"Look carefully to see if anyone is missing. If there are any companions who were kidnapped together with you, tell me immediately!"

Zhang Hao didn’t know how many people there were in total. The number of people kidnapped was too large, so all he could do was try to rescue as many people as possible.

Time was running out and he didn't have time to make a careful distinction.

So the best way is to let these people make the decision themselves.

Since it involved the life and death of their companions, no one dared to take it lightly. After everyone checked, three people raised their hands.

"I was kidnapped along with my fellow villager, but she is not here now."

A man said, with an extremely anxious expression on his face.

He was rescued, but his companions were still there, and the thought of this made him extremely anxious.

One of the two people from the same village was saved, but the other died.

The living person must be full of guilt and wish to wander in pain all his life.

Zhang Hao could understand the other party's pain, so he immediately let him join the team. After asking the other two people, Zhang Hao suddenly discovered that the companions of these people were all women.

"The men are kept on this side, and the women are kept on the other side, right?"

Zhang Hao said thoughtfully.

Hearing this, everyone nodded immediately.

Chen Lijiu, who was standing aside, had his eyes flickering slightly and he obviously wanted to say something, but the tea stall owner immediately held him down.

"Here is some food. Share it among you. Those who can hold on try to hold on for a while, and give the food to those who need it more."

The tea stall owner distributed the food, then winked and asked Chen Lijiu and Zhang Hao to go to the other side.

Zhang Hao also had some guesses in his mind, so he followed immediately.

The three of them came to the other side of the cave entrance and pretended to analyze intelligence, but when they spoke, they talked about their recent discoveries.

"Sir, you have to be prepared. The situation on the other side may be even more tragic than this side."

The tea stall owner took a deep breath and said solemnly, but a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"I joined the Valley of Evil because my wife and children were bullied. I wanted to retreat again and again, just to seek peace for my family, but the other party did not give me a chance and instead forced me into a desperate situation. That's why I killed someone and escaped."

When talking about his past, the tea stall owner's expression was extremely ugly. Even after many years, when he recalled that day, he was still indignant.

Among the people who join the Valley of Evil, some are born bad, while others are not simply good or bad and cannot be distinguished.

"You killed someone and ran away. What about your wife and children? Are they still in your hometown?"

Chen Lijiu asked curiously.

Hearing this, the tea stall owner immediately shook his head and said with a wry smile:

"I was drunk at the time, and the other party started to fight again, so I resorted to knife-wielding in desperation.

He cut me and I cut him by mistake.

It was not until a few days later that I heard that this person had died. I fled with my wife and children at night. In fact, they lived not far away, in a small town outside the border. Occasionally, when I wanted to get information, I would go and meet them secretly. "

Since the tea stall owner decided to follow Zhang Hao, he had no intention of keeping the secret any longer.

Their family is their deepest secret and they will never allow themselves to talk about their family’s problems even if it means losing their own life.

Chen Lijiu was listening with a smile, but when he heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

"Old ghost, can you give us some psychological preparation? You suddenly revealed so many secrets, what do you want us to do?"

Chen Lijiu said unhappily, but he became more affectionate.

The tea stall owner chuckled.

"I've figured it out. Rather than continue living like this, I might as well take a chance with my husband. There aren't many opportunities to redeem myself from my crimes. I hope I can be a normal person again in this life, even if it's only for a few years. I want to appear in the world with my family in an upright manner."

The tea stall owner expressed his true feelings and then looked at Zhang Hao quietly.

No matter what he said, he had to get Zhang Hao's approval.

Zhang Hao looked at him silently, as if trying to judge his true thoughts.

After more than ten seconds, Zhang Hao nodded silently.

"You've passed the test. From now on, follow me."

Hearing this, Chen Lijiu's eyes suddenly lit up.

The gentleman's acceptance of the tea stall owner shows that he does not have any deep prejudice against the Valley of Evil.

"Boss, stop keeping us in suspense and tell us what's going on over there."

Chen Lijiu urged immediately.

The tea stall owner nodded.

"Boss, you know I used to sell intelligence. Over the years, I have always been able to find some very strange intelligence. Among these intelligence, 70% are related to female ghosts."

Hearing the word "female ghost", Zhang Hao cursed in his heart.

Anything related to ghosts and monsters must be related to Yin energy.

