The deathly aura on Yang Jinku's body had clearly already penetrated into his internal organs, so why was there no sign of decay on his skin and flesh?

Yang Jin's mouth cracked into a sneer, and he said leisurely:
"I remember your face. When I wake up again, I will look for you."

After Yang Jinku said this, his body seemed to have been drained of all water. He instantly became extremely shriveled and turned into a dried-up zombie.

Yang Jinku is also a zombie.

In an instant, countless thoughts came to Wei Sihao's mind, but in the end he just smiled leisurely.


In the cave.

After Zhang Hao passed through the secret passage, he came to an extremely strange hall.

In the hall, there stands an extremely large altar, on which are placed six incense sticks, each more than three meters tall. Standing in the cave, the air is filled with fragrance, the lights are dim, and there is a chilling feeling as if ghosts are crying.

Chen Lijiu couldn't help but shudder and said unhappily:
"This guy is obviously a living person, why did he use a dead person's decoration?"

"He has hundreds of incense candles in his own palace. Does he think he has lived too long?"

"There is a secret to this incense and candles. They are not for the dead, but for offering sacrifices and worshipping gods and Buddhas."

The tea stall owner was obviously a smart guy. He could tell the difference between the incense and candles after just a few glances.

Chen Lijiu didn't know the difference between incense and candles, so he approached the tea stall owner and whispered a few words. Then he returned to Zhang Hao as if to take credit, and said with a chuckle:

"Boss, guess what the incense and candles are used for?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Hao walked forward, went directly to the surface of the incense stick, and scraped off a layer of dust from the incense stick.

"There are scriptures engraved on this incense burner. In addition, the selected spices and wood are also very particular. This is fruit wood incense, which is specially used to assist meditation."

Zhang Hao said this and looked into the depths of the cave thoughtfully.

It seems that the interior of this stone gate is not just used to accommodate human traffickers.

Although Zhang Hao has not yet figured out the specific function of this place, based on the existing evidence, this place is not only involved in the Valley of Evil, but even involves a certain mysterious organization.

Zhang Hao had discovered this before.

The original Valley of Evil should have been just a place where evil people gathered together for warmth, but later on, because there were too many evil people gathered there, it gradually attracted the attention of a certain organization.

Although Zhang Hao didn't know what this organization was, they had maintained the existence of the Valley of Evil for decades, definitely not just to recruit a group of murderers.

These desperate people hid here, fighting each other, but also guarding against each other. It was obvious that they had been given a psychological hint that they must never leave this place, but they had to fight each other and could not work together.

The purpose of the Evil Valley's existence has become a place where a large number of murderers gather to compete to become the strongest one.

Who could this person be?

Is Lencent, the Lord of the Valley of Evil, the mastermind behind this?

Zhang Hao shook his head silently.

The Lord of the Valley of Evil should also be a chess piece. The real key person has always been hiding behind the scenes, and even at this time, he has not been exposed at all.

If he hadn't happened to meet Kuang Dao and controlled him to come here.

I'm afraid that until I leave the Valley of Evil, I will not have any connection with this organization behind the scenes.

As he was thinking, he heard Chen Lijiu exclaim.

Zhang Hao looked back and saw Chen Lijiu standing at the edge of the stone wall, holding a glass bead in his hand, at a loss.

This glass bead was placed on a lampstand. Chen Lijiu was probably just curious whether it was real, but he didn't expect that after picking it up, a stone door rose up next to it.

Behind the stone door, a new space was revealed, filled with gusts of cold wind and the stench of dead bodies. No one knew what it was used for.

"Sir, I didn't mean to do that. I just checked that there was no gap or joint on the stone wall. I didn't expect that a stone door would appear as soon as I picked up the object."

Chen Lijiu said awkwardly, holding the glass orb, not knowing whether to throw it away or put it away.

Zhang Hao waved his hand to reassure him for the time being, and then looked inside the stone gate thoughtfully.

Observing the stone gate from here, it seems that there is something special hidden inside the stone gate.

If his guess was correct, there should be a trap deep in this passage.

But this trap should have nothing to do with Mad Blade.

Kuang Dao came here to do business, even if it was a business that could get him killed, there was no need for him to be so hard on himself.

