in the palm of his hand. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the box, he directly placed it on the chest of the possessed team member.

A strong suction force came from the box, sucking Shi Lei directly into the inside of the box, and then Zhang Hao locked him inside.

Most of the time, Zhang Hao would simply choose to beat the spirits out of those evil ghosts.

But now, he still needs the other party to lead him up the mountain, so he will be spared his life for the time being.


After doing these things, Zhang Hao turned his head and looked at the remaining ghosts who were standing aside.

Each of these fierce ghosts carries a strong murderous aura, and it is obvious that they have all joined the cannibal team.

Zhang Hao would never let go of these ghosts who caused trouble.

boom -

With a heavy slap on the thunder calamity wooden hammer, huge lightning fell from the sky to the surroundings of the ghosts.

In just two strokes, these man-eating ghosts were completely eliminated.

"Okay, there should be nothing special in this mountain."

Zhang Hao took a gentle breath, took out a few more talismans from his bag, and handed them to the hands of several team members.

"This mountain has been occupied by evil spirits all year round, and has accumulated a lot of evil spirits. When you hold the talisman and seal it, you will not be entangled by the evil spirits. After you go back, take a good bath, and then pay homage to the City God's Temple. Today we are here. All evil spirits encountered will disappear quietly.”

Each person carried three fires on their head and shoulders. During this period, these teammates followed Zhang Hao from the police station to the bus, and then to the mountain. All the way there were places where evil spirits gathered.

If they don't cleanse themselves of the evil spirit after returning home, the root cause of the disease may be left in the future and the power of the three fires will be weakened.

After the fire weakens, the probability of encountering evil spirits will also be greatly increased. Zhang Hao does not want to help them solve these trivial matters when there is nothing to do in the future.

Fortunately, after seeing Zhang Hao's magic, none of the team members dared to obey Zhang Hao's instructions. They silently wrote down what Zhang Hao said and looked at Zhang Hao with a cautious face. No one dared to refute.

Zhang Hao was very satisfied with their performance. After nodding slightly, he reached out and took back his relic from the hands of the team members.

"You kid want to take my baby all to yourself, right? You can't use this thing even if I give it to you, so why are you holding it so tightly?"

Zhang Hao sneered and patted the team member's shoulder again, dimming the originally strong fire.

(End of this chapter)

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