Zhang Hao didn't need to listen any more to know that this matter would definitely involve using the Yin energy in the woman to conduct an experiment.

Sure enough, when the tea stall owner continued speaking, Zhang Hao's words were verified.

“Boss, over the years, any news of a female ghost appearing would always occur in September, and the September Ghost Festival just happened last month.

I am worried that these women who were kidnapped are probably in great danger.”

After the tea stall owner finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Hao silently, waiting for Zhang Hao's order.

The situation has now developed to a point where it is no longer optimistic.

No matter how much they speculated, they still had to witness it with their own eyes.

Zhang Hao patted the two men on the shoulders, asked them to get ready, and then returned to the hostages.

There was not much food, and everyone ate a few bites reluctantly, but most people were still hungry.

What they wanted more than food was to see the sun.

Zhang Hao also knew what they were thinking and immediately led the team out.

After going out, a man came towards him. However, when he saw this man, Zhang Hao couldn't help but reveal a strange look.

This person is not a stranger, but an acquaintance.

The fat guy in Xiaomei’s anchor team.

This person was busy looking around, obviously not knowing where he was. When he saw Zhang Hao, he exclaimed, and immediately came forward and said in surprise:
"Old Immortal, I finally see you."

The little fat boy was taken away by Wei Sihao. Zhang Hao thought that he was with Wei Sihao, but he didn't expect that he was walking alone in the mountains.

Moreover, Wei Sihao and the fat guy should be in the Valley of Evil, so why did they come here like me?

After Zhang Hao asked some questions, the little fat boy looked confused and seemed to have no idea why he was here.

"Old Immortal, I have nothing to do with that man. He thought I was his descendant, but in fact, our two families have no blood relationship, so he let me go. But this is in the vast mountains, and I don’t know how to get out."

The more the fat boy spoke, the sadder his face became, and it was obvious that he was extremely aggrieved.

Zhang Hao felt more and more puzzled. Wei Sihao was neither here nor in the Evil Valley. Could it be that he had discovered some clues and was looking for the mastermind behind Kuang Dao in advance?

However, before Zhang Hao could figure it out, the little fat man suddenly slapped his forehead, exclaimed, and said, "Old Immortal, I remembered one thing. Just when I came over here, there seemed to be a light flashing on the next hill. Although it was only for a moment, I did see it clearly."

The next hill.

Opposite Eagle's Beak Rock is Tiger Peak, and on Tiger Peak, there is only one place where people can live.

Tiger Peak is quite strange. It is not a peak, but a steep cliff standing among the mountains.

The mountain is extremely steep, with a stone pillar extending to the sky, about four or five hundred meters high. There is no place to stay along the way, and only the area on the top of the mountain is habitable.

But if you want to reach the top of the mountain, you must climb the rock wall with your bare hands or with the help of tools.

For Zhang Hao, doing this is easy, but for an ordinary person, it is no less than escaping death.

If they go to Tiger Peak, Chen Lijiu and others will definitely not be able to go.

Even if they insisted, Zhang Hao would not agree.

This place is extremely dangerous. If there is any crisis, he will find it difficult to protect himself.

If it is just a Valley of Evil, then it would be fine. But what if there are many troubles behind the Valley of Evil?

Without Wei Sihao and without shadow, Zhang Hao's abilities seem powerful, but in fact he is just pretending.

Faced with an organization as large as Wei Sihao's, Zhang Hao was extremely alert.

"Boss, we are waiting for you at the bottom of the mountain. You go up by yourself. If there is any danger, you signal from the top."

Chen Lijiu said, and returned to the cave. After a moment, he came back with a rag bag, with a look of exhaustion on his face.

"Boss, this is a pile of leftover homemade gunpowder. It's obviously not suitable for blowing up mountains, but it's very powerful as a flare.

You take these, if they are not enough, I will get some more."

"These are enough. You wait for me at the foot of the mountain. If I notice anything wrong, I will call you over immediately."

Zhang Hao took the things and went up the mountain immediately.

Chen Lijiu looked at Zhang Hao's departing back, but Chen Lijiu and the tea stall owner were very worried. After discussing for a while, he suddenly remembered something.

"Sir, please wait a moment."