He set up a trap in his own passage that requires the energy of the earth veins to open. Isn't this just seeking death?

You know, there are not many people in the entire Valley of Evil who can open the channel set up by the earth's energy.

Or rather, it is simply impossible.

The energy of the earth veins is definitely not an ordinary energy. This kind of energy is everywhere in Canglong Mountain, but when it is placed here, it is enough to make people fight for it.

Ordinary people can neither master it nor have the channels to do so.

The earth energy here is luxurious enough to be used to set up formations, which means they have the method to create earth energy.

Is this a mystery from Canglong Mountain, or some other ancient heritage?
Zhang Hao was thinking when a voice came from the side.

"Sir, please take a look at this."

Zhang Hao looked to the side and saw a strange badge on the ground.

This badge is embedded in the gap between two stones, so it is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

The tea stall owner had nothing to do, but didn't want to be too idle, so he followed Chen Lijiu's example and looked for something between the cracks in the stones. Unexpectedly, he actually found something like this.

"What do you think?"

It's just a badge, with no origin and no description. Even if Zhang Hao is a god, it's impossible for him to find more information.

The tea stall owner is well versed in all kinds of information about the Evil Valley, so it is possible that he knows something.

Seeing Zhang Hao asking him, the tea stall owner was delighted, knowing that it was time to show off, and immediately perked up, thought for a moment and said:
"Sir, in my opinion, this badge can at least explain two things.

First, if someone has this kind of badge, they are from the organization. Otherwise, a badge cannot be customized in this style. This is obviously pressed out of a mold, and it is impossible for only one to be made."

Zhang Hao heard this and nodded silently.

The marks on this badge are caused by the craftsmanship.

The crude badges produced by this kind of processing factory can only be issued to ordinary people. People of noble status will not use such things.

And besides this, there is another point.

"Sir, look at the totem on this badge. There are both wild beasts and evil spirits on it, which shows that this organization is different from ordinary ones. They have their own set of beliefs and are not affected by external things. They don't care about what others say."

Hearing this, Zhang Hao immediately frowned.

The tea stall owner admitted the first speculation, but he felt that this one was very problematic.

It's just a totem that looks like an evil ghost. Is it necessary to make it so complicated?
Seeing that Zhang Hao didn't believe it, the tea stall owner smiled faintly and didn't insist. Then he said:

"Sir, besides this badge, I have other evidence. Please come and see it."

As he spoke, he took Zhang Hao to the altar next to the incense burner. There were some decorations on the edge of the altar. If it were an ordinary person, they would probably just regard it as lace or some useless design of the altar, but the tea stall owner had a very serious expression.

"Sir, please look at these laces. They are made of bamboo poles and crafted by carpenters bit by bit. Don't you think this craftsmanship is very strange?"

The bamboo laces on the edge of the stone platform are very beautiful and look high-end, but they do look a bit strange when placed here.

However, Zhang Hao wanted to explain the reason, but he couldn't.

Zhang Hao said helplessly:
"Just tell me what this thing is for!"

Hearing this, the tea stall owner stopped keeping the secret and immediately stretched out his finger.

The tea stall owner was very thin, with a body like a bamboo pole, and the joints were very obvious under the skin and flesh. When he stretched out his hand, Zhang Hao's face suddenly changed, and he instantly understood what the tea stall owner meant.

This woodworking technique of fitting bamboo poles together is just like the joints of the human body!

If it was just a decoration, one would not think too much about it, but this altar was obviously used for sacrifices. The incense and candles on the altar showed that sacrifices were often made here, plus the previous emblem.

The three confirm each other and form a perfect chain of evidence.

For a moment, Zhang Hao couldn't help but look up at the cave entrance.

What on earth did Kuang Dao want to do by setting up the entrance of the cave here?
Zhang Hao looked at Kuang Dao, who was still standing there, motionless, like an insensitive puppet.

But Zhang Haoche didn't know why, but he always felt that his eyes were staring at him.

"Sir, most of these people who do human trafficking are very strange. I think we should get in and out quickly so as not to cause trouble."

The tea stall owner said earnestly.

Zhang Hao nodded silently.

Normally he doesn't care about what others say, but today is different.

He has a lot of teammates, but they are all delayed by other things and cannot gather together for the time being.

Once he calls Yingzi and Wei Sihao over, any trouble can be easily solved.

"Chen Lijiu, seal this hole."

Zhang Hao said coldly without hesitation.

No matter what secrets are hidden in this cave, the most important thing now is to rescue the hostages here and send them back to the authorities.

The issues in the Valley of Evil cannot be resolved by him alone. If he wants to completely resolve the troubles in the Valley of Evil, he must let the official take action.

No matter what secrets there are, as long as the authorities intervene, it will be like thunder sweeping through a cave, wiping out all the dust in an instant.

As for the arrangements for Chen Lijiu and others, Zhang Hao has already thought about it.

They still have many uses and do not need to be sent to prison for the time being. If the forces behind the Valley of Evil involve many people, Zhang Hao can keep them by his side temporarily to redeem himself from his crimes.

In the end, how much credit they can get and how many years of their sentence can be reduced depends entirely on their own efforts.

In the corner of the cave, there is a wooden box, which contains not only some daily necessities, but also some homemade explosives.

Chen Lijiu received Zhang Hao's order and naturally would not hide it. He directly piled all the explosives into the cave entrance. He took a deep look at the depths of the cave and let out a wicked laugh.

"No matter what weirdness you have, since you dare to offend the gentleman, don't blame me for being rude."

Chen Lijiu chuckled and pressed the switch without hesitation.

There was only a loud roar, and the huge cave was instantly flattened to the ground.

Countless pieces of debris fell from above, instantly sealing the entrance of the cave tightly. Even if there was something strange, it would be blocked on the other side of the entrance.

There were only two of the three holes left. In addition to the incense and candles on the altar, there were some small torches in the other two holes.

There was no other source of fire nearby, so Zhang Hao simply cut off the incense and candles and stuffed them into the torch.

The fire lit up, illuminating the surroundings, revealing a gloomy cave deep inside.

Deep inside the cave, there was an even more terrifying black smell.

There is a layer of black cloth covering the deep area, and behind it is a row of nail traps.

If anyone breaks in here without a torch, they would probably be pierced by nails in an instant.

Zhang Hao grinned.

Kuang Dao has really taken great pains to protect this place.

It’s a pity that he underestimated himself.

"Boss, there's crying ahead."

Chen Lijiu had sharp ears and he instantly heard a burst of crying and his eyes suddenly lit up.

We were not in the wrong place to take this cave. After walking two more turns, the front suddenly opened up.

There were dozens of containers placed in the huge cave, and there were three people in each container.

There were hundreds of people in just three containers.

Zhang Hao's face suddenly changed, and he immediately asked Chen Lijiu to start rescuing people.

After a busy period of work, more than 70 people were rescued, and the remaining people were seriously injured and had fallen into a coma.

"Don't cry, we are here to save you, not to listen to your mourning."

Chen Lijiu said coldly, feeling annoyed by these people’s crying, he immediately scolded them.

Chen Lijiu showed the look of a villain, which immediately frightened everyone. They looked at Chen Lijiu cautiously, and after realizing that Chen Lijiu was not someone to be trifled with, they immediately stopped crying and shouted, and cautiously moved closer.

"I'm asking now, whoever is the doctor, take the initiative to step forward."

Chen Lijiu looked at everyone coldly, but no one present stepped forward.

Seeing this, Chen Lijiu said:
"There's no doctor. Is there anyone among you who knows how to take first aid?"

Hearing this, two people raised their hands and walked forward cautiously.

“Go check and see if they can be saved, and if so, try to find a way.

You were finally rescued. Wouldn't it be a pity if you died on the way to escape?"

The two men discussed with each other for a while, and the more mature man came over and said:
"Boss, we are not seriously injured. We are just too weak due to lack of food and clothing, cold and hunger.

If you can give us some water, food, and a few more clothes, we should be able to survive."

No food?

Chen Lijiu turned around and looked at Zhang Hao.

"Boss, this cave doesn't have a spare warehouse, but there are dozens of people gathered here, including a strong man. The food and clothing expenses must be huge, but we didn't see anything after we came in.

I think the supplies must be in the other two caves."

This reasoning makes sense.

Even if he wasn't looking for food for these people, Zhang Hao would still explore the other two caves. (End of this chapter)

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