Chen Lijiu hurriedly called Zhang Hao to stop him, snatched a pill from the tea stall owner's arms, carefully handed it to Zhang Hao, and said solemnly:

"Sir, these things are really good treasures. If used properly, they can even save a life. Don't just take them as a tonic. They are magical medicines that can bring the dead back to life."

Zhang Hao was stunned for a moment, looking at the pill in his hand with a look of astonishment.

What on earth is this thing and how come it has such a powerful effect?
Zhang Hao put it close to his nose and sniffed it, and immediately a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes.

The pill was about the size of two fingers, and had a strong aroma of traditional Chinese medicine. Zhang Hao tasted it carefully for a moment and found that there was also a hint of the taste of bezoar.

In an instant, Zhang Hao thought of a possibility.

This miraculous medicine that can bring the dead back to life is mixed with precious bezoar. It seems that there is only one answer to this medicine.

"How did you get it?"

Zhang Hao couldn't help but ask.

There are not many things that can interest him, and this magical medicine called ox gall is definitely one of them.

When the tea stall owner saw that Zhang Hao was interested, he immediately chuckled, touched his nose, and said something embarrassedly.

"Boss, it's nothing. I stole this magic medicine from a smuggler. He was willing to spend 1000 million to redeem it, but I think the money is useless.

The Evil Valley doesn’t use paper money, so I didn’t agree. But after hearing this, this guy almost got mad to death.”

When Zhang Hao heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

He thought that this guy had picked up a treasure from somewhere, but he didn't expect that he had actually robbed someone else's treasure.

But Zhang Hao changed his mind and felt that robbing a smuggler was not a big crime.

A smuggler who dares to do business with the Evil Valley is obviously either a gangster or a smuggling tycoon. It would be better if such a person were robbed and went bankrupt.

"You wait here, I will reward you after I come back."

With the protection of the ox gallstones magic medicine, Zhang Hao suddenly felt more secure.

He was not a weak person, he was just too cautious, so he was a little more careful.

But Zhang Hao never felt that he would be in danger.

With the magical medicine of ox gallstones in hand, it is equivalent to having an extra life. In this world, Zhang Hao can't think of anyone else who can stop him except Chen Lijiu.

If he had intended to escape, no one could have stopped him.

At the foot of Tiger Peak, Zhang Hao slashed the stone wall with one hand like a knife.

The crack in the stone was extremely stubborn, and as Zhang Hao grabbed it, a crack gradually appeared.

Zhang Hao checked it briefly and attacked again.

After several consecutive attempts, Zhang Hao had already reached more than ten meters.

Looking down from here, everyone seems a little small.

"Boss, be careful, we are waiting for you down there."

Chen Lijiu said worriedly.

Zhang Hao nodded, gave them a reassuring gesture, and then sped up.

The 400-meter Tiger Peak was actually not a big deal for him.

With the help of the cracks and protrusions on the stone wall, Zhang Hao easily reached a height of 50 meters.

Walking further up, Zhang Hao suddenly discovered that there was a hint of chill in the air.

In addition, the earth energy seems to have increased a little.

Could this also be a trap?
Zhang Hao suddenly thought of the cave under Eagle's Beak Peak.

He asked Chen Lijiu to blow up the cave where the trap was.

I didn't expect that after hiding for so long, I would still run into another one.

However, Zhang Hao was just expressing his feelings and was not really worried.

The road up the mountain becomes more and more tortuous.

It took Zhang Hao half an hour to reach an altitude of 400 meters. During this time, when he grabbed a stone, perhaps because he used too much force, the stone shattered into pieces.

Zhang Hao immediately waved his hand and blew out a gust of cold wind, which swept the fallen rocks and blew them to an open space several hundred meters away, avoiding them from hitting the people below.

After Zhang Hao finished doing all this, he looked up again.

The appearance of the earth vein energy did not seem to attract the attention of the people above.

The reason why he climbed so hard was, on the one hand, that he did not want to alert the enemy, and on the other hand, if there was someone above him, he hoped to misjudge the other party's strength.

Facing an unknown enemy, Zhang Hao tried to be as cautious as possible and did not want the other party to discover his background.

While Zhang Hao was climbing the mountain, at the top of Tiger Peak, in a group of thatched huts, in one of the houses, a man was being scolded by the boss.

"How many times have I told you not to turn on the lights unless it is absolutely necessary? Do you know that your actions will expose us?" (End of this chapter)

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